ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 19

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 19)

Woke up that time is alone one the bed, the pillow super wet due to crying.

The wind came in from the tall building, slightly slightly blew into it, it is not that cold, but it cold enough to make the whole body trembled.

I curled up a bit, the burning pain from the bottom quickly spread to the whole body, unable to move until spasm for a while only then it slowly get back the air.

It seems like there is no place in the body is conditional good, even against with the soft mattress also feel terribly pain. Think back last night that the blood can’t even stop dripping, he also never go gentle at all.

The little point that will stop and being thoughtful due to afraid I gone to sick, it is really twenty years back then story. I pain until open my mouth but couldn’t produce any sound, only can continue feeling spasm and keep on tremble, he also never pitied me at all.

Got a little funny, I am already such a big age, body is worse than before, how can he not worried what if someone die?

Nevertheless, I think, if last night I were to die, he probably won’t even frowned.

How possible he would care. The current me for him to said, is totally nothing.


“You awake?” Lu Feng stood beside the door, expressionless stared “Then go down, today got guest come to find you.”

I coughed while getting up, barely put on clothes.

“Be quick a bit, your special guest is waiting impatiently.”

I did not say anything. Because don’t know what to say. Because I know, between me and him already got nothing to say.


I never thought it is Zhou Lan.

I steadily stood in front of her, a moment of feeling overwhelmed, luckily the clothes had tightly covered up those humiliate things, just that the face looked pale only. I simply find a place to sit down to hide my shivering legs.

“Yi Chen, do you got sick?” She worriedly looked at me “Your lips also turn green…”

“No…Why will you come here to find me? ….Is it something happened?”

“I come to take you go.”

Her clear-cut tone make Lu Feng that is far sitting on the side ridiculous laughed out “Take him go? Weird, he is your what?”

“He is my husband.” Rarely Zhou Lan will being so tough.

“Oh?” Lu Feng raise one side of his eyebrows, still smiling, yet his expressing become dull “Husband? He early already not one, right? Plus….Even if don’t have divorce, he still can be regarded as your husband?” His eyes glanced across my pale face “I am afraid that…Toward being how to be a husband’s obligation, simply is not in the line, right.”

Zhou Lan normal temperature face turned red, she who is not used to argue only can split out one word “Dirty.”

T/N: In original novel is two words that is下流 (xià liú) but due I cannot brain any two words out so I use dirty and change into one word. T_T

Lu Feng smiled “Oh ya, I just invite him to be guest for chit-chatting, you come here is for what? Don’t tell me you don’t know at where listen to some rumors, only come here to ask for people?”

Zhou Lan suddenly stiffened, stood up, with full of hatred glared at him.

 I had never seen before her eyes that is full of hate until enter to her bone marrow.

“You let Yi Chen be guest in here, isn’t it a bit too long?” She looked up and stared at Lu Feng that don’t know how tall and big comparing her “Yi Chen and you neither kith nor kin, for what you have to make him stay? Plus, since is being a guest, Yi Chen want to go, you also got no reason to force him stay.”

“Yi Chen, you want go, right?”

I hurry nodded at her.

Lu Feng lifeless looked at me, turned around toward to Zhou Lan and laughed “I am him neither kith nor kin? Do you know me and your husband…is what kind of relationship?”

I almost screamed “Lu…”

He walked two steps toward me to catch me “I let you see I am his what kind of people….”

“What are you doing, no….” I go mad waved my hand to block his fingers, the body pain as if hurriedly spread out, he mercilessly hold my arms that is block in front of my chest that is full of scars, pull to the side. “No….” My fingers desperately wrapped tightly around the clothes, no matter how, also refused to let go.

I beg you, don’t force me……

A slightly sound produce, I looked at my weak arm drooped.


The chest that full of bruised, scars and also stained blood already cannot be hidden.

My arms, even reached hand to block also cannot do it.

“You now should know? He simply cannot fall in love with woman, what he had done with me, your son never told you? Then I come tell you, your husband…Pftt, husband….Since he was fourteen years old already get xxx by me, what, you are surprised? Then you thought how noble he can be? You also never see before how horny he is when he is bottom of me….”

What he had said, I already cannot listen.

Lu Feng, you really, won’t care about my life and death.

“You shut up!!!” Zhou Lan screamed. “You shut up…You like this do to him…Like this do to him… am going to kill you….”

When her hand got that extra gun, nobody had noticed it out.

In fact from the start till the end, perhaps is less than three seconds. From she is trembling holding the gun that she hidden it quite well pointing at Lu Feng, until the bullet strike into my heart.

When the blood gushed out that time, I still got a bit puzzled look at my own chest that dyed red. In the end…Is me who shield in front of him?

Very weird….How can I shield in front of him? I obviously couldn’t think of anything…

Body instinct, then────

I slumped fall down.

Actually like this also not bad.

I am too tired, really wanted to take a good rest. He in future, no longer can hurt me.

The sharp pain on my chest. Seems like is Lu Feng who is the one who hold me, eyes blurred, unable to see clearly his face “Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen…….”

Are you calling me?

Why sound so unfamiliar?

“You don’t….”

Don’t want what? Even listen…Listen also become unclear.

Is it if now don’t speak, then after that won’t have any chances?

 I tried my best to open my mouth “….I hate you.”

“I know…” He desperately wiped off my side mouth that the blood that keep constantly flowing out, “I know, you no need to say anything…”

“I hate you,” I want to say finish in one go “You harm Yi Cheng….Harm mom…You make me….You….Wen Yang….” I still trying my best to move my mouth, but the large amount of blood that flooded inside my throat make me unable to speak.

 “I know….I know it all, you don’t say anything, you wait a while, I send you to hospital, you…”

“……I…..” I mechanically“…..Hate you, but…..”

But, why will still feeling….miserable?...More than the hatred, what it is?

Really cannot hear anything.

Suddenly remembered that time, him who is still a young boy hold me, said “We will always together, right?”

I am that time, used all the strength, and desperately nodded.

That time of us, how silly ah.

For human toward to a long boring life, with another person from encounter to farewell, it is only just a small little moment.

In the end, go back to the past, nothing had happened.

The End
T_T The End...More reason why I somehow automatically clean the memory of Vol 2...:') I hate Lu Feng...Stupid Lu Feng...Bastard Lu Feng...How could you treat my Xiao Chen like this T_T!!!
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