ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 18

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 18)
Stumble walked down the staircase, yet saw a young boy sitting on the living room, I got taken a back, foot that lifted up in the air don’t know should continue to put down or not. Thought don’t have outsider only I came out, I thought…Today should be don’t have this kind of special guest, after all he last night just finish doing it.

That child turned back from me and casually flipped around the books on the copper shelf, his leisurely attitude once seen can know is a regular guest, which also means have a deep relationship with Lu Feng. He can so freely to touch the thing in here, that mean…he is more doted compared to other people.

I took back my foot, turned away, ready to sneak back to the room.


I hurriedly turned back, Ke Luo’s fresh face looked pleasant and surprised, looked up at me from below “Why are you in here?”

I got a bit cannot get the situation “Why are you….” Almost ask the same question.

“Weekend got nothing to do then I will come over, Uncle Lu said today will take me out practices tennis.” Ke Luo excitedly waved his arm, “I am the member in my school tennis club, and next week got play, so much practice more, uncle want to come along?”

“Oh…” I am still trying to digest those information that loaded much “Tennis?....I…Don’t know.”

Lu Feng accompany him while playing?

“Is does not matter, can slowly learn, I at first also very noob, always throw my racket out….But Uncle Lu played very good, he teach very good, and never ever scold people….” Ke Luo talked about Lu Feng is an endless topic “Have a good temper, ever our instructors also pointing my head said I don’t have sport nerves, only he won’t throw cold water to me….”….Lu Feng….Is his a very patient kind of person?

T/N:泼我冷水 (pō wǒ lěng shui) Throw cold water, which also mean like “insult/kill people energy or their thought.”…Ermmm example: You guys won’t throw cold water to me even my trans is suck…<- get="" it=""><

I got a bit confused looked in front of this excitement teenager. He is not top-notch of beautiful young man, but got a unique aura of elegant, well-behaved and sensible, no wonder Lu Feng so favor him…

Can’t help but got shocked. I had never confirmed he and Lu Feng’s relationship. This is because Ke Luo looks very clean and transparent. Even I doubted, but also try the best to avoid that kind of thought.

Now think back, the one that Ke Luo likes….Older than him…Toward other always so indifferent, only treat him good…

I quietly hid my trembling finger to behind.

“Lu Feng…Treat you quite good, right.”

“Yes ah! Uncle Lu really dote me.” Ke Luo answered very simply yet he felt it is not convincing enough, think and thought again for quite some time then draw out something inside his collar “He also gave me this thing, said that this jersey is really suit you, and said must believe my eyes….”

Saw his smile only then I finally understood, in these days he showed me type of variety of smile, it is just that he wore a layer of grinning mask only. Only this time, expose toward Ke Luo, it is really gentle, full of dote, full of love kind of expression.

Many years ago I also had been familiar with this kind of expression.

“Uncle Chen also go together, ok?”

Lu Feng only then noticed there is a me who arrogantly stiff sat on a side.

He automatically frowned make me feel awkward “No need…I don’t know…”

“Let go.” Lu Feng reached out his hand on Ke Luo’s shoulder, didn’t even looked at me, smile while going out.


I blankly sat a while, thinking back the smile he showed toward Ke Luo, thinking while thinking, then laughed out.

Why I am so foolish?

Actually will thought that he wills still what toward me, toward me…

Idiot, it been so many years had passed, you are already so old…

Ke Luo, is Ke Luo right? He is so good, so young, so beautiful, and gentle…

There is no other people in the living room, I leaned on the sofa, on and off been laughing for a whole afternoon.

When Lu Feng came back that time is already late night, I waited him in the living room. He glanced at me, and then strode over. I stopped him “Lu Feng.”

“What matter, let me finish bath only said.” He doesn’t really care and walked up to the stairs.

“Shouldn’t you should let me go now?”

He stopped, and slowly turned to me, and I also looked up, clearly and eagerly looked at him “Is it I can go now?”His face that is should be expressionless become more cold and stiff.

“When do I give you rights to request something from me?”

“What is the point for letting me in here?” I being suddenly “You should have revenge till enough.” I called Wen Yang, said I am sorry, he just cut the line without any word.

That is my only son, my son that had always respect and dear for me, since young will always said I am dad favorites son.

Even he also despised me.

Then what do you want more? I am already like this, what else thing I haven’t lost? In the end, you still want to trample on me until what extent only give up?

Even if I do wrong before, but what about you?

My little brother, my mother….You think that is whose fault? The people that I cherish, till now…

One also don’t have.

Lu Feng being coldly looked at me first time being out of control, yelled and screamed, like watched a clown doing a show, waited me panted then calm down, he ridiculous said “You also know how to show temper? Why, don’t said is because you jealous on Xiao Luo?”

I intently stared at him, fingers start to tremble.

“Bingo?” He laughed “Forget about it. You use what to compare with him? He is younger than you, beautiful than you, millions of times better than you…What are you doing?”

I turned away, turned a deaf ear and walked straight, until he caught my arm and fell down on the carpet.

Although know it will lose, but this time I used up all my energy, throw out my life keep against and struggle, once he let go his hand, even it is just two second, I will desperately climb out, repeated again and again, forced until he used his tie and my torn out shirt to firmly tied my hands and feet.

No matter how hard I struggled also cannot move an inch, clothes being mess enough curled up, the expression looked at him from struggling until face fully red with the swollen eyes.

He stared me from the top, without saying anything, he then pulled my belt away.

Pants only pulled down till the knees, the legs tightly tied to press against on his chest.

It is a terrible posture.

I know that myself is dripping big drops of tears, and his face is still the same cold that is lack of expression from beginning till the end.

The End.

PS: I need to go take my kitchen knife...:'/ Booo I hate Lu Feng, how to love him?? Orzzzz!!!
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