Rules and Regulations (●´ω`●)

Welcome to my blog...:)

Actually I just want to extra post here, just in case my Wattpad account suddenly want to say bye bye to me HAHA~
So here is the rules and regulations in my blog.. *3*

Rules simple ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ:

1. No "thanks".(• ε •)
2. No rushing me. ( ;´Д`)
3. No spoiler…*If you know the story, just keep it yourself, ok?。◕‿◕。

No proofreading hence lot of grammar error, tried my best best to deliver out…If you are a grammar nazi, don’t read.. ಠ益ಠ
Lastly, enjoy the story that I trans~~! (ノ・ω・)

First let me said a few words:-
I never ask for any authority from the real author when come to translating. T_T
My trans is horrible hahaa...So I also think no one will copy it oh~~^^"
Alright till then ~~

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