ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 8

(ARRTL Vol 2 Chapter 8)

One day of greediness due to happiness resulted to a terrible headache, coughing and terrible fever as if the sun going to explode.

In future, whatever it is I also won’t climb out from the windowsill to do this kind of thing, intense exercise until fully covered with sweat plus getting cold wind…

“Ah chiu!”

One sneezing already makes my brain feeling buzzing. I being weak fall back to my bed, although lazing on the bed will nag by my mom, however being a patient should be have a little privileged right.

“Xiao Chen, you got classmate come to see you!”

“ I feel so uncomfortable….Let me sleep a while more….” Wuuu….Suddenly have this forecast as if disaster will come.

The blanket then got tuck it out, mom being cheerfully patted on my big grown up butt and said “Faster get up, people already waiting at you in the living room.”

Just nine o’clock, then come to visit? You going morning market ah.

I got up and quickly rush to brush my teeth, wipe my face, just simple wore my sport jacket, vague expression and went to greet my guest. ==”!!

Walao, you said this fella who looks like fifty year old is my classmates?!

“Are you Cheng Yi Chen?” his look very majestic, the eyes that look at me is like studying me, why not just said is examine on me.

“Yes.” Although feeling doubtful but must maintain the manner, politely nodded and then…shake hand?

Very weird.

“Xiao Lan, the one you said is him bah?”

I only noticed a girl that blocked at behind by this tall strong man…I rubbed my eyes, again rubbed my eyes…

Zhou, Lan?!!


After Zhou Lan and her dad left, I really had gone ill.

Half of it that I got shock is because her father had brought around four men that wore black suit, black sunglasses and having a poker facial expression like a robot, as if how you see the bodyguard from a movie, another half that got shocked is because of Zhou Lan.

They…They…come to propose for marriage?!!!

At least I haven’t faint on the spot only.

Easily woke up from bed, look at my mom happily faces, recalling what outrageous thing had happened today, and then want to faint back.

“Xiao Chen, that little girl is your college classmates ah?”

What little, she is older than me, ok...

“She look really delicate, well-behaved, aiya, can have such a daughter-in-law, I really blessed with few life of blessing.” Mom sitting on my bedside being happily “to raise you up until so big is not easy ah, close eyes then got the thought to have grandchild, Xiao Chen ah, although it will make you feel bad to be with other people’s else daughter-in-laws but this such a nice little girl is not easy to get. You this year already around 23 years old, is time to get married…”

PS: Shao Ye said something. In China, sometimes when a man married to a woman, sometimes will follow the woman’s side family name if they will born a baby. Although general say kids should be follow father’s family name but sometimes can also follow mother’s family name. As long both side agree…(Actually as long father’s side agree)


My headaches go even worse.

Since the news during high school that she gets to know her son actually had those relationships with men, she then never felt safe for me, but she also never give up on me too. Once got chances then she will plan me some blind dates, no matter who she will have to send me to pair with any woman, even it is just surface pairing also good enough. Today got one is initiative that came to the door, plus the girl also she very satisfied, just like she had grab a life-saving root, refused to let go, already nagged my ear for the whole day.

I also know I am sorry to her.

But I cannot marry to a woman. I this kind of man, how can I harm other and myself.

Plus still got Lu Feng.

Due to my sick, I cannot go out, must rest at home. Mom took little brother and Qin Lang go to relatives house to be guest, only at night can come back, finally until this day I got back my own freedom, I am just like during the young time, got 5 cent then immediately go take it to exchange with an orange flavor sweet, now got my freedom, immediately called up Lu Feng, even sick until blurred also must get this tryst.


Lu Feng might as well order pizza come, although being sick have to avoid certain food, but if I really wanted to eat, he will be helpless still send over. Beloved man sitting in front of me, of cause I naturally will have appetite to eat, opened the box alone but is like fighting with four people, also swallowed two chicken wings into my mouth.

“There is something stained on your lips.” Lu Feng smiled while looked at me who is trying to work hard, he near his face on me, on my lips he licked, “there side still got.” Then licked again, and then naturally his tongue came inside.

Hello, my hand is still holding the box eh…

“Pa” a sound of a food that wasted on the floor.

En, don’t care anymore, a rich daughter…Even a rich daughter also won’t so violent to tore my shirt, can’t you slowly unbutton it out? Few button had fly several places, you want me later to find at where ah.

“Hey, don’t want bah, I am patient ah” In time to press on his hand that simply fumble around, loudly protest.

“Oh.” He disappointed responded, silent for a while then he took off his coat and climb to my bed to hold me into his arms. “Then I hug you shouldn’t be a problem bah.”

Hand wrapped around his waist, the V collar of cashmere sweater softly close to his chest, between the thin layers of sweater can clearly feel the warm skin underneath it, and leaning near to his chest can feel the warm and have a feel of happiness.

