ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 10

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 10)

"Do you really think if you do like this will be very superior?" His voice suddenly turn sharp "Cheng Yi Chen, then how are you going to handle me?!"


“I can let go anything for you, then this is how you treat me?! So in the end I am what in your heart? You want to think about your mom, then your little brother and thenis Qin Lang?! My position is damn front ah.”

“I just don’t want make me mom go disappointed…”

“You are afraid that your mom will disappointed, then how about my mom?” He coldly looked at me “Do you think I break relationship with her, it is a must to do it? Do you really think when you are with me, only you are the one who being sacrifice?”


“You can always be considerate so much for other people, why it is must missed me out? Marry?! Have you ever think for me? Then what about me? What if your mom doesn’t let you divorce? Me and your forever will be sneaky in relationship?! You want me to retreat until what extent?”


“Even I am guilty to everyone also want to keep you safe, what about you? Why you choose to feel guilty on me?”


“You want behave filial piety, then you shouldn’t together with me! Want to be in sneaky relationship with man, then want to have wife and children, continue the family line, be a good brother, be a great dutiful son, you really want to lead the life of a whore and expect a monument to one's chastity” He sneered “Where got such a good thing, in order to be with you, I can throw away all Family Lu’stuff, can let go of being Family Lu of second young master, you are great, afraid your mom go sad, can throw me aside and then go get married….”

He suddenly remembered something, then he smile stiffly “Or is it, all these are just excuses, maybe is because I am no longer Family Lu of second young master, you then….”

I baffled looked at him.

He paused, his voice become impatient and harsh “You cry for what! Don’t tell me I said wrong?!”

“You didn’t say wrong,” totally feel uncomfortable but still unable to find a word to say back “I am so jerk, so selfish, totally not deserve for you, together with me make you so sacrifice, so miserable, then we just break up only, isn’t that good enough!”

You go back continue to enjoy your glory and wealth, no need to sacrifice on me for nothing.

“…You try said it again?!” His face appeared to be scary “….Turn a big round, finally can said it out your real purpose?!”

I never think that he will stand up and fiercely kicked my back, when my face fell down on the floor, he rudely using his one leg and step on it “Break up?! In this time, you intend to make a clean break, En?! How many times I had warned you? Cheng Yi Chen, is it usually I had doted you so much, make you took too much of granted, until forget what kind of people I am? You dare to say again and see?!!!” He aggravated the strength on the knee, pain until I breathe a cold gas.

“Break up!!! I said break up!!” pain until the voice also become trembled, the anger and the pain make me can’t help but make my mouth become more stiff, “Should early break up with you, you this kind of people….Don’t think that I do not know anything,….You can use kind of methods, the director of Zhong Yang also got forced to die by you, before the accident, he came and beg to you, don’t think I do not know….Is you who forced him to commit suicide, you…Even him being your partner for so many years yet you don’t let go, I can consider what? There is no guarantee that who know one day you will kick me away, turn around and be stranger….Might as well early break up, so I no need to jump down from 28th floor, you…”

“Pa!”(slap sound)

The suddenly attack make me dazzle for a long time, face is burning pain, there is humming and buzzing inside my ear.

“I am really….treat you too kind…..” Able to hear the voice out from his teeth, “Allow you to have courage to say nonsense in here….”

Haven’t understand what he plan to do, body then raise up to the sky, and then heavily thrown on the bed, he movement neatly used his tie and tied my hand and feet on the bed. I became panicked and baffled looked at him.

“You no need to worry, I don’t have that kind of hobby.” He grinned but it is not gentle at all, “I just don’t want you to run here and there when I am not around, too bad don’t have tranquilizer, if got then one shoot can save lot of trouble.”

 “What you want to do ah?!!!”

“I now go out to get flight ticket, you today must go with me. Leave this place then you won’t think nonsense.” He paused “Also, might well solve out some trouble, example, talk to your mom and your little brother…You can rest assured, I won’t be like you being so woman, so soft-hearted, do things clumsily, I naturally can do it more clean and beautifully than how you do it.”

T/N: 妇人之仁(fù rén zhī rén) It mean behaved like a woman that being soft-hearted and did not see stuff in big picture.

T/N: 拖泥带水(tuō ní dài shuǐ) Do thing sloppily, make it more trouble and trouble.

“You don’t go ruined it!!” I struggled “You and them can discuss about what?! You only will make things go even worse, you….LU FENG!!!!!”

He ignored my scream and protest, pushed the door and went out.

Vaguely can hear outside the door got my little brother’s voice, probably is my imagination, I have no intention to identify, twisting my wrist and ankle in struggle for a long time, no more strength and fall back to the bed, feeling angry and anxious, feeling so messed up. He is that kind of unreasonable man go and confront with my mom, will only make it worst, causing trouble, this man is simply self-righteous until so detestable.


