ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 15

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 15)

Never thought that Lu Feng will still contact me. Thought that day before went back the sentences “got time then contact” is just for polite only, he actually called me, and also let me go to his house.

Is go to his house, not company.

I nervous until my face flustered. I don’t have simply thinking any cranky or what, just that out the company, he probably won’t talk about any business issue, asked again how many salary I want, said until like I want to use those old days to took his benefits only.

His “house” makes me go a bit shocked. Thought that villa it is just a refined small building, luxury swimming pool, adding alone with a vanity style of tennis court, turn out I walked for ten minutes it is just a maroon color of stone road, the kind of road that can let those medieval horse’s hoof to walk and produce the sound of ‘da da’, along the road will go through a huge garden, inside the garden that full of kind of roses, of cause there is the commonly palm tree and wild banana that can find in South, showed out a small pool inside the deep shade, floating alone with water lilies and yucca, as if a posture that is just leisurely awaken.

The main house had a dark grey color with a similar like a castle model, circular arc of floor, narrow and long of shutters, surrounded by many green vines, the steeple of pine on a side swayed on the columnar of the roof. If I were a girl, in this kind of place will eventually think of Cinderella.

Yet what I thought I was familiar is that he would rather squeeze in a small apartment that enjoy a little of bliss kind of Lu Feng.  Such a style that makes him so distant away, it is completely feel like a stranger.


“Just sit down.” He wore very casually, just a cashmere sweater, casual trousers, barefoot walking around on the long wool carpet in the house, as if he intentionally wore differently than me who obviously picked out the clothes to wear.

He looked me again, eyes fall on my shirt that is newly open, showed a funny smile, I felt uncomfortable and ashamed, I also don’t know why I will be stupid enough to wear a new clothes to come over…Actually this is not a big deal, buy a new clothes confirm will have a first time to wear it out, but let him use that kind of stare to look through, as if I am being magnificent till ridiculous funny.

“Drink some wine.” He handed the glass, don’t know why he casually looked at the time.

“En.” I took the glass but only held onto my hand.

“Try and see, the year of the red wine is quite good, you probably will like it.”

“Oh.” I take a sip, breath out. “It is quite nice.”

He smiled, revealed his shiny white teeth. “I knew you will like it… Yes, why show a suspicious stare? I of cause still remembered your taste.”

“Oh….” In a moment I got a little touched, quietly drank finish the whole wine.

“Lu Feng….”

“Yes?” He causally turned the glass around, as if listening to a low sound of music that slowly came out one by one.

“I am really sorry, that time suddenly disappeared….” I swallowed “I am sorry, but I really cannot accept it…Mom and little brother case, can you understand? Those things come up too suddenly…I need some time…So…After that come out some stuff, no way to come and find you….”

Raise my head and looked at him who being absent-minded kind of expression.

“Lu Feng?”

“Ah?” He just then noticed that I was talking. “Ah, just now what did you said? I am sorry ah, I got distracted, is it ok for you to repeat again?”

“….” I awkwardly wave my hand “It is nothing.”

“You alone stay in here?” Town T of land is very high cost, this kind of size of house cannot just use “luxury” to be described.

“Yes ah, still don’t have a mistress, of cause don’t have a mister too.” He then smiled, looked at me “Why, got a bit disappointed?”


“If you that time never leaves me, all of these are belongs to you, right?”

I got baffled, haven’t had enough time to speak, he then laughed “Just joking, no need to be nervous.”

“Of cause, that time I almost became a pauper, no need to say you, even myself also never think that I can stand back up.”

I feel weird, only can head down and drink another sip of wine.

“So cannot blame you don’t have taste.” He suddenly came close a bit “Oh ya, heard that you married with Zhou Fei’s daughter, quite good mah, congratulations for you.”

I suddenly feel whole body feel freeze, face pale while stared at him.

“Family Zhou in Town T is indeed a wealthy party, I never thought that you can be so capable toward woman.” He touched his chin and smiled “But end up still divorced? What a pity, being a high rank son-in-law make you uncomfortable? Then…You come find me, because Zhou Lan had abandoned you, or because you know that I am more power than Family Zhou, so abandon her?”

I feel that the logic is all blurred out. What he saying, as if already beyond of my scope of understanding.

“What happen? Your face looks miserable? Got anywhere feel uncomfortable?” What he used is such a caring tone, but I could not find any relevant expression on his face.

“Don’t have…” I slightly shivered. Clearly that my heart felt cold, but body feels more and more hot… A strange of suddenly feeling hot.

I endured it and tightened my knees together, a layer of cold sweat on my forehead.

