ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 16

( ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 16)

After that day, I could not get out from his house for one step, in another saying, I got prisoner.

I understood his intention. He just wants slowly and slowly tortured me, little by little, quietly.

Just like he usually will kicked me, slap me, although such beat cannot be consider as violence, not that pain, did not leave any scars, but full of insult. With that nor despise nor angry expression kicked over, as if trying to shoo a dog that blocking his way.

Lu Feng seems to be very busy, busy until cannot escape, he got too much thing that is beside him and also too much…people. So he doesn’t really have lot of time to “take care” me.

I got the right freedom to walk around in the house, but I do not use it often. In the corridor or living room will bump in to Lu Feng with young man to have some improper action, make me become more embarrassed : Got one time, without any reason he straight give me a slap in front of the child, the child’s eyes widely open, got shook and also despise, since then I don’t really go out from the room.

Every night he will come visit me when I fell asleep. According to his word is to enjoy my ugliness during sleeping.

I really felt this is so meaningless. I got what kind of look he never sees before. We once very familiar toward to each other. When I got nervous, I will talk in my dream, bite nails, sometimes will sob like a child, all these habits also he will told me in the next morning.

Why he want purposely in the middle of the night wake up and sat at the bedside to watch, really I became old, really like how he said be uglier than before?


I again finally dreamed about him. Dream him at the Town X’s seaside bridge, no other pedestrians, only got vehicles speeding roaring from the side, the night is heavy, there are little star in the sky, we face to face each other hugged together, under our feet is the calm sea.

He is so mighty tall, one hand then easily grabbed me into his arm, head under his chin, nose got pressed on his solid chest, got a little pain, feeling very warm.

“It seems like the world only left two of us.” He said “now can vowed, vowed that you will forever stay with me.”

“What if you drive me away?” I joked.

“You also cannot go.”

“Hey, you are being unreasonable…”

“Ok or not?”

“Ok.” Maybe is because of this particular person’s request, how unreasonable I also will accept.
 “If you really run away, I will use every means way to catch you back.”


“Lock you up, break your legs, so you won’t get to run away.”

His face near so close, his face almost branded inside my retina.

“Even you hate me, I also will do it, understand?”

This is not a big deal, I know is because you love me.

PS: Shao Ye know in movie is Lu Feng who dream but remember this is under Xiao Chen POV so it obviously is Xiao Chen who dream about it....>3<


The moment wants to firmly grasp on him that time, I got awake, and being loss of sight looked at the face that appeared in my dream.

“What beautiful dream you had dreamt?” He scoffed “Even the dialog also very interesting?”

I close my eyes and look at other side, half of the face hidden in the pillow, secretly rub off the tear that flow out during the dreaming.

“Oh ya, think back got something good to give you, had almost forgotten.” A disc thrown in front of me, amused with my baffled expression, and then adds up another sentence “The lead is you.”

I suddenly stared until my eyes going to burst out make him feel very happy, he sat down and continue smile “The effect is very good, do you want to watch…Of cause, I will never let outsiders to enjoy it, you can rest assured.”

My stiff expression relaxed a little, he then smiley added “Just that send a piece to Zhou Wen Yang, you got no opinion, right?” He looked as if nothing see me stood up, trembling lips and look like cannot said out anything, just like saw something that is funny then laughed out “Why so agitated, give him a piece is a must to do it, one is he most beloved dad, another is his most beloved crush, how can I not let him see.” …..

“Why, so surprised? You don’t know?” He sympathetically shook his head “Told you don’t go too agitated…You see, fall down? Plus he early already seen it, even now you rushed back home for what use?”


The next few days, he never come to bother me, let me alone be my own frightened bird, once heard the phone rang will immediately jump up, afraid that is Wen Yang.

惊弓之鸟 (Jīng gōng zhī niǎo):- It mean a human that got frightened before and once encounter a little movement, will make them got afraid too.

When Wen Yang finally called over, I was having fever.

Weird thing is Lu Feng actually called doctor for me, I thought he will never care about me, or maybe he will never found out that I am sick. He busy to deal with so many people, toward me is just despise, even when he walk past by me, his eyes also won’t glance on me.

One hand hanging the bottle, another hand frantically takes the phone to near my ears.

“Dad.” His voice sound very tired.

“Wen Yang, I am not….” I am being anxiously wanted to make a little futile kind of excuses.

