Pandora Box (5)

This is under Lin Jing POV

Story (1)

Lu Feng walked as if open a big road , with his height and long leg walk in front of Lin Jing, walk as if got wind, if were to have example, is like a protagonist that have a cool background music, Lin Jing feel himself is like his little brother or like a follower.

Lu Feng opened the door and walked in.The lively surrounding instantly turn quiet. In the stared by other, he walked to the center, looked around , as if like an eagle overlooking small chick kind of gesture. His face is emotionless and said "Who is the one that said want to give Lin Jing some lesson?"

Those men turn silent as if they will be afraid until he will poop out some feces. Lu Feng that cool and ruthless look, overlook everyone's height, got a bit of villain aura that came outside from inside Lu Feng.

Even doesn't know who is him, with the animal instinct still able to make their legs will be turn jelly.

In this silent, Lu Feng got annoyed, knocked on the table. "Is it someone that is in-charge that can talk to me?"

After a while, their savior arrived.

The man who went in gave a very arrogant aura but after he saw Lu Feng, that fat face immediately change to a wide big smile, said "Mister Lu! What kind of wind blow you come here?"

Lu Feng smiled "is you?"

Lin Jing noticed one thing, when Lu Feng doesn't smile is scary but when he smile is even more scary.

PS:Lin Jing let me tell you , when Boss Lu Feng smile to Xiao Chen is damn sweet..Lu Feng is bias.=3=

"This is my nephew." Lu Feng point at Lin Jing and said "I heard that got people want to find trouble with him."


The man on other side has that horrified look.

Lin Jing got amazed, he never think that one day , Lu Feng will be the one that protect him. The feeling of get protect by Lu Feng make him feel like digging his nose.(emoji of digging nose)

Of cause Lin Jing know that Lu Feng do all these is because of Xiao Chen, the thing that make Xiao Chen happy, Lu Feng will immediately do it. For Lu Feng this kind of man, doesn't even have his moral scale. Cheng Yi Chen is his only ruler.

Once out from the door, Xiao Chen is standing far away and once he saw Lu Feng and Lin Jing, he rushed to them. "Is it all alright?"

Lu Feng grumbled said "Of cause. You still don't trust on me?"

This kind of behavior of Lu Feng make Lin Jing felt that Lu Feng is not behaving cool at all and also very childish.

Xiao Chen happily said "ok." Then he held Lin Jing's hand, although Xiao Chen's hand is cold but to Lin Jing, it is very , very warm.

The End.


Story (2)

Lin Jing sleepily woke up, washed his face and have the habits to eat his breakfast on the table. Actually it is easy to buy ready breakfast at outside but Xiao Chen everyday will wake up early to make for them.

Xiao Chen felt that this is healthier, especially let them eat finish inside house before they left, or not he won't feel that ease.

Xiao Chen will keen to take care of them in every aspect, Lin Jing also like to get this kind of care from him.

Today the breakfast still like the same, however the omelette and bacon were slightly burnt, the toast seem like different from the usual but Lin Jing feel it is not good to judge by the look, still took one piece and put inside his mouth. Then it is not surprising that his eyes turned straight. Oh dear, this is damn shit, he never ate before such horrible omelette. This is what kind of uncanny skills!

Lin Jing barely swallowed, trembling said "This..isn't it too salty!"

Lu Feng sit at the side, just drank his coffee while Wen Yang coldly said "Can eat is good enough, still want to pick?

"I am just saying only." Lin Jing as a freeloader, he can't bear to critical Xiao Chen's hardwork and still forcefully himself to eat two more pieces. Is kind of like the feeling of jerking. At the end he is still muttered said "Why Uncle Chen put so much salt?"

Lu Feng nonchalantly said "Is I make."


Lu Feng continued "His is still sleeping.


"He got cold, let him sleep more."


"You continue eat your food, don't disturb him."

Lu Feng went out.

Lin Jing looked at the omelet that in front of him, with sighed feeling. The breakfast that Lu Feng make! Doesn't matter how horrible is the taste or the look is. This is still worth to wrote into the history.

However Lu Feng had warned Lin Jing not to disturb, Lin Jing still secretly opened Xiao Chen's door, looked inside awhile.

Xiao Chen haven't woke up, still appeared half of his sleeping face. The blanket is tightly covering him by Lu Feng and Lu Feng even carefully tucks the blanket to each corner.

Actually Lin Jing still dislikes Lu Feng. Generally saying Lu Feng is cruel and fierce but he used all his gentle to love Xiao Chen.

The End
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