Tied to the bed and unable to move, angry but could not do anything.

Blurred then slowly go to sleep, suddenly there this inexplicable pain on my waist, I immediately jumped up, burst out a cold sweat but nothing happened.

I don’t know why, my heart beating very fast. As if sense something that is horrible scary, as if sooner later will lost something.

Fortunately Lu Feng back home safe and sound, the moment see him expressionless pushed the door, I feel relaxed, don’t want to care much about the silt mark from hand and feet, fearfully shouted at him “ LU FENG!”

Just now I still thought…I am afraid he won’t come back.

My worriedness end up making him feel a little better, sat beside me and took out the binding “Is it pain?”

“My mom, she never said anything?”

He frowned “I never go find her. You don’t think too much, holiday going over soon, we go back to Town S, she also cannot do anything on you.”

Listen to his tone as if nothing had happened.

But the anxiety feeling that slowly crawling is what?

Until the next day Qin Lang red eyes rushed in, I still haven’t think how serious issue had become


I never seen before Qin Lang out of control, he frantically and one punch on Lu Feng’s face, Lu Feng unguarded back one step, covering his face and there on his fingers, there this faintly bloodstains seeped out, I then alert and pushed Qin Lang “Are you crazy!!”

 “I am crazy, you can ask him.” Qin Lang got a bit incoherent, his red eyes are like a beast expression “You ask him!!! What he had did….he…Yi Cheng’s legs are broken, do you know or not!!”

Every each of his word, I did listen problem but why I don’t understand what he meant.

“What are you saying?” I beg and looked at him and then looked at Lu Feng “….What happen?”

Who can tell me, his sentences ‘Yi Cheng’s legs are broken?’, is what meaning?

Lu Feng blankly looked at me.

I even looked at him more blankly.

Still I finally see my little brother lying on the bed in numb, although it look so unrealistic, but I know his legs cannot move.

“Brother, why you come?” Yi Cheng’s expression seem like he doesn’t care at all “I am really ok, don’t trust that charlatan’s word, I am really ok…”

If is really nothing…Why your face look so pale?

“You go home bah.” He grinned “I am really ok, you no need to worry, brother, I am alright, I am really alright, you go back, I am ok….”

I feel like I understood, but also feel puzzled.

I want to touch his legs, why suddenly cannot move? How can it not move?

Yi Cheng love to run, love to jump, he still want to play guitar on the stage, he also intends to save enough money for the end of the year to buy car, to take me out to play….How can it be broken? You promised me to take me out for drive, you clearly had promised me…

Lu Feng only said “I did not mean it.”

I getting more puzzled, I looked in front of me the tall man, and then looked again my hand. I think should I harshly beat him, but so what.

So when you said you going to discuss with them, is like this.

“I just pushed him….” Lu Feng reached out to pull me, I step back one step to push him away. “Xiao Chen, you don’t like this,…You believe me, I really did not do anything on him…”


The sky seem dark, the injured on his face seems became blurred.

“You don’t come find me anymore.”

The man in front of me, I love him more a bit, or hate him more a bit?


“I and your little brother fell into the water, if you only can save one, who will you save?”

I will save Yi Cheng.

What if you hurt my most important little brother, what will happen to me?

Can I still…Like last time…Continue to love you?

The End
Extra Fun Part: After Xiao Chen rushed to him:-

A: Xiao Chen awake and rushed up…Grabbed on Qin Lang’s neck (?) blue veins vividly showed on his forehead “WTH you dare to hit my man?! And hit on his most valuable face?! You make my family in the next half year doesn’t have any income, I am going to fight with you…”

B: Lu Feng in the another side began to snap his fingers, Xiao Chen awake and rushed up….Block in front of Qin Lang with infinite fear “Husband, you no need to bother about him…Yi Cheng still young, cannot be widowed ah…”

C: Xiao Chen awake and rushed up….Take cotton bud to stuff his man’s nose “Told you de, told you don’t eat malat hotpot, your fire so big, even nose bleeding…”

Qin Lang squatted in the corner and daze to his own swollen like a bun and said “Fxck, Fxck… Why it is always I am the one who got hurt….”

Conclusion: Invincible Iron King of Lu Feng’s face…Really cannot get beat one…(By Lan Lin)

Did I mention before that Vol 2 isn't my fav volume, I somehow omitted Vol 2 memory but when I trans back, all my feels, blade stab onto my heart all out..Boo~!
So stress ah...T_T Finally can understand how Lan Lin felt when she said that her whole spirit out from her body after writing Vol 2, not to mention she plan to stop at Vol 2 that time...(I mention in my insta and wattpad  before) LOL!

Alright...Wish you guys have a nice weekend and also maybe weekday?? *3*~~

Repost at 30.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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  1. so sad now i will have to dream about this chapter while sleeping TT i should have stopped in the new year chapter to get happy dreams TT


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