ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 4

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 4)
Turn off the light, I looked at the dark airtight ceiling, although is same like usual keep on restrain, however the vision on the shadow slowly and slowly turn into Lu Feng’s faces.

Quickly looked away when seriously imagine getting along that time, but cannot control, could not help but look straight at the illusion of his deep black eyes, the look that keep on took from memories and put together, his slightly expression that been gone through a lot.

Although I know it is shouldn’t be, but the brain already lost control, still quietly think about that man. Still using effort to recall he had grown or not grown white hair that time, slowly went into the sleep.


“As long close down the bookstore, withdraw the apartment, then can already right?” Qin Lang help me to plan “Well—Aiyo!”

His this young master one step on the air, almost roll down from the staircase at my old apartment. Yi Cheng immediately pointed at him, laughing loudly, totally doesn’t have any thought of sympathy.

Both of them are always like this, little brother love to make fun of him, he also happy to get make fun of, although got a bit pity Qin Lang, but looking at them, will make people got a little envious.

“You end up living this kind of horrible place.” Qin Lang staggered standing straight, effort enough to maintain his elegant style “three people together walk the staircase, who know that the staircase might fall…”

“If you are afraid then walk at behind.” I got somehow not very pleasant, just pre-paid the rent for a year, I really cannot stand with his crow mouth, “reach, is here-----“

乌鸦嘴(wūyā zui)- Crow Mouth which also mean bad mouth…

The opened door makes me stunned, behind two people also remain silent.

Just two days never come back….Then come in theft?

Nervously swallowed my saliva, signal them not to make any sound, quietly walked to the door, make sure there is no movement, only then take some dare to move my foot inside.

It is not as messy as I had thought, but it is confirm that my house got broke in, still don’t know what thing had lost, think I am not poor enough? Full of resentment, can’t help so start to curse “Damn….”

Just curse for a while, and then suddenly heard there is someone else’s movement, being instinctively wants to scream and move behind, saw the man that stood up, the initially screams then choke inside the throat.


“….Lu Feng?” I hesitated.

His reactions got somehow slow, his pale face and bloodshot eyes frighten me a while “What…”

Only two days never meet, his chin looked very green, no need to mention about shaving, even his suits also wrinkled, his face look tired as if he covered with all night that didn’t sleep, just once glance, really got a bit scary.

When he is line with my sight, he then got alerted, toss away the phone that is beside his ear, stood up and hurriedly stride over, when he reach out his arms that time I think it should be a hug, I then took one step behind, then end result is both of his hands abruptly placed on my shoulder “You,….You came back?”

I being confused and puzzled, carefully asked “I would like to ask, you at my house….doing what?”

T/N:  如坠云雾 (rú zhuì yúnwù) Is mean being blurred, puzzled and confused with what is happening.

And also pry my door lock.

“Sorry….” He sighed with relief, but his face is still full of tension “I did not mess up anything…You wait a while, I immediately will clean up.”

“It…Is okay.” I am still being loss “What happen to you?”

He is very anxious, as if like afraid of something.

Lu Feng slightly awkward zip tight his lips, bowed down and looked at me for a moment, being self-mocked laughed a while, dryly.

“I thought you were gone.” He bitterly said.

“Ah?” The nerves inside my brain really stuck, cannot turn over.

“The bookstore is not in operating, yet you are not at home. I thought is because that day I treat you like that, force you go away.” He muttered “Sorry, I promise that I won’t touch you. You do not worry, next time won’t already. If you still not satisfied, I won’t even touch your fingers. I beg you….”

“…..Lu Feng?”

The one who open the mouth is not me, Lu Feng’s eyes then crossed through over my shoulder, shocked enough then stood straight back “You guys….”


Although for so many years never see each other, yet both of their facial are still clearly recognize.
“Bro, why he is at here?”

“Ah…..” Not always lying, and not even good being a liar, my brain suddenly go blank, simply cover up “He, He sometimes will come over here to sit, I forgot to tell you….”

