Pandora Box (3)

This is under Xiao Chen POV

Xiao Chen who came back from super market carried those plastic bag and rushed to the kitchen , those that need to put inside refrigerator, need to marinated, need to be washed already quickly done by Xiao Chen. After settle all these, Xiao Chen went to bathroom with his all smelly sweat.

The time is not that early, maybe few more hour, the kids will get back from school and the big man will get back from work. Before that, Xiao Chen had to make sure he took his bath and since the weather is hot, and the house is full of sweaty men will come and rush for the bathroom. Xiao Chen also have to make sure the food is ready on the table for those men who only will shout for hungry once they back , 6-7 dish is not enough for them. Everyday Xiao Chen had to think what to cook for them is more than enough. Xiao Chen thought while taking his bath. Then when those men is finished their bath, Xiao Chen need to make sure before lunch had to settle those laundry, those that need machine wash and hand wash had to be separated.

Sigh, today forecast said will be heavy rain, Xiao Chen think he need to on the dryers to dry those clothes? Xiao Chen also has to think what kind of fruits to eat after lunch? Everything also need Xiao Chen personally do, he sure is a busy household man. Just then, he heard the door opened. Xiao Chen was shocked, who else will it be? Well who else if is not Lu Feng? Already known him for quite a long time, both also big men, Xiao Chen doesn't need to feel shy even Lu Feng is just standing on the door and looked at him naked.

Xiao Chen washed away the bubble and glared at Lu Feng "Why come back? Don't have meeting?"

"I passed to Ke Lou."


Lu Feng sure answer like he is so right.

Xiao Chen said "Like this cheat Xiao Le, you really have the nerve to do it."

Lu Feng leaned on the door, like he is so correct "What is the wrong with it? I got reason to absence."

"Reason to absence?"

Lu Feng continued "I missed you."

After all these years, the way of Lu Feng said romantic word never improved at all. Xiao Chen then said "together in the same house, everyday see, miss for what?!"

Lu Feng seriously looked at Xiao Chen "Is not related at all. Just like now, stand in front of you, I will still miss you."

This whole sentences that came from Lu Feng is actually very normal, for Xiao Chen, he understand those feeling. If in this world only left both of them, doesn't need more conversation, just stare at each other will do and this make them both satisfied with it. However for Xiao Chen, there are too many obstacles for them. Normal day seem is ok but if is more than that then, he will feel not right.

Frankly speaking, for Xiao Chen, they both doesn't deserved all these happiness. He then cruelly said "I am having bath."

Lu Feng smiled "I can see that."

Xiao Chen then said "Then why you are still standing here, what you want?"

Lu Feng laughed "I am thinking what you thinking."

Xiao Chen sternly glared at him "Shameless!"

Lu Feng look another side, raised his eyebrows "Sigh, I also never said what I am thinking."

Xiao Chen never wore his contact lens but he can see how lovely Lu Feng expression is. Around few minutes, Lu Feng doesn't have any intention to go out from the bathroom. Xiao Chen said "Hey, you are still consider a very well known human in T city, in this early morning, already start being shameless?"

Lu Feng smiled widely "Even my pride, I also don't want, so?"

Xiao Chen speechless.

Lu Feng continued said "I just want you only, it is more than enough."

Xiao Chen's heart suddenly got that feeling of getting shot by a gun again, something crisp and soft, something sour and pain. Feeling so mixed. In his not so romantic sentences, Xiao Chen does feel sentimental about it.

Then Xiao Chen cleared his throat and said "the kids will be coming back around 5 minute, still can able to do it."

Lu Feng stared at him. "You dare to do it and see.

Xiao Chen acted serious "alright, I am wrong, should be 6 minute."

Lu Feng grinned his teeth "you asked for it."

...(Our beloved Lan Lin omitted haha!)

Xiao Chen effortless grabbed on Lu Feng's shoulder, scolded " You enough already or not? Are you a beast?"

Lu Feng chuckled "Yes, I am a beast."

...(Our beloved Lan Lin omitted again)

The End.
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