“Is it I said something out that makes you got afraid?” He chuckled “You no need to be afraid, I had almost forgotten the entire past thing. That time I am empty-handed, indeed cannot be compared with Family Zhou, no wonder you will change your mind. It is just why you never notified me, coax me to go New York to do the finish the procedure, then immediately come back to pick you up, but end up, poof to the air.”

 “It is not like that, I….”

“You had always like me? After so many years also cannot forget? Now want to reconcile back?” He smiled while looked at me, clearly understood “Isn’t it?”

My brain getting more and more confused, only feel his laugh is strange, what he said also strange.
Although he told me to come, although he smile at me, although he is very gentle…

But why I will feel he actually doesn’t want to see me.

He face slowly zoomed in front of my eyes. “What happen?”

I only then noticed that my own posture had curled up on the sofa.

“Is it sick?” He smile while asked, don’t have any meaning of worry, instead he calmly put his palm over my face “So hot ah?”

The cold touch make my whole body got greatly shaken, nearly never notice put my face tightly against him.

He “tsk” and laughed out, took away his hand, appreciate my burning face. “You are really…interesting…”

His finger simply unbuttoned my shirt, the chest that exposed also very crimson, just that casually fingertips that touched mine also feeling horribly terrible, he use his nails and gently scratched on it, my back then intensely bounce up, then heavily fall back, panting while curled on the soft fabric, as if like a choking fish that fall on the beach.


I understand what is happening. That glass of wine is not that thoughtful.

“Jesus Christ, age already so big, use a bit of drug also will sensitive until like this.” He laughed while retreat his hand, sit and wait while looked at me who being awkwardly breathing while struggled.

“Feeling miserable? You want ah?” The finger come over and slightly touched on my chest, I then shed my tears while losing control and rubbed over him.

“I am sorry ah…I totally have no interest on you this kind of age…”

I blindly twisted, my face is full of salty wet liquid, and image is totally ugly in front of him. I just hope that I have a little more self-control, but there is no way, body as if not belong to me.

One little way I also don’t have.

The drug effect had completely made me lost my rational, in the midst of confuse, I actually went to pull his clothes, until he harshly slapped on my face.


The pain is not really obvious when in that chaos moment, I just shrink a while, and then tightly grabbed on the sofa, hysteria curled up.

“En, is it everything well prepared? Very good….Go prepared the thing, here also almost ready.” I listen to his calmly speak to the phone, and then grabbed on me “Hey, isn’t it you really wanted? So pity, what about like this…I find someone to help you.”

Blurred looked at a child who lying motionless on the bed that time, my first reaction thought is Wen Yang, however it is fortunately saw that face was a stranger unfamiliar face.

I am being selfish feeling fortunate that he is not my son.

“It is very young and handsome.” Lu Feng at the back use his leg kicked me, the drug stimulate me make hardly to stand straight.

“It cannot withstand, then go ah.” !!!

Go…Go and hold that unconscious child?...He and Wen Yang is almost the same age…

I cramp up and shrink backward.

“Up to you, see how long you can bear with it.” He seems impatient.

I know there is camera behind looked at me, but even the clearly of knowing it cannot help to reduce half of the body pain that going to explode due to burning.

When my saint is already completely collapsed, my hand still ran out of control reached to the child that nearly pale until transparent, mechanically doing it while tears keep flowing it out, doing halfway then he woke up, at first he still struggling, and then no longer move, just that he stared with me with full of hatred, like a small animal kind of eyes that keep glared at me that seem to be cracked out, so big and round, I do not dare to look at him.

The hateful and despised stared of him.

I still clearly remembered it after I passed out.

Non-stop having nightmare, can’t eat well, all night insomnia. From the mirror I saw myself that time is already pass a long time.

I never thought I will be till so filthy to rape other people, plus it is an innocent kid that is similar like my son’s age.

Even he tell people to take turn to rape me, I will only be sad, won’t until guilty till whole body also feel uncomfortable.

He definitely knows use what kind of way only can hurt me.

The End


*Can ignore this, can ignore this, can ignore this, just my personal thought and my own stress regarding this chapter*

I don’t know what to say….

I only know when I trans, my mind is like killing me however I want to say maybe due to something happen in my reality life(is a small matter, is I who make it big =.=) so even when I trans this chapter, I doesn’t feel that hurt or stress, I guess??

I know in this chapter lot of human will hate Lu Feng, is ok, is ok, is ok….T_T Just hate only, just bash him only but don’t too much…T3T….

Ok, I need to go to corner and continue emo…

Till Then..T3T~

Repost at 1.12.2016 by ShaoYe
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