Pandora Box (Weibo)

Story Concept:-
Pandora Box is after ARTTL Vol 6 and also No Where To Be Found (Story of Lin Jing and Wen Yang)

So highly recommend to read ARRTL ( Around Trip To Love ) and maybe No Where To Be Found first before reading all these short story...If can't read both, at least read ARRTL...^^"

Currently Pandora Box is still process in making by Lan Lin however she did post some of the sweet post in her weibo and I got interested and translate it by myself. Kyaaaa~~ So here it is...

Enjoy the story of Lu Feng and Xiao Chen in Pandora Box, their sweet lovely life and of cause is from Weibo so the sugar content is much better...
For information, Pandora Box is quite stress because conflict between Xiao Chen/Lu Feng with Lin Jing.

Simply saying:- If Lin Jing remembered back something, the happiness of Xiao Chen and Lu Feng hold will vanish too...(T3T)

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