ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 1

( ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 1)

Frederica once said:-

“Doesn’t matter if democracy cease to change, doesn’t matter if the world become atomic. I just hope he can stay beside me being half awake, half asleep while reading book”

What I had dream, is just that much.

The taxi finally stopped. Along the way I was asleep finally got awakened once saw the driver took out the luggage from the car.

“Boxes got two , luggage bag got one, the backpack let me carry, still have, don’t forget about these two papers bag.”

The driver is a quite old uncle, very friendly, plus a little sympathy and jealousy eyes to look at me that opened those packages “You just finished your spring break and come back from your home, right?”

I sneered.

I remember when I go back home for holiday, beside presents, the only things that it inside the luggage bag is just two sets of clothes, one set is directly on my wear on my body, now all these extra things is come out from where!

I know that one whole box that include clothes, shoes, gloves, scarfs are mother and brother that bought for me, then….This blanket is what story? Town S doesn’t have places that sell blanket? And also brother Yi Cheng that sneakily put those CD inside, is there some mistake, such a big package, I never intend to do wholesale. Inside the paper bags no need to see also know is mother that packed inside that have fried fish, canned beef, also backpack that filled with mandarin.

Why I want to suffer myself that bring these entire things that easily can get at Town S from N kilometer to shift to here.

Looked up, the apartment that I rent is at fourth floor.


Fourth floor ah…

Should be no problem ah, I remembered in many years ago when I am in elementary school during my sixth grade, because my bike that been lost very badly, I every day came back to home from school, need to carry the bike to the fifth floor, when going to school, need to carry it down from fifth floor, it trained my secretive appearance of amazing endurance level.

 Take a deep breath, tried all the ways to put the entire luggage on my body, make myself like a multi-function hanger, ready in one effort to rush up the stairs, suddenly noticed a pile of discarded furniture that not far away.

Sofa, TV, radio…..ah….A very complete set of things. Although it is quite old, but it is quite pity just to be discarded…Forget about it, even if I take back also got no place to put.

Weird, why it is look a little familiar.

I then simply think about it while struggling to climb up the staircase.


Oh ya, during holiday, the guy from the residence gave me a phone call, said he is already stop renting and officially move out to happily stay together with his girlfriend. The new tenant that is inside the house should be my new housemate.

Once I pushed the door, my smile that is prepared advance to show to my new housemates immediately became stiff.

Cream colored wallpaper, it seems like the carpet look very luxurious, the low Nordic sofa that located in the middle of the room, if I never see wrong, the thing that is hang in there is the large-screen LCD TV, still got….

Walk, walk wrong.

I rushed walk backward, quietly closed the door.

I really got dizzy, how can I go to the wrong floor. Then here it should be…

Looked at the wall, the wall show a big “four”….Don’t tell me I do not how to read anymore?

Again pushed the door, feel horrified not to let the shoes to dirty the carpet, stand close to the wall entrance “Is anybody here?”

“You came back?” Instantly focus to the man that is very familiar inside the living room.

I open my mouth big, as if I saw a Godzilla.

“You you you you you…” finger trembling aimed at him, completely stuttering, “Why, why…it is you?

“I had renovated the whole house, you like it or not?” He deflected my question, being proudly budging his chest.

I suddenly come to understand why the furniture that piled up in downstairs can be so familiar.
“WAH…” turned back and rushed down the stairs, my tv, my sofa…

It is too late, the garbage truck being high and mighty had loaded and drove away my belonging.

T/N: 神气活现(shénqì huóxiàn) High and mighty/cocky/as proud as peacock.

I screamed while chased the garbage truck for a quite long, the end is I only can sorrow watched it’s drifted away, drifted away…


Back to the house, I refused to feel pained, one foot stepped on the carpet, accused directly to the man that suddenly appeared “What the wrong with you? Those things, those things…still can use ah!!”

I am already in pain until I couldn’t speak any more condemning words.

“Too old already, already cannot be used anymore, it is very eyesore and hindrance.”

