ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 2

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 2)
“Xiao Chen.”


When sending him out that time, he then stood still outside the door, just looked down at me.

“Today is Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh….” I am being blurred.

“Very happy to celebrate with you.”


The box that came into my hand, by a light touch, I cannot guess what it is.

“Present that give to you, if you feel hateful, can throw away, I next year will continue give.”

“……” I was a little taken a back.

“You remember that I am still waiting is good enough.”


“Can I have a return gift?”

“……” I think back early ago bought back those chocolate that mend to handle those little kids, just plan to turn around to get it, suddenly a flash in front, when back to react that time, there this warm and moist touch on the lips, whole of me get wrapped inside his arms, couldn’t even move, the tongue that entered inside also cannot push it out, only can be pressed and continued get sucked and kisses, eyes only can instinctively shut tight, whole body feel tighten.

Wait till he withdrew his tongue out from my mouth, I became more stiff than usual, just stared without any sound, he repeatedly touched my face, my hair, my lips, yet I did not have any respond.

“The next time, is it have to wait until next year?” His voice got a bit hoarse, very deep.

I took two steps behind to distance with him, too shocked, don’t have enough time to think how to deal with it, only can instinctively pathetically used force to close the door, blocked that guy face at outside the door.


Always thought that he is just want to compensate, talk about love and stuff, feeling like an Arabian Nights of Tales.

I am already too old that can’t talk about love.

This kind of age talk about love, will only make people laugh.

 Especially is about him and me.

What he had did, when I am slowly at my rehabilitation that time, already heard he said it very clearly, the feeling of that time, now cannot able to remember.

Just think that, between us, still talk about love, is it very too far.

Inside the box contain a ring, I was shock and took it out to look for a while, and then put back, feeling so hard to believe.

The next time should bring it to give back to him, tell him not to be so reckless, take this kind of thing as a joke.

He seems to forgotten this is already after twenty years, forget that we and that time the two youngster men who hold the happiness together is totally not same.

At night during sleep without consciously think about him. Indeed, he is still very tall and strong, energetic, not that worse compared last time, now still single, when alone that time, then will nostalgia back those far away memories, so suddenly he think of me, intend to feel it back again.

Yet now I am already a horrible old man.

Silent while sighed, turned around, at night having insomnia, while daytime keep on doze off, it is getting very worse, beside looking still very young, whole body seem to be aging.

Don’t have a life of sex, it is more easily to achieve happiness, or more easily to go decay?

No matter what kind of answer, directly saying lack of exercising will easily lead to sickness, this is the correct answer.


The next day woke up the felt cold and stuffy nose, used up half of the tissue roll.

Self-loathing till a highest point of level, ate the medicine that been stored, being dizzy and slept for a long period, then being dizzily woke up.

Spent lot of time and effort to rub off the thick layer of sleepiness eyelids, sat up and being in trance, suddenly aware, the hungriness is being more close to my belly, only can put on the some clothes, ready to make something to fill up my belly.

Found out inside the refrigerator is empty, and is spoilt, feeling slightly sour, a life of single old man is not easy to live on, if got a company will be better.

PS: Shao Ye raise hand, I can accompany Uncle Xiao Chen….*love love*

Being self-tortured for half of my life, at the end being alone, perhaps in my previous decade years, really doesn’t live very smartly.

Maybe pick some stray cat to take care also quite nice….But am I able to remember to feed it?

While keep thinking nonsense, also keep thinking should do what for myself, suddenly a flash of light. Last time the part-time student gave me a meal voucher, is from a very expensive restaurant, don’t know where he got it, just tell me when I am free then help him to use it ; I keep on put inside the wallet and forgot to take it out, finally today can get to use it.

Being thrifty for so long, end up is using my part-time student that work meagerly earning hourly salary to have a luxury moment, personally also feel very funny.


However my self-esteem rarely come out to cause trouble, sitting alone at the corner while eating the set meal that been served, very calm, while drinking a delicious hot mushroom soup feeling very comfortable,  from throat to the stomach feel like got warm up once again, feeling peace and warm, feel like the spirit come back a lot.

The so-called happiness of life, I just want like this, more than enough.

There was a slightly movement inside the restaurant, it seems like when the waiter pour the tea that time, accidentally knocked over a cup, manager immediately come out to apologized, said will bear the cost of the dry cleaning for the clothes, and also free meal vouches and so so on. From my corner here got several tables of distance, cannot see very clearly, only can heard the sound.

Customer seems to be very graceful, gracefully said it is ok, got one more clear voice joke with low voice while complained “Who tell you to go simply electric strike, get burned is also your own fault.”

