ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 20

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 20)

(Lu Feng POV) (From Now On)

Today saw someone on the road selling grilled squid, suddenly think of that person who really love it.
Last time, I do not allowed him to eat such dirty type of foods, he then only showed out an indifferent kind of expression, used the eyes to secretly aimed, and then act as nothing happened just walked away, while feeling sad swallowed saliva.

Obviously he had always been a kid, but still insisted to pretend very man in front of me.

I thought of it, parked the car on the roadside, go there and bought a few sticks, sprinkled a lot of spicy powder and seasoning powder, coated in a thick layer.

If he saw it, confirm very happy.

But I know he won’t get to see it.


“Mister Lu, you come again.” Got people smiled at me, expression blurred.

I nodded.

“Every day also very punctual, such rare.”

I again nodded lightly.

I had always been coldly to people, except for that person.

“Today the temperature seems cool down.” I entered the room, closed the door. “I bring the jacket I buy for you to come over, this kind of style is suitable for you, just that don’t know the color you like it or not.”

He doesn’t give any respond. Just like last time he occasionally angry toward to me, is the same.

“Brought you a durian…Really smell unpleasant.” I murmured. “How you can like to eat this kind of stuff, this kind of smell, you smell it won’t feel dizzy?”

Put inside the car, just only smell the taste, I almost drove the car to an island.

“Also got squid….This is really unhygienic, so only buy this time, no more next time...” I opened the lunch box and put at the bedside, “I put a lot of spicy,….So if you want to eat, then quickly get up.”
Inside the room is just plainly silent.

He who is on the bed still remained quietly, never moved.

“Today never wake up, then next time cannot get to eat.”

My threat doesn’t seem to have any use.


Sighed, I took off my coat and put at the bedside, put my hand on his face “You what also no eat, will become more and more thin…Alright, I don’t rush you,…..Let tell some story, after finish telling then wake up, ok?”

“Yesterday, I said until where?” I gently tapped my forehead used my index finger “Xiao Luo, is it? The first time I saw him also got shocked, he looked exactly the same like that woman. That woman you should remember, I mention before a few day ago, but I also cannot remember her name, her surnamed should be Ke…Did I told you before that her eyes is same like yours? Also long type one, single eyelids, most of the time looked very honest, once the eyes flicked a bit then look like a fox….But still silly a bit compared with a fox, you where got so smart like a fox….”

Finger touched his quietly closed eyes.

Why you refused to open your eyes to look at me?

“She begged me to hold her. You know I won’t like woman…But her pair of eyes…keep looked at me, I then think of your look.”

“After holding her then I go, she kept on follow me, think of variety ways to make me stay. She said she is pregnant.” I paused, tried to recall the light sorrow expression of that woman “Yet I still go away, she has nothing to do with me, she is not you.”

“So, you should know, Xiao Luo is my child.” I smiled, “I never thought I would have a son…That feeling is very strange…Saw him I would actually feel pain, that is my son….His body have a part of me…”

Got a little lack of vocabulary.

“Hrmm, I cannot say it clearly, but you should understand, right?” My eyes cast a trust on the guy that totally has no response on the bed “I dote him just like how you dotes for Zhou Wen Yang. I even gave him that piece of jade. Since he is the grandson of family Lu. However….”

I smiled “I still haven’t told him that I am his dad. Be his uncle isn’t it better? He so trusted on me, so close to me, he said, if I am his dad then so good, you know, that time I am very satisfied.”


“Got one day, Xiao Luo asked my company got lack of employee or not, he said he got an uncle is a rare talent, that uncle surname is Cheng, name is call Yi Chen.”

I looked down and then touched his cold face “At that time, my mood is how, you can understand?”

“Twenty years….I already put no hope, but you suddenly appeared in front of me. I think, the chances for revenge finally had come. From the day you disappeared, I had been thinking how to revenge on you….I abandon everything, just want to be with you, I empty-handed, no more status came back from US, but then you disappeared….” I bitterly smiled, nostalgia back the mood that like a beast, “….I waited for twenty years.”

“But when I saw you that time,” I lightly hugged his head, “…..The first thing I thought is, you became thin, is it your life living not good?”

“Your looks were how in the past, I had never forgotten, remembered so clearly….”

“And then I met Zhou Wen Yang. He makes me remembered of you, have the same face. So I found out about Zhou Lan. I finally understand why been so many years I can’t find a slightly news about you no matter how, that is because you became Family Zhou’s member.”

“You left me, is actually going to marry with her…You really…Just because I am not the second young master of Family Lu, then abandon me?”

I stopped, looked at the time “Today….till here only, you still unwilling to wake up?”

He remained silent.

“I know. Then tomorrow will come to see you.”


This kind of monologue, had been repeated almost a year.

I use one year time to tell him about my twenty years.

I calmly said, and then he quietly listened. In fact, this kind of time is actually quite happiness, just like when I was young that time had been looking forward to it, when we both get old then sitting next to each other on the bench to chit-chatting, it is just that he accidentally fall asleep, leaving me alone touching his hair while talking to myself.

 Like this, actually, also quite good.

The End.

I remember last time when doing this chapter, I cried and now I read back...I suddenly feel myself is like Lu Feng...Sometimes I will be super possessive toward to human I love, toward to human I don't want to share it to other....Well, is all thinking so basically I am glad I don't have anyone I feel like I want to love...:') I don't want be another version of Lu Feng..

I really want more and more POV of Lu Feng....*just saying*~ 
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