Pandora Box (8)

This story is under Xiao Chen POV

During the night, Xiao Chen packed his bag, together with Lu Feng, both of them went to gym. The real intention of Lu Feng go gym is to do exercise to maintain health but Xiao Chen just have to act like he is doing one while chatting with Lu Feng.

In this aspect, Xiao Chen really doesn't have any motivation, since he cannot withstand having too much energy used up as he will get tired too easily.

Finish doing a set of abdomen exercise, Xiao Chen unable to smile for few days. If it not the big promotion of "two in one price", he will not doing this membership card.

Lu Feng doing squat while Xiao Chen just simply finished his jogging section and he sit at at side, drinking water while admired Lu Feng's muscle lines.

This gym always had famous stars come in and out, had lot of young men, but for Xiao Chen point of view, he still feel that Lu Feng's body shape is the most best.

Lu Feng's shoulder back view, his chest and thigh, have the perfect body as well he is still looking very good.

To some extent, Xiao Chen felt that the time is very generous to Lu Feng. If not how Lu Feng can still have such a nice body muscle and skin with that bad habits of lifestyle he used to have.

Lu Feng laughed "You this kind of stare, is not very civilized."

"..." Xiao Chen then said "you don't crap, I am the five stresses and four points of beauty(is a idioms: stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals. the four points of beauty are: beauty of the mind, language, behavior and the environment)"

"Then don't keep on stare on my ass, ok?"

Xiao Chen chocked for two times, looked at other side, solemnly said "Then I see other people." He then look around, noticed two familiar men that is not so far away, "Ah? Isn't that Li Jing Tong?"

Lu Feng stop smiling "You really end up seeing other people?"

PS:Hello, who tell you teased Xiao Chen. You think he is Xiao Nian, shy and docile type..=3=

"Nope." Xiao Chen continued "Isn't that the new movie king? The current popular guy ah?"

Lu Feng said "It is easy to bump up lot of celebrity in here, there even more popular than this one, there is nothing to be surprised."

Indeed, this place is where all the stars gather around , walking around and saw one or two artist , everyone also look very normal, if the artist is not that famous, even got recognized also nobody will care.

However in here to able meet the two men, Xiao Chen still very curious about it. "The man beside isn't that Ji Cheng Yan?"

Lu Feng frown "Who?"

"Last time the guy in T.O.U."

Lu Feng showed a dislike expression "Who the hell is that?"

"You don't act like you are not in the same generation with me." Xiao Chen said "youngster doesn't know, is ok. We both doesn't have any generation gap!"

"I really don't know." Lu Feng continued "I am not like you, still see all these male stars."


When T.O.U was popular that time, is like two decade year ago, that time Xiao Chen still very young, hence he sometimes unintentional focused about entertainment, but can't deny that the two youngster news was very hot , it is very hard to not know about them , then don't know since when, the group disbanded , one of them continue being famous, another one disappeared in the entertainment world. Xiao Chen as a very normal man that doesn't fans over those things, all these matters is like just come and go.

However for now when he doesn't have anything to do, he will watch some entertainment variety show. These day those show been talking about Ji Cheng Yan, hence impression of Ji Cheng Yan arises for Xiao Chen.

When young doesn't have any feeling for him but now feel like he is an interesting man. Sometimes listened him in those show talking crap, can make Xiao Chen laugh out loud. He look like a not practical man, full of nonsense , but Xiao Chen felt that he is a smart human, his nonsense doesn't go over limit, when it seem like over limit, he will able to hold on it, this thing is not every artist able to do it.Since it is very difficult to keep the mouth shut after all.

Xiao Chen said "When he was around twenty, he is an artist, now he became comedian and he is quite funny."

Lu Feng snorted "mean they become old man artist, what is so good to see?"

Xiao Chen remembered Ji Cheng Yan is slightly younger than him. That time they are famous labeled as "fresh meat", and now fresh meat also become old man artist. While Xiao Chen thinks of himself...=~=

Ji Cheng Yan with a serious expression roared when doing his lifting, Li Jing Tong stayed beside him to guide at him

Xiao Chen could not help but the feeling of gossiping is here and said "so is real that both of them are very good in relationship."