No need to look back also can foresee Yi Cheng’s suspicious expression, luckily just a moment of silence, his voice seem to be fairly calm “Long time no see, Lu Feng.”

Lu Feng did not say anything, I thought he should at least got slightly shock due to Yi Cheng’s legs, or perhaps feel surprise. Such an expressionless and indifferences expression makes feel confused and also disappointed.

“Come in and have a sit” I greeted, walked two steps, but those few people remain at the position, the posture of confront each other.

“You guys come here for what?”

“You at here doing what?”

At the same time both of them asked, yet none of them answered, the atmosphere somehow stiff in the silences, I then swallowed my saliva “You guys, sit first, I make some tea for you guys to drink…”

Shoulder then suddenly got caught, I got stagger a while, hear Lu Feng’s tone being flat “Is it want to bring him away?”

I and Yi Cheng slightly frowned due feeling surprised, only Qin Lang chuckled “No wonder, I cannot find Cheng Yi Chen in Town T, it is also thanks to you bah.”

I seem as if like got someone gave me a heavy blow at back of my head, feeling pain and lost, think for a long while, then looked up at Lu Feng “You early already….know where they are, is it?”

I work so hard to save money for advertise, if not enough then will ask him to borrow, over and over again saying thanks to him, asked him for help to find my Yi Cheng. Every time when he smiled and agreed, I will have to bow down and keep say thank you, even never ever able to get any news from him, yet still like always being sincerely asked him for help.

Damn, is it because my brain is not functioning well, so easily get deceived?

He also looked at me, his eye doesn’t even felt any guilty, just feeling bitterly grinned “Once you found them, then you will follow them, isn’t it?”

“I, I can’t go mah?”

“I knew that you kept thinking of how to leave me,” He then showed a wry smile.

“If you really hate me so much then why don’t you just kill me?! Or you rather you go die yourself also don’t want me to feel better?! You rather go die than forgiving me….” His lips slightly trembled “As soon you woke up, I then beg you to be with me, as long you willing to stay at here, I what also can do, I won’t force you, won’t annoy you, if you feel annoying then I won’t come and see you, you tell me to go, I one minute also won’t stay…….I also don’t dare to provoke you go angry….As long you remain at here, I….”

“….I just wants to look at you then is good enough….If you really feel annoyed, I can also not appear in front of you, I just beg you….” His voice getting low and lower, hoarsely until it hit into my eardrum “… don’t disappear from my eyes….I am really….out of way…out of way….”

I just stood in trance, only can heard Yi Cheng’s voice tone that had changed “What had you did to my bro?”

I have no idea for the coming forward scene as if like an explosion coming in, both vision and hearing been mixed up, vaguely got like a beast in a desperate voice said “Yes, I had raped him, tortured him, make him until he almost send his life away, he then now become like this,  it is all my fault, then now I use rest of my life to repay him, cannot?! I what also can pay to him, yet he still don’t want!”


Feeling awaken that time is already standing on the street, arm get pulled until got slightly pain, Yi Cheng brutally pushed me into the car, yet my another wrist fell on Lu Feng’s hand.

“Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen!”

The wrist bone pain until it like going to broke, his grasping is way too strong.

Qin Lang called the taxi driver to start driving, but the door still cannot close, Lu Feng’s fingers are still deeply trapped into my skin.

The car end up start driving, I almost fell out once fiercely pull, Yi Cheng roared to the man that tightly clutched on me “You still don’t want to let go your hand, is it want to make him go die?!” The door forcefully closed, fiercely enough to caught his arm, those fingers trembled a while then instinctively loosen up, He finally get shut out of the car’s door.

“Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, You don’t like this…You…I what also can…”

His voice being off and on reached to my ears that time, only left broken pieces of words, I cannot understand.

“Bro, is it very pain?” Yi Cheng looked at my hand that been describe horrible as if the red mark is drawn by a knife, then breath out a cold air, and then start to curse out from his teeth “That crazy man, is simply abnormal! Fortunately I am able to find you…If not really don’t know you will get tortured until how….”