This man belongs to me.

Such a thought like this will feel like there is nothing more I want to wish.

“Lu Feng.”

“Yes?” He already get used to hold my head to his chest, and then his hand will be clumsy touch my hair.

“I…” I want to tell him about Zhou Lan.

“Shhh.”  He seemed like see through my mind, point out one finger indicate me to silence, “Is it something that is not good? Then don’t mention.” His lips kissed on my forehead, slowly move downward, slowly one by one swallowed, then slowly one by one opened up. “Just started the new year, don’t mention those unhappy thing, then like this from beginning till the end of the year, everything go smooth and flow…”

“Last time, you weren’t that superstitious.” I muttered.

“That is because last time I haven’t like you that much.” He sticks his lips on mine. “Really like…Really really like…How now…Really afraid you will run away…”

How can I run away. Even you chase me out, I may not willing to go away.

We been kissing and hugging until too focused, none of us had heard the opening door sound.

Once our lips separated, slightly open my eyes while gasping, I then only see three pale faces standing in front of me.


Just before that my blood is still boiling, now is solidified together.

“….Mom.” I can heard my own faintly voice is shaking, then next is I slightly stretched my hand to stand in front for blocking Lu Feng. “Mom….” You don’t get mad, you don’t…

The blood cannot fluently flow, so the heart also completely turned cold.

“How you can come in?!!! You come here for what?!!!!” My cheerful mom suddenly stood unsteadily ramped up, her aging faces if were to say is full of anger, why not just said it slowly become despair, “You, you harm my son not enough is it, still dare to come find him, you, you…” She seemed like got choked, kept on shuddered, until a while she only continued “You still come again to harm him. We, family Cheng did what thing that is owed to you, you, you still want to harm us till what extent, you….”

She suddenly rushed to us, I also had no idea that where she got the strength when she is just a weakling, even almost knocked down Lu Feng to the ground, then she just hit in the chaos “You still dare to come, still dare to come lie my son, his sick is already recover yet you still come and harm him, what wrong we had did to you…”

 “Mom, Mom!!! You don’t like that….” I desperately holding her hands, “Mom, you don’t get mad, you don’t like this….”

Little brother and Qin Lang also panicked to split them two away. Mom’s gray face got a little twitch. I also panicked to sooth down my mom “ Mom, you don’t mad, you don’t mad…Is my wrong, is I am the one who is wrong, you don’t mad, you don’t mad, mom…”

Her heart condition is not good, really not good.

“Lu Feng, you faster go away ah!!” I had almost begged him but in this mess, he still silently standing.

I understand what is he thinking, he just don’t want to give up, he want to explain, want to get it, wanted to do something to change the situation, but he did not understand, my mom and him is the type of person that cannot get along, even he can make everyone agree with him but he cannot make her to agree with him.

 “LU FENG!!!”

He is still silently standing, thin lips of him is tightly shut.

Maybe is because my pale expression is too obvious, Qin Lang can’t help but move step in front “Lu Feng, you still being in here for what?”

“Xiao Chen sick, I came to visit him, what is the wrong?” Lu Feng standing straight, his face expression is like at the edge of the tolerance.

“Two big men see what see?” Qin Lang got a bit hurried “Xiao Chen sick got his family to take care, you are not his whosoever, can’t you faster go away?”

I know he is being good intention, however Lu Feng expression is totally turned into cold, once his lips start moving, I should had realized to stop him but it is too late.

“I am not his whosoever? I am his what, you guys should know it clearly. You have what right to say me? Aren’t you are also the same!”

The effect is not big, but it seems like a clap of thunder. Seem like everyone is stiffened and trembled.
Half minute of silences, mom’s expression suddenly has an unbelievable realization.

“Mom, he is being nonsense, he doesn’t have any meaning, you don’t trust him…” I begged to protect my little brother that is in front of me.

However she did not look at me once, only stared at little brother “What did he said just now?”

Little brother opened half of his mouth, the sudden shock is like blowing his ear become deaf and his eyes become half blank, face expression totally become pale.

“What did he said just now?” Her lip is terribly trembling.

I suddenly got afraid “Mom…”

Her old face is totally completely turned to abnormal green-gray, I suddenly realized about something “MOM!!”

However it is too late, her fragile small size old body just slowly paralyzed, I had not enough time to hold her, she then heavily fall on the ground.

I had never been so scared. I suddenly realize mom really is old.

The End.


Ok...I actually quite glad when posting this, I keep listening to happy song, sometimes I just don't dare to open those chapter that can give me heart attack....Namonamonamo~

Repost at 28.11.2016 by ShaoYe

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  1. I love you for translating this!!! Where did you find the book/Novel??? I tried looking for it but cannot find it!!!!! Please let me know.

  2. Oh my, I was holding my breath at the end... chaos


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