“I know.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “I know you are not. Is none of your business….Right?”

I tremble holding the phone.

After a long silence, he then gently said “I trust you, dad.”

I couldn’t even believe got such generous of judgments, hold the phone intently until the tears almost came out.“What happen, Zhou Wen Yang come and find you?” Don’t know when that tall man standing on the door while stretched his slender body, smiled.

Wen Yang’s unconditionally trusted makes me slowly slowly have the courage “He never blames me.”
“Oh?” Lu Feng tilted one of his eyebrows, faintly smiled.

“He trusted me.” Unexpectedly added one more sentenced. Don’t know say to who to listen.

“Really? Congratulations to you ah, you son really put you very noble.” Lu Feng still have that faintly smile expression, thoughtfully looked at me “So fast then have your spirit? His one word is more effective compared to any medicine ah, seems like you really take good care about your dad’s image.”

The fever that hasn’t been reduced finally slowly going down, I think I am going to recover soon.
Lu Feng had never touched me, I know he feeling unworthy, he had been repeatedly emphasize that he totally have no interested on me this kind of old and non-attractive man.

For this I really must thanks him. I really became old, without even notice, son also become so big like that time being with him, if still doing this kind of thing, isn’t it a bit humiliating.

“What are you dazing off?” When that tall man opened the door is always that rough, the strength is amazingly strong, no wonder most of the door here must be made by pure steel, so it can be used for last long and less maintenance.

Haven’t waited for me to respond, he then come in himself, heavily sat on the bed, in the middle of fragrance still linger with a strong alcohol smell, don’t know where he went for social entertainment, or….maybe finished his enjoyment.

“You are so eyesore.” He murmured, it obviously he got a little drunk, or not he won’t said this kind of word yet kept on watching me, “Just look then feel…” His voice kept getting low until it completely disappeared, he then no longer said anything, just head down and stared at my face.

After fall a sick, Lu Feng seemed to treat me a little gentle, don’t have mock nor tease, also never beat me…

Once have such thought, his hand stretched over. I automatically close my eyes, and move backward a bit.

Expected should be a several pain on the cheek that might be coming, but then it was chin that lifted up, and suddenly there this hot sensation on the lips.

“Not bad.”

I got a feel like getting electric shoot while covered my lips, looked at him in horror.

“I today want to change the taste.” He smiled, easily grabbed on me. His strength is still like last time, horribly strong, there is no way to resist.

“No, Don’t want…”

I am not young anymore…You won’t have any interest on me…I used all my energy to struggle under his suppress, you let me go only…

“You scare of what.” He lightly chuckled “Not like never do before, why so nervous? Plus…” He used his knee to block against my kicked legs, “Maybe after touching…Feel your performance is not too bad, I will then forgive you…Who know right?”

I panted heavily, too long never do exercise, once struggle will easily felt exhausted.

Shirt completely took off, he looked down at my bare undulations chest, then suddenly bite on it.

The mixed pain on the chest stimulated me hurried reach out my hand to push his head away, yet my wrist got firmly grasped and fixed on the top bed, unable to against the posture, a shame feeling mixed with an unfamiliar feeling, is like a current water that come up, I screamed “No…Lu Feng, I beg you…”

“You scream for what?” He forced his tongue even more, “I willing to touch you, you should feel happy…Isn’t it like that…”

One bites on the waist, and then slowly licked “Why can’t you imagine that maybe I fall in love with you back?”

Hands already been released, yet I still cannot move, don’t know when my long pant got pulled down, the most sensitive place that is inner my thigh suddenly got tightly sucking, his lips as like a leech that touch against the most delicate nerves of the location.

Blood kept on flood down, my mind suddenly blank, my hand and feet all spasm, hissing out “No, Don’t want…”

“Really don’t want?” He let go his lips, finger hook to open my underwear, his tongue then probe inside the valley.

The place that been untouched for so many years…The squirm from the tongue make me turn crazy, wanted to stand my upper body to break apart from him.

Even the last little of block also got torn off, the tongue entered without any hindrance, willfully licking and probe in, rolled in, my legs then nervously curled up, the trembling knees were forced to separate, he sucked and kisses even more force between my legs, not an inch he had missed, until I can voice out a small sound from my dry throat. Thighs then heavily hold up high, I hurried to revolt him, but my lower body that got vacant up cannot even put up any effort, only can witnessed him come over, without a word pressed on my hip.