“Bro? What happen? Is it very pain???Bro?!”

 I shook my head.

“But….” He being worried, “Are..You still feeling afraid? Is alright, we won’t let you run to him again.”

I don’t feel how painful is my hand, the reason of my tears slowly being uncontrolled dripping it out, I really don’t know.

“Is ok, we will be very fast to take you away, you no need to be afraid of him, he also won’t have any chances to see you again…”

Heart being empty feeling miserable, but don’t know what is really happen that the heart as is like been digging out feeling so sad and empty.

That man’s shadow, when turned around that time, already cannot be seen.


“What the hell he want.”

When pass by that lonely man that time, Yi Cheng scoffed, but not feeling excited, just that feeling not to mention that kind of disgust.

Toward to people that I feel is very important, when I mention about Lu Feng that time, will then show out that kind of expression.

People that I love hated him.

So I really don’t know should use what kind of expression to look at him.

He been sitting at the hotel lobby for a long time, how long is it, I don’t know, when past by that time will able to see him in this two days, gave me an illusion like he had never left.

I don’t dare to direct look at him, only can imitate little brother and Qin Lang, hurriedly passed by him.

Just look at him for one time, he is also silently looked at me, there is no particular change inside his eyes, seems like from early ago already being like this, his stare never had changed.

I will be secretly watching him when no one is notice, he look very tired, and always sagging his back sitting straight, the serious look that doesn’t sound any word, this pose make me being naively think back of my bookstore, those children book inside the storeroom regarding the dragon that guard his treasure.

Mighty and lonely


“The ticket had come.”

“Oh.” I stood up, looked at Yi Cheng that helps me pack up.

“Let go today.” He sighed “If there is no trouble…”

“Actually….” I paused “You guys no need specific to take me away, I at here……still consider good, not as bad as you guys think, that man, he treat me very politely, had never done anything to me.”

Toward my little brother that looks surprised, I got a bit stutter, “He also, also borrows me some money to open a bookstore, helped me a lot, and he usually take good care of me, he actually…”

Yi Cheng shrugged, sighed “Bro, you had mentioned this sentences for a lot of times. What kind of person he is, you should clearly know about it, no need to be soft-hearted because all of this little favor.”

Both of his hands hold on my arms, push upward to let me stand straight “No one will be so easily forgive him that kind of person, you should have a little self-esteem then is better, don’t become too weak.”

I shut my mouth, answered back with a guilty smile toward his reproach.

This time when we passed through the hall at the hotel, Lu Feng stood up, with an alert posture. We carried our luggage and walk toward to the front desk to do the check-out procedures, it is super clearly obvious already.

He once move, Yi Cheng then being intolerable then reach out his hand to stop him “Hey! You better not overdo it! You still want to follow us until when ah?”

He did not answered, nor looked at Yi Cheng, just looked at me across the middle of two people.

“Is you yourself said you won’t force Xiao Chen. If got really that upright, then stop pester him, make him into trouble. If he really wants to go, even if you send people to block us, it is still useless, in fact it will be worse, and this thing you should know better than anyone else.”

When Qin Lang being serious that time it is always so calm and clear, Lu Feng’s expression slightly shaken, just stared at me as if like he is begging me.

I hurriedly turned.

By just looking at him, no idea what have happen to my hand, it will then start shaking.

Continue to move forward, totally never encounter any more expected kind of obstacles.

“Xiao Chen.”

His voices that come out from behind is not that loud, and also not that fierce.

“Xiao Chen.”

More like purposely to please that kind.

I suddenly couldn’t walk, turned around looked at him.

He turn out never follow up, still standing at the same place, but his body badly leaned on, his face that it almost begging for thirst.

I suddenly realized, although he is still very tall and big size, but he is really thin, when he is alone standing that time, in the fact he is actually very weak.

Legs start to be weak, as if no matter how also cannot take one step.

“Bro? Faster go bah.”

The End
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  1. this novel should be titled "obsessive love"..... its so good that i cant sleep...i hate lu feng but i love him at the same time....


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