Yesterday Xiao Chen went to see Weibo hot news, saw Li Jing Tong posted a video about Ji Cheng Yan playing piano, that video he had watched several time, however lot of people suspect that video is just hype or whatever it is, but the real result is both of them are indeed close.

Lu Feng coldly said "You seem to know a lot about them ah?"

Hence, Xiao Chen patiently told Lu Feng more detail about the both of them recent rumors to him.

PS:Errr..Lu Feng actually don't want you to focused other human.

Not sure Lu Feng got listened to what Xiao Chen said, he just wrapping both of his hand, expressionless looked at both of them.

"So you are saying both of them are a pair?"

"...Not really mean by that.."

"Li Jing Tong trained quite well."

"Really?" Xiao Chen continued "Not as good as you."

"Still alright, body fit, face also quite nice."

"Still not good as you" Xiao Chen shaken his head "if you were to join the entertainment back then, then this both won't be existed."

Lu Feng din't said anything , although he remain cool but he still unable to control that he is actually happy hence he smirked.

Finished lifting, Ji Cheng Yan whole body seem empty, his soul as if out from his body, lay on a side as if facing life and death, Li Jing Tong being considerate helped him massage.

Xiao Chen suddenly have a thought being matchmaker, maybe when reached to this kind of age will love to do this kind of thing.

PS: Xiao Chen, you are not old.. I also do this kind of thing haha!

"I personally feel both of them together will be quite cute. When will them be in the same movie, series or anything will be very interesting."

Is just that both of their level is too different, is hardly able will get together in same show.

Lu Feng said "You want to see? Then I find them to make one."

"It is makes until like a funny kind of big production?"

"No problem."

Actually that time Xiao Chen really thinking that Lu Feng might joke around.

After finished exercised, then bath and went out from the gym room, went to the basement car parking to their their car, Xiao Chen then remembered one thing "Oh ya, you just now carry the weight? Is it 100kg?"

Lu Feng answered "Yes."

"How you can carry out?" For Xiao Chen who have been physically weak, felt that is so incredible. "This is even heavy than a normal person."

Lu Feng smile "That why there is no problem if I were to lift you."

"...Real or not?" Xiao Chen said since Lu Feng is not 20+ young man.

"Want to try?" Lu Feng said as he held his hand out to reach Xiao Chen's waist.

This make Xiao Chen shocked "No no no, we are already that old, take it easy ! What if you were to make me fall down, call the ambulance will be too late."

Lu Feng laughed "Then you want me to tried to carry you and see?

Xiao Chen tried to retreat from Lu Feng "Still can carry? What if you got hurt then it will be a big burden for the family! My account doesn't have lot of money."

Lu Feng lifted his brows "You forget how many kg I can carried?" Hence he squat down.

Is really a while that he is able to carried Xiao Chen up. Is really he can stood up but he is not moving and this make Xiao Chen got tensed.

Xiao Chen said "Is it very heavy? If yes then immediately put me down, how old are we , still play this kind of game."

Lu Feng remained quiet a while then he quietly said "You are so thin."


Lu Feng continued "I had made you suffered."


"Really I had."

Xiao Chen saw his damp hair, his back neck. Many many year ago when they are youngster, he is also get carried by Lu Feng, like this stared at him. That time the young Xiao Chen, with a bit feeling of aggrieved, got a little bit of resentment, wanted to hit him and kick him but the fact is still loving him.

Today there so many things had changed but Xiao Chen is still like the youngster of him, leaving all these unreasonable resentment, remain simple, peacefully loving him.

Xiao Chen said "can you be more reasonable? People who got suffered by you will never ride on your back"

Lu Feng seems like smiling. He is just like that let Xiao Chen on his back, to go get their car , with the cool night air, quiet surrounding.

Lu Feng's back is still the same, very broad , still very strong and warm , he walk very as if very light and steady.

Xiao Chen is still the same like he is fourteen year old, head against his shoulder, hand wrapped around his neck.

As if the year had never been shutter out from us.

The End
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