ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 3

( ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 3)

After that, excitedly go see Yi Cheng, however once Yi Cheng eyes who saw Lu Feng behind me just automatically scanned through his mind with a message of ‘formidable enemy’ until he is freeze in front of the door for two minutes.

Luckily Lu Feng had prepared before he come, he took out an album of X-Japan of RED, Yi Cheng have at least show numerous of expression within the thirty second that running here and there, finally freeze into a more calm expression, stiffly took the CD, let him enter the house.

My current brother makes me remind me of my nagging mom who make my ears that unable to grow any hair, Lu Feng who got lectured by Yi Cheng, surprisingly he did not get angry, probably because of what Yi Cheng had said ‘if you dare to bully my brother, I will find people to beat you’ those kind of sentences that doesn’t have any power to threaten him, but this even make Lu Feng felt that the status of ‘brother-in-law’ is basically guaranteed got in on his hand.

In order to prove how stable is our relationship, he still purposely hold me who is being defenseless toward him, and on the spot gave me a super-hot long kiss in front of Yi Cheng.

I return him a big slap on his face.

Probably this is the first time Yi Cheng who grow up so big watched two men in front of him kissing very hard and full of passion, until his eyes is almost dropped out.

To be honest, being like this in front of my younger brother, I really don’t have any face to stay in here, can’t wait to hide my face and fled away from the house door.


That man still having a succeed smile and follow me behind my every step.

“What happen, you shy ah.”

Not everyone is like you so thick face!

Once remembered just now let him tightly hugged me while I am against something fiery that between his thighs, I am just can’t wait to take a scissors to stab off that thing. This motherfxcker who always in heat regardless any time, any occasion or anywhere, if I am not in time to give him a big slap so he can back to normal, even there this audience who is standing baffled inside the house, I cannot guarantee that he will straight on the spot to do a live show.

T/N: I am not sure I able to trans correctly or not so simply saying if Xiao Chen never gave a slap on Lu Feng on the spot, Lu Feng might even do a lives show even there is Yi Cheng inside the house…

“What is the matter of it, is not like he don’t know at all.”

He knew and he saw is totally two different things, alright.

“You that time also respond to me what? Mean you also have feel de mah.”

Feeling, feeling you head! Don’t know where this man goes for training to learn this high skill of kissing skill, don’t say woman, even I am the man also will have backache and petrified. Once his lips touched mine, basically I am completely surrendered, without putting a fight. If want to give him a slap or give him a black eyes, still have to wait for the kiss to be finished and slowly back to normal only can do it.


“Don’t walk until so anxious ah, even you are that fast I also can easily catch up, why don’t we walk slowly.”

Go die.

I feel stuffy and bitter while slowly walk, unconsciously I can’t even see any human around, only a several cars non-stop roared past by beside me, only then remembered just now saw the sign saying ‘no pedestrian’. Luckily those policemen had finished their work early, nobody caught me to fine me. Slowly walk beside the sea is also quite good.

 “The sea side in here is quite beautiful.” The man who followed me that is neither near nor far.

“That is because the sky is getting dark, that why you can’t see any garbage.” I muttered. During student years, I once swam inside the water, had visited in super close distance, of cause I have right to voice out.

“Is it only two of us in here ah?”

“Nonsense, this is for car lane, beside both of us, still got who else…” Suddenly realized indeed in this radius of 500 meter around apart from the speedy cars that keep passing by, only left two of us, don’t have any third person. It is late night, only has two male, get along on the bridge, and below the foot is sea, both side also seas, the sky is far away, called out to the sky but can’t reach, called out to the ground but not heard.

I suddenly got myself goose bumps, guiltily do not dare to back at Lu Feng, energetically walked even faster.

Able to hear Lu Feng in the back were chuckled loudly “Hey, why you suddenly look so frightened.”

You, can you don’t laugh until so evilly, no matter how, here is still a public place and perhaps have some hidden camera, don’t tell me you want to broke the law?

As expected only able to escape in two steps then suddenly get caught by him and even shoved on the fence.

“How dare you, have nerve dare to hit me.” He frowned and lowered his voice beside my ear, frankly being rudely pulled out my shirt from my long pant, and then one bite on my neck.

I palpitating struggled on to his arms, tomorrow still got classmates reunion, I do not want to be covered with red marks while running here and there “You, you still dare to do it, then I am going to yell!!!” In such a broad daylight (?)  Still want to force people to do this kind of thing, this guy it is really so immoral.”

“You shout ah.”

Bloody shameless, where are you touching?!!

Wuwuwuwuwuwu, traffic police, where have you guys gone, I beg you guys faster appeared, want to fine me how many ticket also no problem, wuwuwuwuwu….

If is not in the critical moment, I keep on sneezing due standing on the high bridge and got blew by the sea breeze, I am afraid that guy really plan to do until the last step.

When Lu Feng showed out his attitude, he can so ignorant toward to the moral, laws and even people around him, however he will still afraid that I got cold and barely brake on the spot, so no matter how nasty is this person is, most of the he is quite lovely in my eyes.

T/N:… I just don’t like when Xiao Chen is siding on Lu Feng…Pftt but I can’t deny they are cute and that why I really wish them can stay lovely and sweet all the time…


Zhong Yang had bankrupt in last month, the chairman jumped down from 28th floor. Zhong Yang is once our long-term partner, although the company is fall apart, but originally the company is like a centipede, hard to die, not a need to walk until this step. There is no certainty of any confirmation news inside the internal, but we all know, due to we greatly get the benefits from the unexpected. Although this succeed can make people got chill, but the crowds are all still cheering.

T/N: In here is talk about how Xiao Chen view on Lu Feng and Zhong Yang is just a company…:3

During the celebration dinner, Zhu Sha secretly told me, ‘the boss is such a horrible man, you must be careful of him.’

I won't believe how horrible he can be. What I can see from Lu Feng is just he is a little grumpy, word worst a bit, being self-righteous a bit and a little bit of stubbornness, but his fundamental is a very sentimental man. Just like a tiger that is easily got angry but never ever bite human.

Probably because of this stubbornness of blindly awareness, let me who is stood in front of him after so many years later, but I could not able to recognize him.

The End

Maybe when one chapter contain sugar sweetness, I will just assume their youngster era is one of the sweet moment, when doing this chapter, my brain also imagine their expression, their body language...O.O!

Repost at 27.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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  1. The rape part I think is in vol 2 because I read vol 1 and it was not there

    1. Where i find 1 vol? I can't find this part. I realy want to read this novel. Can you help me? Please

    2. Vol 1,6,7 yoully find in watpad. 2,3 here. And 4,5 is ababo Qin language and yi Chang which is under construction. Hope this helps.


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