Pandora Box (11)

This is under Lin Jing POV

Originally Lin Jing think to stay under the same roof with Lu Feng, it is simply just like a horror film. Just imagine only, there a monster inside the house!

However the situation is much better than Lin Jing had expected. From his memory that he can recall and even imagined, it is much better to get along together.

Directly saying, it should be, as long he is around Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen can make him felt ease, Lu Feng this kind of person is not troublesome, and sometimes he is very nice person to get along.

Toward to this person (Lu Feng), toward things that is unrelated to Xiao Chen, it only can be regarded as shitty issues, he won't even bother to care about it.

Hence Lin Jing planned to borrow money from Lu Feng!

At first Lin Jing supposed to find Xiao Chen as it more reasonable but Lin Jing think that Xiao Chen might not have much money. Although he understand that Xiao Chen will gave but he really feel awkward to open this mouth.

Lin Jing walked up front to the rich man "Errr..."

Lu Feng reading newspaper, without looking up "Xiao Chen went to buy fruits..."


PS: Here I use Lin Jing POV so hope you guys okay...

Alright, usually when I at home also

"Uncle Chen, I am hungry."

"Uncle Chen, that shirt of mine, did you put it back?"

"Uncle Chen, umbrella put where?"

Find Lu Feng, I only have this one sentences "Lu Feng, where is my Uncle Chen?"


"I am not finding Uncle Chen, finding you."

Lu Feng heard it, put down his newspaper and straight looked at Lin Jing.

Lin Jing said "can borrow me some money to open packet card?"

Lin Jing thought Lu Feng will ask him what is this 'packet card?' Or either 'how much?'

Yet Lu Feng said "Account number give me."

Lin Jing said "Can use Alipay, more convenient."


Lu Feng really got Alipay account ah. "This is my Alipay account, or you can scan the code..."

Lu Feng is really not a nice and sweet type of human, he got that look like 'don't take all these shitty stuff to disturb me', opened his phone and handed to Lin Jing "The password is Xiao Chen's birthday, you ownself transfer."

Lin Jing enter inside Lu Feng's Alipay account, the upper side of balances figured make Lin Jing baffled.

At first, Lin Jing didn't intend to chat with Lu Feng but he could not help to ask "You put in so much money, plan to buy what ah?"

"Never plan to buy anything" Lu Feng continued "Just give Xiao Chen to buy anything he want, already register the relationship account for him."

PS: In Alipay account/system, there got this "relationship service" whereby you buy/create an account to people you love/care/anything...So when the second person(the one you buy this service) buying stuff, they can easily asses to your account and money will be deduct through this account too.

However it is seem that Xiao Chen never spent any money from this account. Lu Feng said "He is too much of self-esteem."

Lin Jing thought to himself that luckily he don't have any self-esteem! Hence Lin Jing quickly transfers the amount.

Actually it is very easy to guess, before Xiao Chen spent finished his own money, he will never have any thought on Lu Feng's money.

For don't know what reason, Xiao Chen still maintain his 'independence' attitude.

Together with Lu Feng, beside he is good in body shape and also very rich, he doesn't have any good point that makes Xiao Chen to be with him, however Xiao Chen is not a big spender nor want to have any extravagant life.

Totally no idea what Xiao Chen wants on him. Probably, he really wants Lu Feng this person only.

Lin Jing can't help but to think 'Uncle Chen is so awesome!"

The End
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  1. Never bored to read about Xiao Chen and Lu Feng.

    1. Yes I also won't get bored reading about them... <3!!

    2. Eu também não! Qualquer coisa que a Lan Lin escreva sobre eles me deixa imensamente feliz!!! Mesmo que seja a coisa mais insignificante do dia a dia deles! Eu espero que ela permita que esses dois sejam felizes!


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