ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 6

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 6)
“Boss, take the money la!”

The part-time student’s sounds make me who is sat behind who taking a nap got awake.

“What?” Trying to hide my sleepy behavior, I tried my best act like nothing is happened.

“Boss, you are really too much eh! I am busy around here, yet you actually fell asleep!”

Toward to his dissatisfaction, I only can sneer.

“My age is old….”

“Excuses! You at most also around thirty bah,” Send away the customer, the young man then sat beside me “Man at this age, supposedly be like a year of tiger, you are always so soft, clearly enough is being lazy!”

“I am forty plus la,” I justified for myself “What you mean soft, old people easily feel sleepy, it is very normal…”


“Is true…”

“You ah, if it not me at here, this shop will get steal until empty by people,” the part-time student hold on his chin “What will happen if I stop working?”

“Huh?” I catch out a few words, hurriedly turn around looked at him “….You want to quit this job?”

“This ah.” He grabbed his own short hair, got a bit awkward “I also have no choice, although it is really feel sorry for you…”

Both of us also mood down, the easy going atmosphere became slightly shivered.

Suddenly feel extremely tired, but don’t have the mood to sleep, I only can bitterly smile.

“Like this…It is okay, you already helped a lot toward to me this kind of boss, only can give you such a low salary, you had been work hard.”

“Ah, don’t misunderstand, is not about the money.” He busy waves his hand “I really like working in here, can as well read more book, and it more relax….But I am already in year four, three more months later then I can graduate, now cannot not spend more time to prepare thesis for graduation. Plus, also busy looking for job, time and energy also not enough, I had quit those part-time job in other place too…”

“Yep….Homework is more important” Know that is not related to the poor salary, heart feel a little ease, yet still feel a bit lost “Then make sure you must add oil. Got any wish job?”

“Hehe.” He again scratched his head “If possible, I want to enter Feng Yang. Last year my senior got get hired oh, so envy of him.”

I thought a while, comforted him “You are so smart, confirm can.”

“Boss, you said until too easy la, about the test only already got three round, I just passed my first round of writing test” Young man get used to sniff his nose “the interview haven’t know the result yet, very nervous oh….”

“Got so difficult mah?”

“Of cause, my speaking for English at first is quite good, but to team up and debate with another team will perform like a noob. When I spoke to the interviewer, my mouth’s shape at first is like this.” He pulled his mouth into a straight line and then pulled it down “After I finish saying, my mouth become like ----this, sigh sigh…”



Today bookshop closes early. No matter how I estimate, also felt that the bookshop cannot hold for too long, heart sank into frustration, walking every step feel as if dragged.

“Want go back? I send you.”

“Ah, thank you, again troubling you.”

The tall man that appeared in front looked mild-gentle, in fact I smiled until got a bit awkward.

That day one get out from Yi Cheng’s car, ran back to see him, Don’t know why just tightly grasped on his trousers, crying none stop. While he did not question anything, just bring me back to home, quietly holding me, do not say anything.

As if he understood everything.

Now think back still feel a little bit ashamed, this kind of age, still can emotionally break down, like a small kid.

His family’s servant looked at the strange old man crying inside the house, probably got the feeling of seeing ghost in the early morning.

Because there is no way to calm down myself, that day I spent my night inside his house.

Frankly saying, not afraid to make people laugh, that time is prepared to get “embrace also never mind” kind of mental preparation.

Because he is indeed very gentle, this man who name is Lu Feng, always like a devil attitude of cold blooded faces kind of man, once he grew a little gently, I really cannot think of any reason to refuse him.

Or another saying, even he is not gentle at all, I will secretly have those kind of shameful wish.

Just that all these while don’t dare to admit only.

At that time let him carefully embrace me, suddenly trance back those confession words from him, vaguely feel that he probably still care about me, can’t help but to dream about it.

Indeed for so many years never leans to his arms already.

Smell on his body that familiar and unfamiliar odor, little by little try to figure it out the outline of his shoulder, listen to his head that steady breathing sound, and then gradually the expectation been filled up inside the heart, even the hand also nervously start to shake.

At the end what also never happen, just like this spent out the whole night.

He really change into a man that is thoughtful and good manner, just to let me calm down only he patiently hold on me, slightly don’t have any other thought.

By contrast, me who is holding a strange wishful thinking, it is really too shameful.

Fortunately he never notices about it, or not I am afraid I don’t have face to stay next to him for more than a minute.

But like this is better, after spending a night, I can prove that before that my self-hypnosis of remain unmoved, is correct.

He that kind of misunderstanding of thoughtful and dedication, it is only for the compensation mood only, no other reason.

If it because of his kindness, so finally forget myself and continue to be tempted, then I really don’t know where to put my this old face.

Already in this kind of age, the most important homework is to write off these bad memories into the past, strive to achieve a smile with an open-minded.

Still dare to think what feeling or love ah, only will make people laugh.

“Already in this kind of age”, is almost already become my mantra word. The feeling of aging is very obvious, although the appearance look quite good, but as long took off the clothes, then can clearly see it. Not to mention below the skin, inside the chest.


“Eat dinner together, free?”

“En, okay.” Be like friends then good enough, being peacefully normally keep in touch, until become old still can often see him, then is good enough.

Although together be with him also cannot do what, but to avoid from him will feel pitiful, reluctant to let go the opportunity to see him every time.

Sitting inside the restaurant while eating, got a little feeling cramped, among the scattered customers, only I wear until very shabbiest, so obviously become the most outstanding. Seems like there are some people know about Lu Feng, the eyes that swept over got a bit shocked and curious.

I also know my appearance is not very decent. Such an imposing grand manner sat and had dinner together, really damage his face, but who tell him not to go to a place whereby got room provided?

Of cause, if inside the room then will have to unnecessary kind of ambiguous, he probably doubt about this matter.

While thinking nonsense, while normally chat with him. Luckily that although our status had a big differences, yet talking to each other still very good. This is the so-called field interaction bah. Thinking like that, looked at the handsome and good looking face of that man that sat opposite of me, got a little bit feel happy.

“Oh ya.” Drink a little alcohol, face got a bit feverish, the atmosphere also not that bad, then being bold enough speak up “this period of time, your company want to recruit new people, right?”

“En, yes ah.” He raised one side of his eyebrow, smiled “If you willing to come, salary and position will as high level as mine oh.”

I know he just joking only, I generously waved my hand “Cannot, I have bookshop to take care off, cannot leave, I recommend you a person that is slightly not talented as me.”

“Oh?” He is still smiling.

“Inside the interview list, got one student from University F name Du Yuan….” When really want to speak up for help, I automatically stiffed “The part-time student in my shop, he is very smart and practical, very diligent, and also motivated….”


“If it is possible, can you pay more attention on him….”

Lu Feng at first expression looked very relaxed suddenly change into serious, suddenly change into serious expression, make me feel not comfortable.

“Are you asking a request from me?”

I suddenly got awake, my hot warm face instantly cold down. And soon enough because of feeling shameful then hot again.

“….I am sorry, I….just simply say only…”

The End
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