ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 14

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 14)

Get to know Ke Luo is a very coincident of coincidental thing. That time Wen Yang already study at University T, I started driving---With along non expensive new products, barely can be used only---To see him, might as well being a busy body buying items for son, this brat doesn’t even stay at dorm but rented a house at outside, really suspicious and hateful, according to him that is was a boy that stay together with him, then why every time when I went that time so coincidentally he is not there? Make me become like all of father who had a nineteen years old son being so cranky and suspicious when I started my car.

Then almost suddenly bang into a little brat, that brat holding a laptop and umbrella that swaying around, walk across the road, the thrilling degree make me take a cold breath, it is normal to have more accident on the road during the rain, yet he still dare to ignore the traffic rules, nowadays the brat….

Maybe because he got a bit like Wen Yang---Alright, I admit this is maybe being a father of empathy, saw all the similar age one is like my own son---Maybe because my age got a bit old that why like to nag, so can’t help but parked my car at the roadside, came down and pulled him over plus lectured him.

PS: Xiao Chen, I also want be your daughter…*3*!!I will be the most docile and most adorable one…(slap myself first haaha)

When close look really feel his facial features got a bit similar like Wen Yang, plus he is very docile, once I blurted out then his face turned red, head tilt down really cute, make me feeling guilty and still continued “Alright, anyway in future, you must be careful, if you dad saw you today being such danger, even his heart is good also will got horrified by you until cannot beat.”

Little brat pouted “I don’t have a dad.”

“Huh?” I end up making a big embarrassed, totally awkward, “I am sorry…” Only can take his laptop from his hand to rip off the topic or not it will make the situation become more awkward, “Your computer got problem? Raining so heavily still carry it out?”

“It is spoil, but I am rushing to take out the thesis to write finish…”

The flood of fatherly love began to work again “Really? Uncle is working under this area, want me to help you take a look.”

I drove the car taking Ke Luo and his beloved laptop together back to home, this is how our first time getting know each other.


Ke Luo and me hit off instantly, totally forgetting our age gap, he also study at T University, his age is really few months behind compared with Wen Yang, I then automatically took him as my half-son to take care, so when little brat very trustable toward me and ‘come out’ to me that time, I got a little sad.

T/N: The come out here is mean “telling someone your sexuality.” This is very commonly used in China or in any sentences?? Correct me if I am wrong? I once saw my friend posted about her/him come out in media social. >///<

“You are gay?” Feeling unbelievable so again asked to make sure.

“Ya.” Little brat nodded and then nervously looked at me “Uncle…will you look down on me?”

“Won’t wont.” I shook my head. My sad doesn’t have other meaning, it is just I understand this road is very hard to walk, don’t want him to walk very hard at every step only.

“Got someone you like?”

Tsk….The red face appeared to be look super sweet, can’t help but got a little jealous.

“What kind of person it is?” Sigh, once age become big then become very gossiping…

“He is much older than me, very mature and very courage, and also very handsome…” He answered very revealing “He is very good to me, although he treats other indifferently but he treats me is differently, he is really dote on me…”

“Oh?” I typed on the keyboard while eating potato chips “He also?”

The face that full of bubbles suddenly collapsed “Don’t know…I never ask…Should be no…Because once he know I am, he seems like very angry…”

“That not mean doesn’t have any hope, maybe he is just too surprised, cannot digest on the spot, wait some time then see again, who know maybe will have another turn” I being a proud veteran said.

“Really?” Little brat thought a while, never pay attention to the potato chips that got finished eaten by me.

“You slowly think ah, wait me to finish this one.”

“Uncle, why you want to do so many part-time ah.”

“Ah…Salary not high, not enough to use…”The fact is to avoid myself become idle and bored and then thinking cranky stuff, once busy can enrich the life and the time can flies a little faster, or not the life will be boring and hard to go with it.

“Then why you don’t want to change other company?”

After all, a child is still a child, where got it said until so easy.

“I know a boss from a big company, his benefits is very good, uncle, you are so strong, experiences also rich, he confirm will be happily to employ you.”

Save it, just become your love consultant then you starts to kiss my ass.

Once listen to him and then forgot, who know Ke Lou one day asked me out, tell me that he already do an appointment for me.

Is there some mistake, my boss will eat me if he were to know.

But don’t want to pour cold water on his warm water, only have to bite the bullet to face the battle. Ke Luo is very concerned about me, afraid that I will be frightening, he purposely skip his class to take me to see my ‘future boss” for a meet, company by my side like a very spiritual little chicken.


 “….Here?” I hesitated and looked at this familiar building.

“Yes ah.” He excitedly took me inside, the once young lady that being cold to me politely called him Master Ke.

