ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 3

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 3)
“Did you know about the advertisement then only come to here?” Still not dare to believe the luck that drop from heaven.

“News? What it is?”

“I got advertised at newspaper to find you….” Knew that those money is wasted, feel so disappointed.
“Really? I had never seen before! What had written on it?”

“Er….” My level of writing for searching person isn’t higher till any level, perhaps it is better he didn’t see.

“We also got come and find you, however there is none news to be found, thought you might not be inside the country, or perhaps hiding…Who know is at Town T. That useless Qin Lang, only know how to brag how pro he is, he is totally rubbish…”

“Ah.” I immediately stop him to continue being ruthless saying bad about his lover “He at here also don’t have much connection, just based by Town T already got don’t know how much of the population, miss out is consider normal.”

“And then thought of Lu Feng,” mentioned about that name, little brother got a bit taken aback “Plan to try some luck, let him…to help.”

“Oh…” Without my consciously, I swallowed.

Little brother purposely relax his voice “Who tell him is too well-known, an example being scratch from nothing that have his own company, those ambitious young people also want to follow him….We had no choice but to think of him.” Smiled then paused “Since…We once know each other, he won’t say no----We actually plan of it.”

“En….” I blurred replied, let my face against my little brother’s shoulder.

“If know that you are under his eyes, we already had come early. However always heard that his…private life is very negative, doesn’t have any fixed partner…very horrible…messy, expected that you won’t be with him, even won’t be around his surrounding, then never think of meeting him again….” Little brother softly smiled “You know, meet up will make everyone feel awkward, after all in the past……a little bit also not happy. So Qin Lang had determined to avoid him, he also had never notice us.”


I did not answer, he also no longer speak, quietly depend on, as quiet like sleeping. In my doubting is he already falling asleep or not, he then suddenly touched my head “Are you guys now….”

“Oh….” Few of my words had repeatedly run around the circle inside my throat, then messily build it up, “Break up. That time broke up, you know one.”

“And then?”

“And then…That it.” I think a while “I married.”

Little brother never say anything for a moment, it seems like his expression got chocked by his own saliva, stalled for a while only said “Real, really?”

“Yep” I being honestly, “Is a good woman……But then later on divorce, I am not worthy for her.”

“Oh….” Don’t know why he sounds like relief “Like that also good, you barely can force yourself…”
“I got a son.”

“…….” Yi Cheng remain his mouth shut as if had freeze, when back to conscious that time keep on breathing out cold air “Bro, you, you are awesome…”

“What” Understand why he will get amazed, I got a little bit feeling pissed off “I am a perfect man, of cause can born ah.”

“I know you can la…” He brush me off easily, being thoughtful, don’t know think of what, absent-minded for a while, then asked “What about Lu Feng?”

“What?” I got a bit don’t understand his logic “Just now only said, early already had broken up ah.”

“This one I know, but….” Yi Cheng hesitated, his sound got a bit awkward “Actually, now think back, he never really did anything….Just that he really pushed me, but those after, cannot really say is his fault.”


He lifted another of his hand, resting on my forehead “Of cause, that time really hated him….We all also become dizzy, no one can be so clear-minded to sort out things.”

“Actually…I have some wrong at first, age is young, easily act on rash, if never got provoke him, then there will be nothing happened. Plus, if I never been together with Qin Lang, mom also won’t angry till that level, you and Lu Feng also won’t be so sorry. All these I then slowly only understand.”
He wry a while “To admit is my own fault, it is really not an easy thing….that time in that year, totally have no courage to believe that I also have some responsible, being naturally put every faults push to him. Bro you also...Had stressed too much, I know you really like him….But we hated him so much, you must feeling miserable….Seriously think about it, I and Qin Lang, really selfish, keep on say hate him and hold a grudge on him, but totally forget to consider about your feeling.”

“Now Lu Feng had become like this….At first, I know that time got startled. How to say….Feel a little pity….Got a bit sorry…..If that time, we all being a little rational, now perhaps will be different, you also won’t being left alone….”

“Plus bro, you are way too good man, once we have difference with him, you then immediately will stand on our side” He recalled while smiling “Actually Lu Feng got…a little bit pitiful. Although I always bash on Qin Lang, but if really got something happen, even if it just protects a while, I will also be unreasonable to protect him. Bro, you always wanted to make everyone feel better, whoever heart also refused to hurt, but the fact how possible can it be.”

