Pandora Box (1)

This story is under Xiao Chen POV

Toward to a life that atonement toward Xiao Jing (Lin Jing) , is just like steeping on the peak of the mountain, is it very difficult but sometimes thinking , maybe one day, after reaching the top of the peak, then there will be this downhill that will lessen their burden. This kind of downhill to the mountain is their hope that sustained them to go through each day.

However in the reality, there doesn't have any downhill road.There is only have more high and more steep, is like an endless mountain.

There is totally no hope. Xiao Chen already out of solution.

16th of April in Year X.

The sky turned to dawn, Xiao Chen opened the door, the room inside is remain quiet, there is nothing to be alarmed.

Doesn't matter what happen in future, that is the punishment that they deserved. However Xiao Chen pity him, he reluctant to see him get cast aside, let everyone hated him, be condemned.

Even Xiao Chen used his all energy hugged him, also unable to protect him.

Lu Feng finally woke up, quietly blinked his eyes , similar like sleepwalking. When the moment he able to saw Xiao Chen clearly, thus revealing a happy expression, reached out the hand want to hold Xiao Chen "You came?"

Xiao Chen's hands are trembled, but still go against his neck.

Lu Feng can feel the blade, he slightly get taken aback, stopped his hand, just in that position. "Xiao Chen......"

Once Lu Feng started to talk, the blade cut his skin, there a little bloodshot leaking out.

Xiao Chen in a flurry hold him down "do not move." He is able to feel that Lu Feng's whole muscle tensed, actually if he were to resist, Xiao Chen is unable to hold him with his poor skilled but he really never move. Just looked at Xiao Chen, want to say something but still unable to said it out.

The moment Xiao Chen saw the blood, he got confused, wanted to wipe off those blood but still want to firmly stand on his view, the word that he is able to say "won' won't pain for so long..."

His heart beating very fast, Xiao Chen could clearly felt from his pulse, extremely strong, similar like a physique beast.

However he remained obediently lying down, stared at Xiao Chen, not even have a little resistances at all.

"You don't move."

"Ah". Lu Feng accepted it , it just that his face turned black.

"You like this treat Xiao Jing, Yi Cheng they all won't forgive you."

"I know."

Xiao Chen's red eyes, grinned said "I also can't forgive you."

Lu Feng softly said "I know. This is my fault." Xiao Chen blindly used a little force, Lu Feng shivered but did not struggle. Lu Feng's pain look make Xiao Chen dizzy again, unable to think anything, hand also started to be soft, voice also turn hoarsely , muttered said "we are unable to be together once again."

This time Lu Feng did not said anything, just hugged Xiao Chen. He also understands that both of them have no longer any way out.

Yi Cheng will not blame Xiao Chen, he will use all his excuses to save him , will unfairly favor on him.

Lu Feng will only be the one to be blamed, no one will able to restrain themselves to hate him. He is just like monster that wandering inside a village, everyone hate him, afraid of him, blamed why he haven't leave yet. He harmed people, that why even he quietly hiding inside his cave also no use. Nobody want his compensation. Even his's tried to clean his sins will be appeared like a horror. Everyone rather him to be disappeared, kill him or get rid of him, until a level that unable to tolerate living with him in this village.

Xiao Chen's voice chocked "I don't want to be separated with you again."

Both of them doesn't have another twenty year, even one year also don't have.

When both of them in this kind of age, the time of being together, adding up, doesn't more than three year. Already reached to a level that can't endure any separation.

Both of them already in their forty, how long they needed to wait, how long they can wait.

Xiao Chen can't find any reason to be living once he think in the future that no is longer can see Lu Feng.

Lu Feng became relaxed, similar to gentle, no longer had tensed. "I also don't want to be separated with you."

Then Lu Feng pulled Xiao Chen and tenderly kissed him.

Lu Feng whispered said "you must always remember me."

After a while, Lu Feng's face slowly got wet, he exhaled and then put his hand over Xiao Chen's crying eyes, do not let him to see his face.

