ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 4

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 4)
The alumni meeting was crowded than what I expected, everyone really brought their family along to attend, the number that attend seem to be double up, almost booked the whole entire hotel, extraordinary crowded.

The identity of Lu Feng is my ‘colleagues’, it is impossible for him not to get attention from the crowd just by standing among them, hence it is immediately lead to a news that Cheng Yi Chen doesn’t have a girlfriend yet it is so pitiful he had to pull his male colleagues to act as his family member, it is indeed he is the honorary member of X University spotlight of association (Singles Association).

“How can you come with such a light?” my previously class monitor showed a genuine smile, patted on my shoulder, by accompany of his beautiful slim girlfriend standing by his side.

“Nowadays the girls are too high to be reach, I am not as handsome nor as rich as you, how can people look at me.”

Xiang Zhen looked straight at my eyes, smirked “stop faking, do you know during our grade, how many girls had liked on you.”

“….You are joking right.”

“You really don’t know?” Xiang Zhen is more surprised compared to me, “The Class-3 of Zou Wen Yu had crush on you for four year, don’t tell me nobody had told you before?”

“…...”a drop of cold sweats I never knew that I got this charm that let the beauty from that classroom to crush on me for so long.

Turn out that I am not that unattractive from the point of view from the different gender…Being a gay is really wasted.

“They all…love me for what kind of point?” Ignored the tall big man beside me who showed an unfriendly expression and keep continue asked. Being said as ‘a face that will be loved by the same group’, ‘loved by men’ such an unlucky thing happened for a man. It is normal I will get curious about how girls will took attention toward to me.

Xiang Zhen again not showing his seriousness to stared at me “Because you quite good looking…Result also good, the most important is, you almost barely talked with any girls.”

Is, is it? Turn out without me knowing, I am still follow my own sexual, automatically formatted all the female around me.

“Our class girls had tried before to see who can be the first one will be conversation with you more than ten sentences, everyone had put this for a bet before.”

“….” Totally don’t have any memory.“Finally who have won?”

“The black horse.” Xiang Zhen looked much regretted “It was Zhou Lan, make us lose until so miserable.” Listen to his tone sound like he is buying a horse ticket.

T/N: 黑马一匹 (Hēi mǎ yī pi) The black horse, this word originally come from during a horse betting, usually the black horse is the most unlucky and most less people will be betting on but turn out the black horse is the winner of that particular race bet.


“Zhou Lan, come over, Yi Chen is at here.” This woman that is so busybody is Shao Xian, heard that she is going to married soon, the groom is a millionaire, future father so called in a powerful man in Town X. It is very obvious to see the LV bag from her hand, Shao Xian had a hot figure and pretty face, is an opportunistic type of person, everything come very naturally.

By comparison, Zhou Lan is much more subtle and pure. She and last time doesn’t have any big changes, it is still very slender slim, a clean and beautiful baby face, a long straight black hair, her face look very shy and docile, it is very pleasant to see, totally cannot see that she is older than me by three years.

The real reason why I will have a deep personal impression for both of them, probably during the university time, Shao Xian always bring Zhou Lan around to track me at the library, always seeking to ask me all kind of incredible weird question. Thanks to them, doesn’t matter how outrageous and how strange the question out by the professor, I am still easily get my scholarship award.

Shao Xian is obviously had more interested toward to Lu Feng compared me who is her old classmate, already going to married soon yet still keep on fiercely flirting to a handsome man. Left me and Zhou Lan who are not really good at speech, just silently grinning at each other.

Humbly exchange a few words, respectively dismiss and take our own dish at the buffet, in a small group gather around chit-chatting and reminisced the past. There a this period Lu Feng almost become a joke, that guy used to it, go to the reception and ask for bills, due to late a bit already given a shock to everyone in here. Every each of also split our bills, once collect all the money and then pass to the class monitor and let him settle the situation, who know let a stranger ‘colleague’ to do it before him.

Xiang Zhen got startled toward to this matter that is not trivia at all, repeatedly keep on asking me how much is my salary per month, even thought that the unit is US, after he get to know the amount is it not that huge, and then he got moved to tears, keep on holding Lu Feng’s hand and said he is way too kind, no matter how must pay back full to him, and persistency refused to collect Lu Feng’s part. Lu Feng pinched the pile of cash that was handed by the monitor to him with the rigid expression, exactly don’t know what to do with it.

“You idiot ah.” I small voice said to him.

“How I know you guys will be splitting the bills.” He muffled.

“Nonsense, everyone are under working class, and don’t have any rich or powerful people behind, if is not splitting the bills then what?”

“You mean rich and powerful? If want to say a wealthy girl, among your classmates not say don’t have, that one.” He swirled his chin up toward to Shao Xian’s location.

“Shao Xiao just going to marry to the rich, now she is still an ordinary people.”

“Not her, is the black hair girl that is beside her.”

One group of people either dyed until so dazzling or either too blond, brown or beige, the only black one…Are you kidding me, Zhou Lan?

“You see wrong is it?” I remembered when I first enter university doing the household survey and under the column of parents career and other wide variety information, she filled ‘mom :unemployed at home, father: company clerk.’, everyone know that she is unlike any other girls, will go to the expensive boutiques to buy clothes and shoes, fashion brand that is proudly wore by other college girls, there is none on her, it is say that because Town X prices is much more higher compared to other Town, her daily necessities also one boy by one box from time to time send by from her home.

“Everything that the brown hair girl wore from head to toe all together also not worth of the price compared her shoes.”

My first feeling is ridiculous, but Lu Feng’s eyesight it is indisputable.

“Did you have the feeling that her dress it is never seen before from any branded garment shops? Because all of that are under HANDMADE.”

I am in doubt then stared at Zhou Lan, in the same time she tilted up her head, facing face to face, the little face that size like a palm suddenly flushed, showed out a cramp smile, hurried bowed his head down and never look at me.

Have this vaguely strange uneasy chill that slowly climbs to my back.

The End


When Lan Lin intro a character in, usually the character will appear in future chapter....O3O~~ Such a calm chapter, I suddenly feel not good...

Till Then

Repost at 27.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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