“Don’t tell me the boss you said is….” Inside the elevator, I am being anxiously looked at the figures that kept changing.

“Is uncle Lu ah, he is very interested in you, until want to personally interview, usually this kind of thing is let the below people who do it…Although he is very busy, he still specially took some time out oh, uncle, you see your charm really big ah…”

PS: Shao Ye also want to say “Yes Uncle Chen, your charm so big ah…T3T…Don’t know want like Ke Lou or hate him…He is bringing a lamb to a crocodile ah….T_T!!

“….Real…Really…” My voice sound dry.

My palm is cold and hot, all is sweat, Ke Luo already went out, before that he is kind enough and whisper to my ear said uncle good luck, no need to be so anxious.


However I still break out the sweat, opposite me the man who sat in a proudly posture, although really want to see him, but on this time I don’t even have a courage to face up my head to see him.

“Yi Chen mah? Long time no see.” He opened his mouth first, smiled with a formal tone “Please sit down.”

I sat down, hand still terribly trembling. If can be like him being so calm then good…How can he remain so calm?

“Never thought you at Town T.” he paused. “I thought you should be finding me earlier.”

Much more expected than what an important people usually said, I feel ease a bit, finally put focus on his face. He is still remained handsome like in the past, time never really changes his outline, only sharpened his edge making him clearer and more mature. Still the same mixed blood of 3D features, but don’t have any arrogance appearances like how European should have. Deep and subtle, still the familiar face in my memory.

I got pleased with this discovery.

He is not like me, he seem like never get old, it seems like he is still the twenty years ago Lu Feng.

“Huh?” saw him got a little ironic laughed, I then realized that my face who daze while looked at his face for a long time, can’t help but feeling distress “I…I have been earlier looking for you, but because no appointment, so…”

 “Oh.” He understood and nodded his head “So you found Ke Luo? Using him is one of a good way.”

Why got a feeling like very harsh, I feeling puzzled looked at him.

“Ke Luo is still a child, naïve, and also very enthusiastic.” He laughed “He really brought lot of convenience to you, right? Ah alright, let we talk about the business thing, heard that you want to come here for work?  In here you this kind of employees the general salary is….”

“No.” I busy interrupted him, his tone got a bit of feeling like I got contempt by him “Is Ke Luo who being too enthusiasm, I do quite good in my current company…Never intend to change…”

“Well?” He again smiled “Like this? Of cause, we are old friends, if you got a need, I can increase your salary, how much you want also can say, no need to be polite, as long is in the reasonable range, I also can promise.”

“….Really no need…” I being hurried “I never plan to quit…”


I nodded, looked at his face and feeling confused. We twenty years never see…Sitting here and discuss about salary?

“Then alright, if you got nothing else.” He looked at his watch “I had made an appointment with customer, do you…”

“Oh.” I being alert stood up. “Then I excuse myself.”


Ke Luo at outside waited for me, being excited “Uncle, how it is?”

“Ah?” I am still in trance.

“So next you are going to work in Uncle Lu’s here, right?”

“Ah…” I bitter smile, “No such thing, I never plan to change job…”

“Why?” Ke Luo carefully looked at my expression “…Is it…Uncle Lu said something that doesn’t sound good? You don’t put into your heart, he is always like that, don’t have any bad intention.”

“No no, he is very polite.” I hurried comfort him “He is really being polite…How to say…I am still recommended by you…”

He is too polite.

Polite until let me feel like fall into an ice cave.

The End.


Little Lan Lin’s Wikipedia by Shao Ye:-

You guys should know that Lan Lin’s world of connection is one of a kind…Is like all of them are from the same world, I like but don’t get freak out yourself to find every novel of connection because it is not that big…Serious, I mention this before..T3T

Just like how you read manga JUNJOU ROMANTICA(my top 10 favorite BL Manga), inside they got 3 pair and under their own title, each become the main one like:-

Junjo Romantica (Usami and Misaki)

Junjo Egoist (Nowaki and Hiroki)

Junjo Terrorist (Shinobu and Miyagi)

So no need to stress youself oh~~ >///<

So in here I am nicely telling few characters in here that will appear in other novel.

Wen Yang (main character) appear in novel 无处可寻(Nowhere to be found) (Never Read)

Ke Luo (main character) appear in novel 迟爱(Late Love) and (minor character) appear in novel 不可抗力(Uncontrolled Love) (Both also never read although I know Late Love got full trans, find yourself, I never read so I don’t know… For UL, patiently waiting Anne, I am not a novel people)

PS: Important~~ Errr, don’t discuss too much other Lan Lin’s novel in here too, I love Lan Lin and her works but I also want to respect ARRTL as ARRTL is the main one in here, thanks…^^
Repost at 30.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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