ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 12 (End Vol 3)

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 12)
“You ah, the more your age increase, the more you are like a tortoise.”

Get pressed onto the bed while dawdle, I start to struggled panting to take care my old lung.

“Clearly last time you are more initiative and generous, also will secretly kiss me when I haven’t awake…”

“Where got such thing!”

“You dare to say don’t have? While secretly kiss, then said ‘bastard, why born until so handsome for what’, that one is not you?”

My old face flushed “….What, how can I say these kind of thing, you probably had mistaken.”

“Oh, you don’t want to admit.” He being serious “clearly before one day just got fight, you then who can’t restrain then come to attack me, that day after get up yet you purposely ignore me, only when want to go out that time only barely let me hold awhile. Save the face you know the best, still dare to say don’t have.’

The old past had been digging out, I have no face to hide, dying to argue “nonsense, those decade years of trivial matters, how you can remember, confirm is made up….”

“Of cause I remember,” He said earnestly “Regarding your stuff, every detail I also remember.”

“How can forget, all also remember.” His confession is always so clumsy, a little romance word also cannot say out “Everyday will take it out to think, think until cannot withstand…”

“That kind of day is hard to lives….” He stop saying, just silently looked at me.

Without any reason, nose feeling itchy, backhand hugged at this man that covered with wound.


Quickly the bookshop also shut down, although at first it also didn’t make any profits, but to determine letting go this living tools, still make me having insomnia for several days.

Lu Feng know I am afraid, also never say much thing, just rubbed on my forehead when I keep turning over and over again and said “Just trust me.”

Know that must trust on him, yet I still don’t dare put myself to entrust to him. Without any hesitation, again cautiously want to prepare another back up road.

The bookshop is handling by him, clean and neat, not even like selling it out, more like throwing it out, just like when he helped me to move from my old apartment, throw away all those old furniture.

This time, apart from him, I really have nothing else.

Always been looking forward, can everyday sleep until naturally woke up, read some books, listen some news, take care some flowers and plants then past a peaceful day, finally able to enjoy this day, but still feeling restless.

Company won’t recruit people like me that already in this age, brain also not good, just a small bookshop also cannot handle well. Who know one day he let me go, I still can do what to feed myself.
Maybe I can apply being nursery staff, I got the patience, and also very responsible, being a guard also quite good……


Been secretive collected pieces of those employment information, one day he accidentally seen it, I am still remain silence for his sudden face that turn black, he didn’t say anything, just rolled those notes together and all throw it to outside. After that remain calm, never mention.

And during the night my old waist got tortured again for a long night, back aches lying on his arms, cannot sleep at the night, just sighed, just hear the man that thought he already fall asleep said “You really want to go work?”


“You know, I support you is very easy, and is a must.”

“I know….”

“I will worry if you are suffering at outside.”

“…..Quite boring to stay at house.”

I never say the truth. Yet he being seriously and remained silent for a long time, just sighed.


The next day when he go to his company, he then bring me along.

Actually he current now no need personally everyday go to the company, just occasionally appear a while and then quickly disappeared. Now being funny add another extra table inside his office, everyday takes me go to work.

And what I do is just type out those unimportant stuff, those even make error also never mind kind of document, or make some tea for him, clean up his office, help to water a few small potted, trims the leaves, walked around, after close the door then let him kiss awhile.

Just being a useless human.

But once turned around then can see him, think that he willing to accompany me to stay in this big boring building, then will feel blessed.

After few days, the people that inside the company that got qualified to enter the president’s office, beside looking for excuses to come look at this mature, full of charm and handsome boss, also as well to comment at me this foreign visitor.

“What on the earth does he do?”

“Don’t know….Look at the boss treat him quite good.”

“What background he came from? Don’t tell me his behind his background is very strong?”

“Just a normal person only ah….”

Make until I also start to feel guilty.

“Heard that boss already unavailable?”

死會 (sǐ huì)- If direct trans, it will sound like die but I check the meaning, it also mean unavailable. Mean a person that is already commitment to his/her partner therefore he/she is no longer available for other.

“Nothing to be surprised, since when he being single ah, lovers so many.”

“But my hubby say to me that boss go customize a pair of rings in his shop eh, two also for men, is it very amazing?”

“Your man really big mouth, but boss only like young men, we don’t change our sexual also won’t have chances anyway.”

“Still will feel envy ah, don’t know who being so lucky….”

I this old man that can’t even related with their young men just quietly walked pass by them.


I being his “special assistant” when during the meeting, sat beside him, used the record book to block my face that is dozing around, totally useless.

Once till afternoon then will automatically feel drowsy, go to the rest room to take a nap yet don’t want to admit to the defeat (Against with the old ==+), so only can endure in here. Luckily there is no one will need my suggestion, as long I never make a voice, then I won’t get noticeable.

Wake up that time is because can feel the air pressured being rapidly reduce at the surrounding, immediately open the eyes and looked around, then get to know is because Lu Feng in bad temper. Actually not really consider as “temper” this word, just that the air at his side suddenly cool down only.

Just “hum” only, never speak anything, lifted his eyes, then can make everyone in panic quiet down, no one dared to make any sound.

He really got the aura to be the ultimate devil big boss.

I then only recall back that actually everyone are afraid of him, or can said that he is not a good person, his method is called as cruel….

This thing I am clearly understood, because myself also personally got experienced before.

Being in trance, want to hide my own absence so grasp at the cup to drink water, hand also never hold properly, shaken a bit, then the cup fell down, all the hot tea poured out onto my lap.

