ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 5

( ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 5)

Brother Yi Cheng happily asked us want to watch the night’s concert at tomorrow, still raised up the two tickets that were on his hand.

“What kind of music?”


“What is the ranking of the band?”

“Of cause is first-class one ah.” Yi Cheng proudly pointed his thumb toward to himself.

“The band is belong to your?” Early should guess it out. ==” Like this then it is a must to watch, being the big brother got the obligation to support and encourage his little brother’s artistic career.

Lu Feng’s expression that is well prepared during afternoon can straight away to fly to Kyoto is not looking very good, according to his plan, we probably tomorrow night will be in Kyoto Gion Ryotei eating the white boiled tofu that taste quite bland. Under the cherry blossom tree, two people enjoyed the hot spring while the sakura petal falling down, rather than sitting inside a small bar mixed together with a group of strangers while listening the ROCK which he is totally not interested.


To stay one more extra half day than it expected at Town X, had no choice but to bring him around to kill the time. I find Lu Feng that is seem to be lack interest toward to the beauty of the Town X, only when he listen I intro: “I used to come here…I used to always eat this…I used to…” Only then he will be somehow energetic, resulted to every place we visit had to add one more sentences “This is my previously XXX of XX.” Went inside a café to drink a tea also not forget to say “I often come to this place, the mocha is very pure oh.”

T/N: If someone is not understand due to my poor English, simply saying… As long Xiao Chen use the word “I”, Lu Feng will be energetic. =3=”…Xiao Chen, you know how to use your skill eh~!!

Lu Feng took a sip, mumbled said “Like this only? Your taste is really poor.”

I am so sorry ah young master, I last time is just a poor student, only can consumption to this kind of bistro. Don’t tell me you are expected to have some freshly ground Royal Blue Moutains?

After eating the last muffin, go to the cashier to pay the bills, preparing to push the door out, my eyes sweep to a young man that sitting very leisurely while folded his legs in the middle of the cottage.

At this moment, the café is not at the peak of their business, their business is cold, more of is empty places. Normal people usually will pick the wall or the window side which is more quiet and peaceful. The gorgeous man that purposely sat at the most eye-catching place, as far as I know only got one person, however he should be still at Tokyo eating onigiri and sashimi.

Tentative to walk over there and patted on his shoulder “Qin Lang?”

The man turned over, his beautiful eyes are widely open “Xiao Chen?!!”

He looked more shocked compared to me.

“When did you come back?” This year is what year? Why everyone comes to Town X, “Did Yi Cheng knows?”

His expression showed a little slightly awkward.

“Xiao Chen, who is he ahh?” Lu Feng frowned, used a little disgusted expression and looked at him from up to down. Xiao Qin Lang this kind of peacock type of man is something he doesn’t want to get involved.

The handsome face quickly had changes five six seven eight times, suddenly he jumped up and straight grabbed my hand, being mushy and jumpy said “Xiao Chen, how are you in these two years, I miss you quite a lot!”

Are you looking for death ah!

Even I don’t even dare to pull Lu Feng’s tail, he still want to wildly squatting on top of Lu Feng’s head. I really don’t know the man that has a good appearance is thinking of what.

I being gentler, mushier and smiled back to him “Really? I am going to find Yi Cheng in next two day, all the word that you said, I will say to him without missing any word…”

Haven’t finish saying and he is already face turned pale and move backward two three steps, shrink to one side, look at my eyes with a little sad.

“If you got time then go see Yi Cheng bah.” All these words no matter what must say it out “He is getting thinner.”

Qin Lang’s eyes is even more sad looked at my hand clasped together with Lu Feng’s hand.
“That brat is the one that belong to Yi Cheng ah?” Lu Feng being disbelief “Is there been some mistake, look as fancy as peacock like that…”

In order to strengthen the impression on him, I get used to add the mantra spell on it “Last time, I often with him…”


A drop of cold sweat ran down from on top of my head “Nothing…” almost a slip of the tongue that going to turn into eternal hatred.


The night whereby Yi Cheng got his performance, once I saw my little brother walked with that awkwardly stiff posture up to the stage, I already knew that Qin Lang had succeeded. That guy move is damn fast.

The performances are held in Chen Chao’s bar, those who come support is not little, which included us who and also the Young Master Qin who is holding the large bouquet of flower sat in the seat that is most closest to the BAND and show a big smile as if he is boy crazing.

Qin Lang’s mushy-ness, I see also can face red, I really don’t know how little brother can endure it.
Lu Feng who doesn’t have any understand toward to rock music and only able to listen a very loud noise straight away went to the counter to have a drink, Chen Chao and Yi Cheng’s senior with such curiosity went to approached him. It is so rare that they can have some conversation with Lu Feng, I then relieved and focus back to enjoy my little brother on the stage holding the mic while fiercely swing his head.

The fact is proven that only tied Lu Feng around my waist is the most safety infallible security.
Once the performance is ended, I am just going to say a few words with Qin Lang that is smile very happily and satisfied, then I got carried away from behind out to the bar and directly stuffed into the taxi.


Have a pity of me that doesn’t have any chances to justify then straight away throw into the large bed inside the hotel room and got tortured until half dead. This damn bastard doesn’t even put any lubrication, and it is terribly brutal, most horrible that it is long lasting.

“Are you still haven’t forgotten him, huh? Because your heart got hurt by him so sadly come to Town S, if like this saying then I am a spare part? Where did he touch you before? Here, here, or here? Or it is here?...”

 I screamed, yelled, screech, and moaned until I do not know how to scream, from start to end, from inside out completely had accepted his several time of baptize, and finally half dying and let him carried me to the bathroom to clean up.

“I warn you ah, if you dare to have any illusion or any deviant thought to other men beside me, you better be careful that I will break your legs…What, you don’t believe? I am not joking with you, you better remember this clearly…”

“People who are betrayed me will die horribly, but you are an exception…”

“If you were to do something that betrays me, I will let you live in the hell…”…..=-=|++++++

Jesus Christ, every time also must scare me.

The End.

The high class Royal Blue Mountain. O3O I wonder it is really that delicious to drink..Hrmmm...

One of the chapter I also like, maybe because I miss Qin Lang LOL!! Noooo..Is whereby Xiao Chen still a cute type of fella, he will use "I" to make Lu Feng have the attention, for Lu Feng, he is always that daring, his possessive is one that I like yet I am scare...XD
Shao Ye us afraid of scary human ahhh...T_T

Repost at 28.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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  1. he is addicted with xiao chen

  2. Same... Lu feng possessiveness is what i most like but in some way it make me shiver ��

  3. That last part reminds me of ChiCheng he said something similar to WuSuwei. Poor things


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