"I won't be pain for too long."

In this dark atmosphere , Xiao Chen able to feel his warm palm, his able to smell something familiar odor, is like only lover able to smell it, with a bit of mixture of blood smell.

Xiao Chen is reluctant. Usually when Lu Feng gone fever or headache already can make him gone worried, since he is no longer that young.

Lu Feng already quit smoking, less drinking , everyday also need to go for jog, never back home at late night and sometimes will drag Xiao Chen to do body check up, often will count how long can both of them be living.

PS: Xiao Chen, let me tell you.. You guys will be eternal forever. The End...*love*!

When this happen, Lu Feng will be like some stingy old man, once finish counted, he will be stubbornly re-count again, keep on repeat, is like he will able to count extra time if he do that. He is seriously wanted to live longer, both of them can be together more longer.

Lu Feng just have this little to be concern of but when Xiao Chen tell him to let go, he also let go.

He is sorry to Xiao Chen's mom, sorry to Yi Cheng, sorry to Zhuo Lan, sorry to Xiao Jing, sorry to many human that Xiao Chen's know and don't know but he don't have anything sorry to Xiao Chen.

Is true that he tormenting Xiao Chen, harm him but all these is Xiao Chen owed him. However now he have to kill Lu Feng.

Xiao Chen always think, if is possible, he want to die in front of him , go first then only pick him up in the future. This is the best ending but this ending unable to be happen.

Maybe is waited too long, Lu Feng's put down his hand. In Xiao Chen's blurry view able to see Lu Feng again. He looked at Xiao Chen with the eyes that feels guilty and regret. He said "make you hurt so much ah.."

Xiao Chen stared at his face, his throat still tightening, the knife that clenched too long make his palm feel sore, he make this most cruel decision but not able to directly cut his throat.

Lu Feng comforted him "killing a person is too difficult."

Both of them red eyes stared at each other, Lu Feng said "you pour alcohol for me, inside the lower drawer got medicine."


"Then accompany me, then it will be ok already."

The alcohol and medicine is simply ready on the spot. This time very fast , Lu Feng doesn't have any hesitation nor want to delay, doesn't want Xiao Chen to be in suffered, never waited him to said anything , he drank everything at one go.

Both of them waited while lying on the bed, Lu Feng leaned against Xiao Chen's arm, harmless and docile, cling to each other while looked at the ceiling.

"Is like been, so many years ah."


"Do you know when I do like you?"


"Junior High School, during year 2. During math test, you lend me a few drops of ink."

Xiao Chen cuddle him, hoarsely said "Is it?"

Maybe Xiao Chen cannot remember, is it something simply, carefree kind of youngster life, when think of it, is like a verses of last generation.

Lu Feng voice became stranger. "Is my wrong, if that time..."

Xiao Chen faced against his face, hugged tightly his twitching body.

Then is just like a nightmare that Xiao Chen once had, Lu Feng's tall and heavy body quietly lay on his arms. In this kind of quiet and heavy make him doesn't have any kind of senses, his heartbeat as if stop together too.

Xiao Chen puzzled, whispered said "Lu Feng, Lu Feng."

Lu Feng did not respond.

Xiao Chen blankly looked at him, doesn't have any tear, just instinctively hold him, wanted to hide him inside his arms.

Just like last time when both of them are still teen, get caught by headmaster at the field, he also hugged Xiao Chen tightly, used his arm to cover Xiao Chen's face.

22th of April Year.

The peaceful afternoon, Xiao Chen falls asleep. The moment he woke up, he able to feel the man under his body move, he hugged Lu Feng, Lu Feng then asked "You awake?"

Xiao Chen "ah.." Put his face against his neck.

Xiao Chen love to lie on his back. Lu Feng's back is broad and strong, full of life, will make people feel ease and relieved.

Lu Feng always quietly and willing to carried Xiao Chen. To be compared with his strength, Xiao Chen as a grown up man doesn't effect him at all, he will carried the sleepy Xiao Chen and still able to read book, type keyboard.

