Pandora Box (10)

( Pandora Box 10)

 Lin Jing lying on the couch at the living room, bored by playing his phone, played until he slept. While sleeping, being blurry heard some sound in the house and then is Xiao Chen who lowered his own voice "Hush, Xiao Jing fall asleep, you walk softly."

Lin Jing can felt that Xiao Chen come over and gently took a blanket to cover him. Xiao Chen's movement is very gentle and careful, Lin Jing suddenly have a thought of not open his eyes.

The house seemed dark, Xiao Chen seem like groped around and said "This lamp broke again."

When Lin Jing plan to stand up and volunteered to help out then he heard Xiao Chen said "Lu Feng ah, come and change the lamp."

Lin Jing "...."

After all, Lin Jing had seen Boss Lu Feng in front of the crowd been bragging himself until it can fool everyone around kind of expression.

However there is nothing to be say, after all his born the tallest, probably he is suit to be use in anything.

Lin Jing secretly opened one of his eyes, looked at Lu Feng that changed the lamp bulb, change the lamp, look quite skillful, one look at the skill already know is not one or two day learn type.

Xiao Chen praised him "very good, very good. Retired also have one skill."

Lu Feng smiled and bowed his head down, kissed Xiao Chen's lips, and then kissed one more time.

Suddenly like a single dog that got reward as if being flash blind by that scene, Lin Jing immediately shut his eyes and continues pretending to sleep.

By Lin Jing who is single. *dig nose*

The End
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