ARTTL:- Vol 3 Chapter 10

(ARTTL Vol 3 Chapter 10)
I anything also don’t want to care anymore, Wen Yang, Zhou Lan, Little Brother, Qin Lang, what self-esteem, what moral integrity, what hatred, what guilty…..I am really, don’t want to care anymore.

My most valuable man, he had already become like this, what other else thing that I still don’t want?

Still got what things, are more important than protecting him?


“Lu Feng, Lu Feng…….”

“What happen?” the beginning of being stiffed finally go away, he kept touching my head, as if don’t know how to comfort me, only repeatedly asked “What happen?”

“Can I….” I tightly clutched on him, trying to make my own voice not sounding too hoarse “Can I…Stay beside you?”

He remained quiet, hands movement also stopped.

“As long can accompany you then good enough….other else thing, is not a matter….”

He still did not give any respond.

This time I initiate used my both hands to hold on his face, force him to look at me.

The man’s eyes that are red make my tears fall immediately.

“You see, I already become an old man that will cry.” He smile, yet only make me cry even more uncomfortable.

PS: Stop with the “drink” thing, I check every comment so don’t comment that…Thanks..><!!!

Until today, in this world, still got what else things will make me give up on you?

“Can you?” The eyes that looked at me very seriously.

I sniffed while move forward to him, kissed on his lips, got a bit salty, think again he also will cry, will only make me feel pain.

The long and tender lips touched, he slightly baffled, and next he tightens his arms. Got strangle until slightly feel pain, but think even the bones got crashed also not a big deal.

Long time never like this lean on to his arms, and also long time don’t know what is the feeling when hugging him.

Now I finally know.

Just feel that even die also worth it.

The kissing soon go even deeper, the tongue that is inside the mouth licking while entangled to another one, breathing rapidly, I already cannot remember that at first I want to take the initiative, but only open the mouth then let him continue to kiss.

Still the same affection way that I used to remember, after the lips, then the next kissing is on the tip of the nose, and slowly up to the forehead, a bit by bit of kissing, the strength is very heavy, as if want to eat into the stomach, kiss till the hairline, then stop, and again return back from the same position, until the chin, then follow by the neck, the circumstance of the neck…..

My back got held while hardly caress, can feel the head under his lower body, arrived from the legs, being a man clearly know what is that hard thing that slightly make me having a goose bumps, even my own lower abdomen also quietly expanded,  being sucked at the place like a vampire is growing hot.

Gradually cannot support on the pressure that he pressed, when move backward and fall to the bed that time, my throat slightly tightened for a while. The warm kisses and caresses seem to be very natural, yet can’t suppress but to feel nervous.

Too long never been like this, can felt his hand from the bottom enter into my sweater, couldn’t help but to tighten my upper body, my chest turned itchy just by getting rubbed by the fingers, also don’t know how to deal with it, only can panting, desperately grasped on his shoulder.

Caressed till my whole body almost burn up only then released me, unable to get up so lie down and looked at him to get up, began to unbutton his clothes that is not heavy.

Just look at what he had exposed, his symmetrical upper bodyline still remain handsome, my chest being so pathetic shaken it up. Brain still feel feverish, a sudden moment unable to move my eyes away, only can stare at him.

Already forty-years old man….seeing him like this, indeed he look very young, the time that taken from his body at least had charged less than a decade of youth.

His face’s contour still remain clear and handsome, the limbs still slender and sturdy, shoulder straight and wide, yet his waist is thin, even a trace of fats also cannot be seen.

Look at his flexible waist when bending over, my body that is warm rapidly turned cold, almost want to bitterly laugh it out.

Indeed, the difference is too much.

Compared with him, my dry and thin body…is like what.

At first is just an ordinary forty-year-old man’s appearance, just stay inside the hospital of the shrinking for one year, already thin until there is nothing left. Just a four year of gap shouldn’t have any changes, but now it seems that I had instantly rushed in front of him to turn old, really became a withered old man.

If both also become worst, then it is ok.

But he still remained very good.

Let him see my rib cage that is so obviously inside my chest and my deep loose abdomen, perhaps will turn bad the appetite.

When the sweater get removed from head, I then started to resist when my shirt been quickly unbuttoned, keep seizing myself tightly and doesn’t want to let go, no matter how also not willing to let him take off.

“What happen?”

I did not say anything, also don’t know how to say, stiffly cover at the exposed area, and don’t want to let him see.

“Still not willing?”