Occasionally Xiao Chen will mess up his hair, touched his face or sometimes pinched him, he will just smile, turned to Xiao Chen and kisses him. No matter how Xiao Chen do to him, he never turn angry, only full of tenderness.

This dragon who been hated and been feared by other people, in fact if he keep his claws and fangs, can be very very very gentle too

Is just that they don't understand and also do not believe it.

PS: Err, that is because you are Xiao Chen, if other people. I think he will swallow and eat us. Xiao Chen, this thing you must understand and also believe me. =3=

Xiao Chen will easily fall asleep when lying on top of his back. Both of them is just like the carpet at the living room, one big turtle and one small turtle. He carried Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is the heaviest and the only burden he got.

However Xiao Chen also want to be his shell, able to cover his back, help him to defend, got anything happen, he can let Lu Feng hide inside, able to protect him.

Xiao Chen want to be the most selfish person, Lu Feng is his lover, doesn't matter how worst he is, Xiao Chen also want to protect him.

Xiao Chen used his finger to touched the scar on his throat, once touched, Lu Feng will shrink his neck a bit due to ticklish, that scar is the evidence that Xiao Chen once wanted to murder him.

Xiao Chen asked "will it still pain?"



"Of cause."

Xiao Chen believes him, he got this recovering speed like a beast, he is the most powerful man that Xiao Chen ever saw.

Suddenly Lu Feng asked "You confirm to change your mind?"

Lu Feng once asked that question before inside hospital, that time his neck is wrapped with gauze, he look paled but doesn't have any angry. Able to survive doesn't make him any joy either.


Lu Feng seriously looked at him "If you were to go away again, that day you shouldn't sent me to emergency room."

Xiao Chen used his both hand and hugged him, is like hugging a small animal "I would not leave you again."

Lu Feng seems like slightly happy, "really?"

Xiao Chen repeatedly touched his chest "Yes, that why you must make sure you are healthy, we both have to live a long life."

Lu Feng said "My body is very healthy." Then he immediately doing push-up while carried Xiao Chen.

Lu Feng make Xiao Chen laughed and he can't help but wrapped Lu Feng tightly.

Lu Feng turned around "You see, I have plenty of strength , able to carry you everywhere."

Xiao Chen used his energy to slammed his forehead on Lu Feng's forehead. "I know."

"So you can rest assured to be together with me."

"I will."


Xiao Chen kissed his eyes that turn slightly red, then kissed his lips. Lu Feng's lips is still the same, soft and strong, warm and humid and also this delicate sense.

Xiao Chen cannot stop those victim because of Lu Feng. As a victim, they got the right to demand for compensation.

However Xiao Chen want to go in front and protect Lu Feng, he want to atone for Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng were young, he wasn't afraid of anything. During Xiao Chen fourteen year old, he will protect me and said "give me demerits will do, is not his problem!"

Now this time, Xiao Chen want to be in charge.

Doesn't matter what he had done, it will be Xiao Chen who want to mend it up, he will paid whatever Lu Feng have owed.

Xiao Chen wanted to be his back, wanted to be a very very big, big until it able to hide him that kind of man.

The End
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  1. Why did Xiao Chen want to kill Lu Feng?

    1. DM me in insta, I tried to explain to you...Insta Account: Shao_Ye12 (I did wrote before in my insta post LOL)

  2. waitt.... why there is blade... blood? oh my god... Xiao Chen why ???

    1. DM me in insta, I tried to explain to you...Insta Account: Shao_Ye12 (I did wrote before in my insta post LOL)

    2. I don't have instagram, mind to email me?

    3. I don't have instagram, mind to email me?

  3. hi, i know i am super late and not sure whether you still use blogpost or not. but can you please tell me the right sequence to read A Round Trip To Love. some parts are here while some are on wattapad and also there are pandora box.knowing the right sequence will let me enjoy your work.

  4. Xiao chen alwayz talk big dat he will not leave lu feng he will protect him at the end he is the one to leave him first


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