ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 9

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 9)

I also don’t know what to say, just know that I don’t want to face to face with him.

“I go back first…”

Don’t know why, perhaps it is too pain, what is in front of me got a bit fuzzy “I can go back myself, you no need to sent….”

“Xiao Chen.”

I head look down, being in disguise don’t let him see my face, want to walk over through his side.

“Let me see.”

Once he used his strength then pull down my hand, forcedly to check my injured face. Perhaps the light is too dark, he looked very pale.

“Is it hurt?” Why want to use that expensive cashmere sweater to hardly rub on my dirty nosebleed, isn’t it too wasted.

“Will you feel headache? Why here also got blood, teeth…The teeth is how? Is it tongue got bitten?!...How is it? Is it I had make you pain? Where else is bleeding? Let me see…”


“I immediately go call doctor to come, we go back inside house first.”

“No need…Is alright.” In another ten more years, the teeth also will come out, early a bit also not a big deal.

I really don’t mind at all.


He seems to ignore what I had said, just careless wiping on my face, his action is rude, the strength is big, I at first just pain only, get caught by his hand and keep on rub and knead, the blood that wipe off also poured out again, non-stop for a long while, in fact got a little dizzy.

“What happen? Is it very suffering? You wait a while, I….” He stammered, seems like got horrified, hesitated for a moment, suddenly used strength to carry me up, then big step going back in.

Body suddenly on the air, the center of gravity changed, my head greatly move backward without any guard, my mind is turn blank again, none of words can’t even come out in this kind of time.


Wait until I finally lied down on the bed, face that covered with blood got treated with a warm-hot towel, saw the doctor rushed come in, did not come in handy then in rush sent away, I only can be mute while half-opened my mouth.

Everything back to normal, inside the nose also don’t have contain that two roll of cotton ball, the look finally not that ridiculous. The man that sits beside seems to be relieved, looked down at me “Is it feeling a little better?”

I “ah” only. He relaxed his brows, reached his hand over, hanging and hesitated for a while, finally put on my hair “I am sorry, I cannot control my strength….You don’t get angry.”

This tenderness that makes people feels like a dream.

I am still reluctant to go angry of him, even get ridicule and make fun at his behind, just feel a little pain only.

The blood out a bit, then it will be alright.


“You no need to force yourself” The tongue that got bites my teeth feel a little ache, when speaking got a little fuzzy, as if something stuff inside the mouth “If just want to compensate me or what, then it is not really a necessarily, no need to feel sorry for yourself.”

“You also no need worry that I will bother you.” Although I am very serious, but my tongue got stuffed, the pronoun sound ridiculous “There is sometimes I will be blurred….Probably will stare at you or do something weird….You no need worry about it, there won’t be next time.”

“I am sorry, to add trouble for you, I am fully alright “ Get up, got a little in trance, pulled the shirt that got wrinkled, “….I leave first.”

He did not respond, just stiffly sat still, as if he heard something ridiculous from what I had said, his face couldn’t be express by any strange expression.

“I go first….” The cold atmosphere got a bit awkward, unconsciously muttered again.

Sudden tightness on the wrist, just looked back again at him, suddenly my vision turn black.

What is covered on the lips is something soft and hot, yet the action of probe into the mouth is very brutal, when the tongue touched together, even the back body also turns paralyzed. Also don’t know should shrink to the back or how, only stiffly open the mouth that let him filled until is full.

The brain also follow to turn paralyzed, only the body that touched by him still got feeling, understand that hot and powerful soft object is his lips, that thing that make my mouth inside is his tongue, holding my back of my head is his warm hand, the others are all completely blurred.

Cannot tell out what kind of kiss is this, just feel suffocated, legs also turn jelly.

Wait him slowly withdraw out, my vision at least got a bit light, I used my nose and mouth, desperately breath in and out.

Just breath a while, then the lips got sucked again, this time don’t have any suffocate of deep kiss, just only have repeatedly sucking and licking, got a bit itchy.

I finally desperately can moved my head, open my mouth want to speak, he then catch up again to block my lips, whispered and blurred said “Shhh…Don’t say anything, be good, wait a while then let me say…Don’t move, let me hug you first….”

His sound seemed to be trembling. I do not dare to move, just stiffly sit still.

“Did your meaning also like that?”

“…..Is it? Or did I mistake it?...Xiao Chen….?”

“….Have you think of me?....Will you also…want to look at me, is it?”

“Xiao Chen……”

I let him to hold me, don’t understand why he will ask like that, just want to secretly look at his current mood, yet my nose got suck again.

Waist suddenly got tightly clenched, his head move toward to my shoulder, seems like want to hide, in fact got a little unmanliness.