They don’t know how to speak nor move, how can it be obstructive to you?

“But those is left by landlord, cannot throw it out…”

“I had already bought the house…”

“What?” My mouth opened vertically that it can put the egg inside.

“I bought the apartment down, renovated, and then we can live together in here.”

“Wait…Wait, wait a minute!”

I warded off his stretched arms that coming toward to me and keep on walk backward to avoid. “You buy for what? You got your own big house, still enough for yourself to live?”

“You refused to move in there, of cause I have to move over here.” His expression looked as if he is very correct.

Are we both are in some Muhammad and Mountain kind of relationship?

T/N: I check the chinese word and it state穆罕默德和山(mùhǎnmòdé hé shān), it mean wherever the mountain is, the Muhammad will go to the mountain.

I stared at him bitterly.

The cheeky handsome man that standing in front of my called Lu Feng, he nearly 1.9 meter of a boring height, an very eyesore of broad shoulder and long legs, a very cocky mixed face, probably he is quite rich too~~although I have no idea how rich he is, but that well-known company from top to bottom have many of people like me who is so elite that works blood and sweat to produce profits for him ah,~~probably is a very capable man that is can provide a long-term meal ticket. The so called Prince Charming, if the prince charming have a not ever good inherent, probably will be like him.

T/N: 长期饭票 (Chángqí fàn piào) Long Term Meal Ticket :- A human that is do well in the economy and he/she will never be unemployment.

Unfortunately such a man that easily loved by women doesn’t like women at all…Do not use the kind of stare that you saw bone meat to look at me!

I shrink my head, accept the fate to give up arguing, dragged the boxes and bag come in, he easily took the two boxes, and then he opened my bedroom’s door.

I again screamed out.

“Even, even my room also…” cannot be spared out.

“The former bed is too small, the curtain tone is not good and the noise of air conditioners is very loud, so simply just replace everything.”

Being half despair go to pull out the wardrobe that is clearly newly bought.

“Where are my clothes?” my voice is sound faintly.

“Throw out.”

So clear-cut.

“All throw out?” Still not give up.

“Ya ah” He is being so righteous.

I being weak sat on the kingsize bed “You, what else had you did? Together tell me everything.”

“I bought new one for you, all hanging inside, you go take a look, if there is something lack then call people to get for you…”

I suddenly grabbed him by his collar, once remembered some of the expensive new suits that I being determined to buy at the original price, I just got the urge to one bite killed him.

This man bent himself to 188cm, a non-human height, and eye on eye with me for a quite long, not only he did not feel guilty, still can show out an expression that can consider as gentle look, suddenly rushed over and kissed my lips.


He, what is his brain thinking ah!

Get pressed onto the bed and couldn’t even move, the air inside my lungs are all almost squeezed out.
“Let…Let go your hand…” I stuttered unclear, effort shook my head to left and right to dodge over him. He that thing is not even call kissing, is simply name as eating people, even my tongue can be bite off by him.

Don’t simply touch me, I just get off from the car and it is very dirty…I do not want to start my New Year by getting OOXX…

His lips finally moved away, my mind that is completely mess, properly sat down and take a deep breath, the man that is still lying reached out his hand and tightly holding around my waist.

“Xiao Chen.”

“Yes?” this man, if he were to expose a warmth expression, totally no one can be fierce on him.

“I miss you.”

“I…I know.” Today seems like I keep on stuttered.

“We are going to be together from now on.”

He faintly showed an expression, it was a very shy smile, after a very long long time, I still able to vividly remember it.

His use a tone that is very certain.

And that time, I am also very believed to it.

The End.
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  1. Err.. may i ask where to read the vol 1 - a long way from home?

  2. when does xiao chen get raped?

    1. In volume 1 if I not mistaken.. you can read it at wattpad

  3. do you have any plan to translate volume 7 and 8? it just that I really love Lu Feng and Xiao Chen story but I cannot read Chinese.

    1. Go to my wattpad account.. ShaoyeloveBL...Wattpad got Vol 7 and 8~~!!!


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