He turned his head around, finger stretched out to wipe over my tears that unknowingly dripping out “No one can do until so greatly, you really no need to be so forceful…Should be selfish a bit, if not how to be happy? Bro, you are too silly.”


Yes, I also know, I also did some wrong.

Those that you say, I also understand, I used this long twenty years, and finally slowly had learned.

But it is too late.

Everything had passed, everything already broken.

The scar is much more bigger compared to what he know, much more, how also cannot be disappeared, although I had worked so hard, want to pretend so generous, want to relieve, want those past to become something as peaceful as blank.

So being subconscious make my memory, become worst. Always thought, if worst a bit more then can forget everything.

But, people are always the same, can forgive, but cannot forget.

Completely cannot turn back.

Want to take those distorted thing to be twisted back, it is not easy. Moreover is about life.

Such a large age of old man, non-stop flowing out the tears perhaps got a bit looks funny, but I really cannot hold it anymore.

Face being so close, little brother tightly hugged me, used his lips gently wipe of those tears, for the first time in life, comforting kiss from my dearest little brother. He really grown up, and I had turn old.


I just shut my eyes.“If you don’t mind…Follow us, ok? Since you are alone…..Together with us will be much better, I will take care of you….”

I slightly move a little, voice out some fuzzy sound, but that is not answer.

“Bro? Ok or not?”

I also feel strange with my own hesitation and brush off behavior.

Get this kind of invitation, with my only little brother living together, living such kind of peaceful for the rest of the life, until I old to die----this kind of ideal, I thought that when it can be happen that time, I will be happy till I cry.

But it doesn’t have.

I thought a while “But I had opened a bookstore….”

“Bookstore where also can open, this one you can rest assured.”

“En….” What he said is correct. However I still felt uneasy.

“Is there anything that you worried?” Little brother being worried “Oh ya, your ex-wife and son are in here.”

“En….” I smiled and accepted the reason he makes up for me.

“However even if not at Town T, it is still very convenient for you to see them. You also said you are not that often seeing them, stay with me isn’t it more appropriate?”

“En….” What he said is also correct.

But I don’t know why…Once think of leaving here, will feel miserable.

“Still got anything that you feel reluctant?”

My deep thought expression already had looking nearly being silly, Yi Cheng know my brainpower, soothe pat on me “No need rush, slowly think, think already then tell me, see able to take along or not, or not get a new one for you.”

“En.” Feeling safe rely on my little brother’s shoulder, near to his arm.

“Is it because of Lu Feng?”

I shocked, felt guilty looked at him.

“Just joking only, dear bro,” He being disbelief “Already so many years, is impossible you cannot forget him. Your son already in university, tsk.”

“En…” I agreed by nodded my heard, turned around “Go sleep.”

The End

Cough cough, in here I still want side Yi Cheng...I am proud of him, to admit that he is indirectly have wrong during that time in that age is not easy but is even not easy for Yi Cheng to admit in the age of 30++...Let assume Xiao Chen is age 40 then Yi Cheng confirm is age 35-37??I not sure their brothers gap is how much but really, to admit in that that is hard...:')

Which why now I keep on admit is my wrong in my own age..I put my pride very high and rarely admit is my wrong..Even I have to admit, I confirm turn and twist until I don't really have that big wrong...TT!! I am worst~~!!
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  1. Loveknowsnoboundaries22 November 2017 at 10:30

    I think Yi Cheng is only 1 year younger than Xiao Chen. I remember it was mentioned in one of the earliest chapter (chapters 1 or 2). It's that just Xiao Chen was really smart, he'd skipped years. When Xiao Chen was 14 y.o and became Lu Feng's classmate (in the 1st year of high school), Yi Cheng was 13 y.o and in the 1st year of middle school. So, if now Xiao Chen is 40, Yi Cheng is 39.

    Overall, even though I know what Yi Cheng says here is correct, that each of them has their part of fault, no matter big or small; I will never be willing to tolerate Lu Feng's harshness. I will always think Lu Feng is too abusive in this relationship even though I can see how much he loves Xiao Chen. Nevertheless, then again, Xiao Chen continues to love him despite his cruelty, so who am I to complain?

    All I want to say is "Please be sweet from now on for the rest of your lives, dear Xiao Chen and Lu Feng!".

    Thanks a bunch Shao Ye <3 :D


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