“I, I just now phone call with Xiao Luo…Ask what should I do tonight….”

“Because I had brought the most incredible person come back, but don’t dare to touch him…Want to stay more time with him, but even want to knock the door and bring the water to have some opportunity to talk to him also don’t dare….”

“Earnestly wish that he can sleep beside me, but that time just kisses him one time then got annoyed…If I cannot hold my patience and do something else, will he forever don’t want to see me?"

“Not easy he finally sees me also won’t avoid…still willing to go out to eat with me…the atmosphere also very good, I also don’t know how happy I am. Yet let him see my previous bed partner….”

“He is a guy that is so clean, just once bump into me go to bed with other person, then he die also don’t want to forgive me. That…That time I purposely being affection with so many people in front of him, although he did not mention at all, his heart confirm feel hateful. What I most afraid is that thing made he go remember again….But still let him bump in to those people that I had fooled with, I really feel my whole modest can be thrown away.”

That man as if like a child buried his face into my chest, said it all out while his eyes is tightly shut, use the volume of talking to himself, muttered.

“Turn out he really is not happy, even not willing to say any word….But he now toward to me no longer that wary, always use that not guarded eyes and look at me, and also smile at me….I think, I really had enough….If this still going on, confirm will do impulsive things out….Although know if I brutally hold on him, confirm everything will be finished, but is it so hard to endure….”

“Xiao Luo advised me not to see him in these few days, perhaps it will be better….”

“But I had thought, not a necessarily a must to hold him, as long can hug him, kiss him, then maybe is good enough….But will he let?”

He tilted his head up, looked at me “Will you let?”

“…Will you….Still afraid of me?”

“Xiao Chen?”

He being worried, a little cautious, a face that carries a little begging.

I just feel what in front of me just gradually turn black, trembling reach out my hand on his shocked eyes, used strength to hug around his head.

I had never thought, I never dare to believe at all, that in fact is like this.

I only remembered the admirable and calmly of him, a body of tyrant and arrogant, no matter how also won’t know his current now of being tolerance and weak.

Turn out….Is me who had thought of him being, too strong and powerful.

That frivolous and young man, that arrogant and bossy Lu Feng, that capricious and widely known, that Lu Feng who is harsh and cruel, that one that can’t help but always hold me up, not happy then brutally pulled my clothes, always that reckless, always being ease and leisurely, a fully confident man….

Where did he go?

“Lu Feng, Lu Feng….”

I mute my throat crying out loud while cling on him, the voice doesn’t sound good, in the quiet room got a bit freak people out.

He is indeed turned old. Although still with a handsome face, just shrink a little, when smiles that time got more fine lines, but those strong and powerful that can withstand anything, had disappeared.

 In the time whereby I have no idea, he had already turned until so old.

“Lu Feng, Lu Feng...”


Him who afraid losing his status then will get abandon by me, gave up on his family business, him who came all the way but cannot find me, him who struggling support himself, him who all these decades years that don’t have me around him, him who had been back and forth looking for me….

And him who finally knew about I married with a daughter from a rich family…


Him who guarded in front of the bed for a year…

Him who accompany me to recover, at the outside of the glass quietly watching me…

Rain or shine, him who is everyday waited for me at the bookshop.


Him who is quietly sat inside the hotel lobby.

Him who runs due got dragged by the car…


He also will feel pain. Yet now I only can figure it out.

I only feel sorry to Zhou Lan, sorry to Wen Yang, sorry to little brother…

Only feel to hate him.

But had never say sorry to him before.

He being so lonely and painful for all these twenty years, what can I bring to compensate him?

“Lu Feng……Lu Feng…..”

I cried for his youth that been wasted by me, cried for his humble that he shouldn’t have, cried for his gentleness that got scars.

The End

Before this, I need to say a few word, in the link I use to trans, they actually combined chapter 8 and 9 together but I think is separated so I also help to separate without thinking much..:’)~~!!

What to do, Lan Lin influence me to be bad so I also be bad…>///<

I love this chapter a lot, like super a lot, I tears when doing the trans…TT!! I also hope you guys will able to love this chapter, able to feel what I feel when reading it…:’)

PS: When doing the translation, I also did check previous chapter comment, saw those comment, I somehow tell myself “If I not able to trans finish, Lu Feng will come and kill me…:’)” so die die also must trans finish and post and then Lu Feng won’t come to my dream tonight and kill me…XD!!
Till Then. *To those who saw my insta story, please bear with my childish attitude…XD*
Early Merry Christmas Eves..:’) 

Hope this chapter will warm your heart…
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