Instinctively just “ahhhhh” only, the sound is not that loud, in the conference room that the atmosphere already reach to a higher tension level, the sound is almost cannot lost to a cannon. All the people that being honestly looked at their own nose suddenly aim at me.

Already feel hot still want to come next, those sympathy expression that said “you are doomed, take care” just make me feel more uncomfortable.

“Do you get burn? Will it hurt?”

“I am alright….”

“Let me see.”

“No, not a need!”

“What are you all still looking at? End meeting!”


La la la, within a minute then everyone is out from the room.

Too over, it is totally not a necessary. I tomorrow probably will let everyone criticize, criticize till my backbone also will be crush bah. Got a slightly feeling ashamed, but just a cup of hot water then can make him so anxious, really got that feeling of “whatever it is also feel content”.

“When you are angry that time is indeed quite scary.” Indeed very moody, also very irritate. Stay together with this kind of dragon, don’t say who know one day he one slap can hit me to fly away, even during sleeping turned around and get pressed, also will be horrified.

“I will be gentle to you.” His’s eyes look as if he were swearing.

I smiled and looked at him “I bet they confirm cannot understand, how possible this old man can be favorite by Mister Lu, don’t know where do I bump into such a good luck, totally a male version of Cinderella, ah, no, this age should be Grand-Cinderella(Uncle Cinderella), make them super envy….”

青眼相加 (qīng yǎn xiāng jiā)- I translate it as get favorite/get loved. Mean that particular person is someone that you love/respect/admire in your eyes.

“You really think like this?” He being serious looked down at me.


“You really bump into such good luck?” He smiled a little, yet his eyebrows full of sadness “Together with me….Do you really feel lucky?”

My eyes suddenly feel hot, hurriedly bow down my head.

He didn’t say it out, but I understand.

We are not the Cinderella and the prince, but are two rotten and exhausted old men.

From fourteen year old boy, till today the middle age of old heart.

Which of the fairy tales, that happiness must pay such a price?

“I think my luck is quite good ah.”  I smiled at him “Still can be together, we still have lot of time, right.”

“En….” His eyebrows finally relaxed a little, also show a little smile. And soon enough think back of something, and again frowned “accompany me to the company, is it will make you bored? Keep staying at this city, is it doesn’t have any meaning?”


“Xiao Luo is growing up, and I also been slowly taught him, after some time I entrusted everything to him, then can everyday accompany you. Where you want to go also can, as long is both of us…”

“Won’t la.” I interrupted him with a smiled “It doesn’t feel boring all. I at where also same, as long able to see you then is good enough.”

He sudden thought, smiled “really?”

Got a little weak of joy.

I “en”, smiled while reached to his fingers, while he doesn’t pay any attention that time, turned around and quietly rubbed off the tears at the collar side.

The End Vol 3. (Also ending for FengChen story in ARTTL (Not including Extra Story)

Can totally ignore my thank you notes and thought of it….It sound draggy and annoyed but I really type what go through in my mind so advance sorry if I make you guys feel not good…

*Cheers* Finally end this volume, I remember I did mention that I want finish FengChen story by end of this year but unfortunately if include extra story, is impossible but if their own story in this ARTTL, possible and I did it…LOL!

First, I want to say a big thanks to you all who accompany me…Serious, especially those who comments(not the thanks comment), you guys make my days…I will be like an idiot sometimes, just look through the comments and smile…:’)~!!

Second, I am so sorry for you guys who always sincere and helpful want to be my proofread and I reject but I really have my own reason that is I don’t like to beg people for help, I only beg when circumstances have no choice, as you guys who feel my trans is not good enough then please patiently wait for the best one from another user, thanks god that ARTTL got lot of translators…:’)

Second, I still got few more days of holiday so I will try to proceed to extra story first, regarding LangCheng pair, future only say…Plus I am here saying, I not sure I will still be translating in next year or not…I might stop for a long period due to personal reason so I am still glad I finish FengChen pair..:’)!! Like seriously, this two men, this story really make me think a lot, beside think a lot, also make me really love this pair, as you guys can see the ending of this chapters isn’t something sweet or sugar but is more to heartwarming ending. They are together but in same time, Xiao Chen mentioned that he is still afraid, afraid of one day Lu Feng don’t want him again and Xiao Chen will lost his pillar support, only support. So that why I always believe their existence, believe that Lu Feng everyday try to comfort Xiao Chen, let him believe in him, believe that they will still together in the end….(Ya please don’t mention Pandora Box for me…Pandora Box haven’t finish, Lan Lin will give them good ending..=3= Based on certain Pandora Box short story, they indeed living happily and sweet) So in ARTTL, both Lu Feng and Xiao Chen have HE…:D!!~! Muahaha~~!!

Next, should be thanks you guys to bear with my attitude? Shitty personality? Shitty bad mood? Ya, really thank you…*bow*

I feel like I got lot of thing to blah it out but my brain really not function well and I am totally not good with words… So ermmm, let end here…

Shao Ye officially want to go play PVZ2 and also rest and sleep...*I hate flu*!
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  1. No, it's not shitty at all.. I personally feel very grateful that you translate th novel(sorry but i really want to say this) If not for you, I cannot read this novel at all TT^TT cannot read kanji.. I love Lu/Cheng pair. Sound cruel but really love this volume where Lu feng try to be gentle and remorsed of his attitude>_< luckily cheng yi chen love never gone for him >_<

  2. where can I read vol.4? can you please tell me? :D

    1. I have no idea who is translating that current volume...:/~

  3. wait... is this part1 of the movie or part2

  4. now i can happily sleep TT i feel like crying from happiness haha

  5. Thank you so much for translating this. I have never cried so much in my life. I cried in almost every chapter...


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