ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 6

( ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 6)
In every move, Lu Feng will use his advantage of physical body of overpowering of victory to simply abuse toward to me. That thing…Sex originally it is a very happy thing, of cause the more the better, of cause if it used as a punishment then it is not wonderful at all, especially it is more than the range that you can physiological bear on it that kind of blindly harshly pain. I had experienced deeply enough, thanks to the gift of Lu Feng, I soon with honor, unavoidable, got that thing.

T/N: In origin novel, Lan Lin used H, when in pronounce in chinese, it carry the same meaning as xxx…

You ask me what is that?......

“I don’t want go to the hospital!!Not going, die also won’t go!! It is all your fault, you this bastard….I would rather die, you just let me die only, you no need to care about me…”

“Be good boy, don’t behave like this. If don’t go for hospital then it will become more serious, you don’t suffer yourself in silences….I couldn’t bear to see you suffered in pain too.”

“Then let it become worst, end up just die only what!!! Even die, I also will become devil to haunt at you, you this bastard…”

Lu Feng was dumbfounded, not sure is able to laugh or to cry, lifted up the blanket that I kept my head underneath “You won’t die, it is just a minor surgery only, as long you behave obediently then it will soon be ok.”

“Surgery? What you are meaning is letting someone else to place their knife around that place?! A group of people looking at my place ah!! Got men and also got women …Why you suddenly become so generous about it?!!”

“This is not same…”

“What is the thing that is not same, the one got bad luck is not you also, of cause you will say like that!” I feel so wronged, crying out

Yes, correct, I got hemorrhoids.


If I knew being an uke will have this kind of risk, then I will be determined not to do.

T/N: In chinese word 小受 or (xiǎo shòu or shòu) mean Uke or the bottorm partner.

Who tell me I am afraid of pain ahh!!

However after go through one day then I am already at my limit, crying out the pain inside the bathroom, Lu Feng being helpless in all ways, refused about my death wishes and send me to the hospital, with his newly bought extraordinary latin-style of sport car and sent me to the surgery room.

According to the doctor said that I got the rarest five devil XX, XX, XX, XX, and XXX (Because the term seems to be so disgusting hence Lan Lin omitted it out.) It is a must to do surgery. Luckily the operation is very fast, just half an hour only, as if feel like a long year, after I came out, because of the body still having the anesthetic inside hence I feel my whole body is so soft and feeble. Saw Lu Feng then wanted to hug him and cry out loud, suddenly remembered what I have today is because of him, just with the tears and bitterly draw back my hand that is already reach out.

Once the anesthetic effect goes away, that kind of pain, it is really….pain until like the skies falling and the earth opening up, the stormy cloud changed the color and my face looked ghastly paled. Lu Feng had seen me don’t know how many times lying on the bed while bursting into tears, also don’t know what to do “Are you feeling a little better? It is really that hurt?”

Although he rarely can be so gentle, gentle till it almost come out a drops of water yet I still don’t give a face to him, sobbed and nodded my head.

“Then what to do…” He said to himself, so turn out that even he is that strong, there is also a time where he felt loss too.

“I want to eat painkillers.” I whimpered.

“You just now already eat a lot, right? It is not use.”

“Then inject one more anesthetic, or not then morphine, or heroin…What also can, as long there is no pain…” Self-loathed while wiped my tears.

“Stop joking around.” He reluctantly “You tolerate a while more, doctor said today will be not so painful.”

“I confirm cannot survive until today.” I continued to sob “Tonight I will definitely pain until die…”

“Be good boy, nothing will be happened…”

“Lu Feng, I am so pain…” to struggle with the pain already consumed almost all my strength, and also refused to angry toward him, feebly opened my eyes and looked at him.

“….” Lu Feng sat on the bed side while holding my hand for a long time, sighed and called someone to give me an injection.

The anesthetic effect start to react, finally not feeling that suffer, I reluctantly lays in his arm, closed my eyes to sleep, sleep already then it won’t feeling so pain…

That right, this is just an inevitable pain of the process after the surgery only, there is no big deal at all, however it is at that…Delicate full of nerves kind of place and my nerve pain degree of pain is sharp like my taste bud, such a tormenting can immediately can took my life.

One whole night also can’t sleep that well, just started to get blurred then wide awake due to the pain, feeling super uncomfortable then blurred clutched on Lu Feng then cried “Very pain…I feel pain…” tears, snivel and saliva all rubbed onto his pajamas, wake a while, pain a while, cried a while and sleep a while. Over and over again till morning, don’t know it is because the pain keep on continue and continue until get used to it or it is the conditions really improved, felt like not so horrible compared to the first day, however still hold on my Lu Feng that his eyes look very bloodshot, as if his insomnia is more terrible compared to me.

PS: I wanted to follow the original novel whereby Xiao Chen said this “倒是抱著我的陆风” (Daoshì bàozhe wǒ de lùfēng”)…Xiao Chen straight away say “hold on my Lu Feng.” Seriously, I found it so cute hahaa!! 


“What had happened?”

He looked at me for a long time, unexpectedly he said out these sentences “It is my wrong.”

Huh?!!!! Where is the sun, today the sun is rise from which side?!!

He reached out his hand to touch my head “See you looking so pain…My…Heart doesn’t feel great either.”

“Then you don’t touch me in the future!”


“If you touch me again, I confirm will get hemorrhoids again, then confirm need to do surgery again…” I shudder.

“It is not like that to be say, I will be more gentle a bit, more self-control a bit in future then it won’t be the same anymore…”

“Cannot, cannot, I don’t want!!” Patient is the boss so must take the opportunity to fight for my own welfare. “If one more time, I confirm will die…No, I will commit suicide…I don’t want to be uke anymore, if you don’t agree mean you don’t love me…”

Lu Feng’s face is black, before I lost my dignity of man pride under the tears of seme finally forced myself to bend stiffly my neck for a bit.

T/N: (gong), Seme….I not sure in here, it is Xiao Chen said before he can behave like a seme since he is uke what…=3= 

I successfully to defend my own rear of safety however Lu Feng’s temper is indeed getting more and more irritated. Still can’t blame on him, when people is lack of satisfied confirm their temper will eventually become bigger. Moreover, I am not using mouth to solve this problem, most of the time he will only let me use my hands, or simply he just use his own hands.

Long period of DIY, if is not getting irritated then is weird.

T/N: Lan Lin used DIY, the DIY mean “Do-It-Yourself”, which is mean self-masturbated…

Although he took a bunch of innocent people to blown off inside the company but he is not willing to transform into a large dragon to spitfire at me.

 This is the power of love bah, oh haha...

Please allow me to self-narcissistic for five minute, oh yes.

The End.

I guess I like this chapter is because seeing even the monster Lu Feng, when something happen to his beloved Xiao Chen, he will automatically become tame oh~~ Awwwwwwwww~~ Let me love Lu Feng for five minute ahhh~~!!

Repost at 28.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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