T/N: The ‘electric strike’ here is like ‘flirt’<--- eyes="" flirt="" how="" know="" like="" o:p="" the="" to="" use="" you="">

I am really got burned, heart bounced very fast, never think to wipe of the soup on my hand and stood up, keep on looking at there.

Just listen that seem to be alike, it is just that one short sentences.

Plus already for so many years, his voice might be changed a lot, or maybe just now what I heard is my own illusion…

Yet I still could not help but straightened my back, stretched my neck trying to see more clearly. That table is occupied by two people, the man who talking looked at my direction, but his face got blocked, only can see his hair, of cause is not the bright color according my memory, but I keep feeling that is belong to him.

Then he stood up.

This action bring a big disappointment that really cannot be speak, although just think that is ‘maybe’ only, never hold any big hope, but the feeling from the throat suddenly fall back to the heart, that kind of feeling is really upsetting.

If Yi Cheng’s legs can stand up right now, isn’t it very good.

Eyes that stared at the person’s legs slowly moved up, and then looked at him again. This time his face doesn’t get block, clearly fall into my vision.

With what I remembered, is totally different, his facial features doesn’t have that any time, any moment also want to fly kind of feeling, but still looking very handsome, his mouth is already prepared to smile, but the young and frivolous looking had been worn out until it almost gone.

I heard myself who being embarrassed stumbled over the chair, and then the person also inadvertently raised his eyes toward to this side.

“Yi Cheng,” I said, felt my own voice is very funny “Yi Cheng.”

Perhaps the sound that rushes toward to him is more ridiculous than the voice. However I couldn’t care much about it, I am just afraid that this is just a dream, if slow a bit, and then will wake up, he then again will be disappeared from my sight.

“Yi Cheng, Yi Cheng.” I am so embarrassed, beside repeatedly calling this name, what other word also cannot voice out. Got clutched with a strong arm, also don’t know how to react, just like a robot repeatedly touched his face, the touch is real, is different from the dream, there is warmness, his voice also can be heard clearly.


As long got this sound is more than enough, other people I couldn’t hear it clearly, what Qin Lang said behind the back, the manager at the side ‘puff’ opened the champagne and then what he had said, I also don’t know.


I only can use force and all the strength to hold him, fear that will losing him again, I had never hated myself like how I hated my own shrinking thin arms in today.

After a while of calm down, no longer deadly clutch on him, being confused and blurr only said what I want to say, still being up and down not clear with every word, is already sitting inside the hotel room, both hands are wrapped by little brother’s palms, the feeling of getting wrapped by him is very warm.

He look very healthy, face also look nice, got spirit, from head to toes also nothing that is missing, the look when he walking also very calm and incredibly smooth, his legs is indeed don’t have any problem ---- This one in previously half an hour, he and Qin Lang been repeatedly assured to me for around twenty times.

This is good enough, feeling glad knowing him like this, and he also easily proved to me that his strength is how big-----that why just now inside the restaurant, he actually carry me up, brotherly disgrace together.

Yi Cheng still like the same old Yi Cheng, although it is been polished at the edges and corner, look more calm, but still my passionate yet arrogant little brother.

Just look at how he drag he is when in front of Qin Lang then can know already.

For example, I guess the one who pay the hotel room should be Qin Lang, yet little brother raised his chin and command him “You ownself go open another room, don’t disturb us.”

The young master of Qin Lang who being so suave and flinch, only able to say one sentences “I also got twenty years never saw Xiao Chen, together remembered the old times, cannot mah?” While waiting for my  little brother’s answered, he already get killed by my little brother’s glared, obediently surrender, pack up the thing and go out from the room.

Too many years never slept with little brother on the same bed, both of us lied on the soft and thick quilt, feeling got a little uncomfortable, but still overjoyed.

If want to say out all the thing that happened in this long time, one night seems to be far not enough, I also being confused, don’t know which one to say first, once the mind if filled up a lot then start to getting confused, so just close the mouth and listen to what he said, he asked, I only then answer, and also have to think for a very long time only can said it clearly.

The initial of the excitement had gone away, little brother also aware of my strange, hold up my face seriously and looked me awhile “Brother, what had happen to you?”

 “Ah, fall a sick….” I vaguely support my each word, “Fallen a sick, got a little bit long, so became a little stupid…”

Don’t know why I want to protect Lu Feng.

The End

Don't know why whenever Yi Cheng appeared, I will go "weeee" awhile...HAHAA Who tell Yi Cheng baby is super adorable cute ahh...*cough cough* I mean Uncle Yi Cheng..:')!!!
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  1. So Lu Feng told Xiao Chen in this chapter what he did to him. Is that right?

  2. Can you please tell me how will I get the PDF file of this novel


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