“Cannot, Lu Feng….” I am still mechanically repeated, he had already heavily thrust in, forcefully entered.

“…” I couldn’t make it out any sound, just heavily panted, my back on rubbed violent back and forth on the bed sheets, feeling tingling yet pain. The lower body kept on passively shake.

Hot… Till unbearable.

His body with this violent kind of pain, it is already become far away stranger in my memory, but it seems like somehow….familiar, it seems blurred maybe because it against with a thin layer of yarn, mixed together, body tightly close to each other, just like there is no distance existed between us, just like the long twenty years is like he left me just to go living room to pour a glass of water for me only, just like we had always been together, not even a minute we had separated each other.

He brutally folded my leg to suppress against his chest, and then he thrust even deeper, I stood straight my neck, the sound that forced by him out half-way then get blocked.

He is kissing me.

I baffled opened my eyes…Weird, I…I don’t understand, why want to kiss me?

Isn’t it just wants sex only? This deeply passionate kiss…Isn’t it too much? Or another saying…Too necessary?

Why want to kiss me?

Below of the few collisions make me suffocated, view in front all turned black, struggling to find opportunity to breath under his lips and teeth.

His lips had never let go, clinging sucking on me, tongue probe in and entangled, breathing hot, naturally and skillfully kissed me.

 “….Xiao Chen….”

Why do I feel so unrealistic. Are you calling me?....It seemed like long time…there is nobody who call me like this, I had almost forgotten.

 “Xiao Chen….”

I also know I am very weak, just a few time of passionate kiss, just a few time of gently call me, just like he really love me back, just like I had never hated him, just like he had never hurt me, as is seem like can go back to the past, just like simply hugged him then that is nothing to be afraid….

“Xiao Chen…” His warm big hand at the back skillfully finds my thin butterfly bone, use strength to support, back and forth caress.

You, is it you still remember, as long like this caress, I won’t feel any pain?

I sobbed and put my arms around his neck.

Lu Feng, I am really, truly, miss you a lot…



The action suddenly stopped. Lu Feng’s broad shoulder blocked my view, I what also cannot see, but that lightly word that is so clearly, sharp enough go through my eardrum, had already piercing to my heart.

I stiffly lay down, cannot even move, as if limbs and blood all solidified.

Lu Feng stood straight up, expression being cold enough looked at the door, he doesn’t look surprised, nor felt unexpected, as if Wen Yang showed up is simply under his control.

I suddenly understood everything.

What caress, what kiss…All are fake…All also I think too much…

He just wants to make a fool out of me.

The End


Real Rant!! Skip it if you can’t stand it, skip it if you can’t stand, skip it if you can’t stand…*Ok mentioned three times so fair between me and you*

First let me mention few things again…When I said no spoiler mean no, like seriously if you want spoiler, I can give you guys or answer everything when you guys ask but I did not because I don’t want burst you guys’s bubble. I only said this novel is HE, that it so please, if you really got the urge to say thing that related next chapter or what, do it on your profile…Thanks…

Second, did I posting that slow until human need to rush me? Like seriously? I really try my best to do the trans, to update at least once a week and now I said I almost finish translating Vol 2, yes I left few chapter and since Vol 3, I will only start during Dec of the second week. That why I rather post finish Vol 2 first then put on hiatus for few weeks then start on Vol 3…YET why human still want rush me??? Why want to ask when next chapter coming, why want to ask “update please?!” I really don’t get it…

I will ask myself “am I posting slow?” or did I really put on hiatus for a long period until human need to rush me for update?! For most of old readers should know I always plan to stop this project and even plan to stop due to the ‘report case’ but I did said as long got one reader is there for me, I will trans and of cause I love FengChen among all the pair in Lan Lin’s universal so I will still trans.
Sighed, I want to continue cry thinking am I that bad, just because my trans is lousy so I must trans fast is it?? T3T Human world too scary, go back my own planet…*sob sob*


Btw, I recall this chapter took me the longest time and sorry if I can’t trans those erhem part accurately…T_T!! Really sorry T_T I want continue cry for Xiao Chen…Stupid Lu Feng…=3=…*shoot die you!! Bang bang bang*
Actually I decide to post fast the reason is because I also want comment with you guys ah, since I am going busy start from this month…T^T~!!!
Till Then~~TATA!!!

Repost back at 20.12.2016 by ShaoYe

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