His slightly disappointed sound make me feel sorry.

“I want to wait a while….” I just feel stammered, “wait until a period more….”

 Perhaps go exercise a bit will be better, although don’t know have to take how long only can see result, but must be at least better than current now.

“Why?” He never immediately let go his hand, still tightly clutch on my arms “Don’t you just said…want to be together? Or suddenly feel hateful?”

“Is not!” Looked at his serious and a little weak face, really want to give him a hug.

“Then…Still afraid of me?” He is still trying to figure out “I won’t make you hurt, really…”

“Is not your problem.” I vaguely explain in his suspicious eyes “Is just that I suddenly feel not comfortable, next time, next time, we….”

“Where are you feeling not comfortable? Is it a big matter?”

I still being protective yet cannot find any words to say, he looked me awhile, clearly took back his hands, no longer speak anything.

“I go take a bath” sat for a long while, he lowly whispered, stood up, sorted out properly at the half-open pants, and then re-buckle back the belt.

He suddenly being silence and loss make me suddenly feel pain. My so called boring self-esteem can consider as what? Even this ugly and old body gets seen and disgusted, it is much better than making him sad.


“Lu Feng……”


I hugged his waist, face near close to his abdomen “I…I use my mouth to help you do.”

He suddenly got baffled for a while, and then raised his hand to touch my forehead “Damn, isn’t that you hate the most?”

“You feel good then is good enough….” I unbuckled his belt “I…..”

“Stupid.” He seemed to restrain his anger, hardly tease on my forehead “I want to hold you just because of my lower body?!”


“Just want to hold you.” He holds his anger, his soft sound barely got controlled, “If you not willing, then at the end don’t enter also nevermind.”

I buried my head on to his abdomen “….Very ugly.”


“My body…is very ugly, totally differences from your….you haven’t seen yet…”


Silences for a while, suddenly a moment in front, get roughly pressed onto the bed, the man that come over while his lips is tightly shut don’t know is laughing or being angry, yet his eyes are ferocious.

The next second my shirt been tear off, doesn’t have time to make a sound, pants also quickly stripped down, I am still being in startled, the hot and tough body had pressed over here.

The legs are forced to be separate and get pressed on the side, below the waist also padded with pillow for elevation, although being in panic and repeatedly said to him “wait a minute.”, while my chest and abdomen that being worried and concern got kisses until very red and hot, even the most secretive place had been licked over and over again, no matter how struggle or restrain also no use.
The front and the back rear also become wet due to his tongue, when that soft and flexible hot and humid object keep on teasing around from front and back, I only can desperately twisted, reach out the hands to clutch at his hair for mercy, the throat only can out some strange voice, lower body already start to swell until pain, yet can’t even close the legs.

Continue from time to time begged him to “stop licking”, yet until I almost break down to the edge only he kindhearted, removed his lips away.

My legs that been pressed until paralyzed finally able to straighten it out. Relax is just a moment only, the next is lying on the side posture, one of the leg let him sat underneath, another leg lifted to his shoulder.

My ligament totally cannot stand this kind of test, I immediately whimper out on the spot. The pain is not really there, but feeling tingling and numb, the legs doesn’t need to use much effort, when the cold fingers touch the rear that time, what I can do is just desperately breathing, tighten my body, and simply just grabbed on the bed sheet.

“Don’t be afraid, I will be very carefully.”

Although the tone is very serious, but with the low voice speak from his mouth, will only make people feel more uneasy.

The End.

First, I need to say Merry Christmas Eve…Second I need to say, I hope I did success to trans this chapter, while translating, I have to imagine every scene in my brain so I can trans it out or not 

Lan Lin style, her chapters can be one second sad, then in second happy, and in another second this~~!!! T_T!! Oh gosh, totally not good translating part like this…Orz orz orz..~!

Again, my trans is full of error, if you don’t like don’t read…Don’t come and correct on my grammar….*Sometimes I really lazy to edit in wattpad, post and that it*~ One more extra, I never simply trans, I really trans with all I can, just my grammar and english not that good, got limit so I really hope you guys who read my work can feel my hardwork, at least appreciate a bit...

Thanks for those comment in previous chapters, I cry and laugh in the same time when reading it…:’)~~!! I guess those comment is something that I feel you guys had been saying “thanks” to me, just comment your feel into the story, no thanks word..HAHA!!

Also in here, I recall someone said Lu Feng gentle? Nah, he is a beast, a beast is always a beast, cannot change…:D

Till Then.
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