ARTTL:- Vol 2 Chapter 9

(ARTTL Vol 2 Chapter 9)

Once mom woke up then she drive us away, she was emotional, completely in a chaos, even speak also not that clear, just blindly cry while curse. Make me feel worst is when she keep on scolding Yi Cheng, from beginning till the end also never look at me, as if I am not her son.

I make her too disappointed, even the qualification for her to lecture me is gone.

I did not go back with them, alone feeling loss walking around at outside the hospital, and then back to the ward door.

“Mom….” Gently pulled the door, the room is quiet, mom half-closed eyes lying on the bed, saw me come in also never give any reaction, her energy seems to disappeared together with just now her anger.


Why you did not say anything, it is obviously when I am young that time, you are the most dear for me, even during high school third year that time, you also will secretly behind dad to call me, secretly ask little brother that my money is enough or not, recently gain weight or lose weight, in new school, will let other bullied or not…Even you don’t say, I always knew you had been worried about me, the sweater you been weaving, it is obviously weave for me, right?

She heavily breathe twice, there this muddy sound inside her trachea, ‘gulugulu’, it is very suffering.
Make me want to cry after listen.


“You no need to call me mom, since you from young till now, also never treat me as your mom.” She heavily panted “You also no need to cry, I also can’t live long, wait till I die then you guys want how then how, just take it I never born both of you.”

“Mom….” I really want to be back like when I was young that time flutter to her arms and cry out loud, however I am already this big, yet she shrink into short and thin kind of old woman. All of sudden, besides sobbing loudly while wailing for mom, I couldn’t even say anything.

“I born two sons for family Cheng end up wasted.” She cried while complained. “Been raise both of you so big, yet go out and make all the scandal, wasted give birth to two sons, two sons….Family Cheng’s bloodline going to end.”

Both of us lower out sobbing, none of us had move, the night light shadow slowly spread inside the room that did not turn on the light, in this quiet surrounding only left her she murmured while sobbing “Wasted give birth to two sons, two sons…”

“Mom, you don’t blame us….” I sobbing while wanted to hold her skinny hand, but she just throw off.

“Mom.” I feel a bit uncomfortable retreat back my hand, take the cup. “You should eat medicine.”

“No need eat, eat also waste money. Why not just die early, also can fulfill you guys’s heart.”

“You don’t say like this…If don’t eat will not recover, mom…”   

Mom stubbornly looked other side, don’t want to look at me who is putting the medicine and warm water near her mouth.

“You guys are big, no need to listen to me, I also no need to eat medicine, still have to die anyway, early go find you dad, still got a companion, than better seeing you both of you doing such a shady scandal. You both go far far away, no need to admit me this kind of mom, I had never born such a shameless sons, not like a male nor like a female….” The more she said, the hurried she got anxious “If both of your eyes still got me this mom, then immediately say clearly toward both the men. See both of you want mom, or want those wild men!”

 “Or else wait till I die, wait when I die, you guys want to live how then live how, since I and your dad at down couldn’t care much. Or not find a girl to marry, have a clean cut relationship with man…”

“Mom, cannot, it is impossible for me to separate with him…”

She gasped, trembling while closed her eyes a while “….raised you till so big, all wasted…Alright, no need care about you, you can happily have life with men, I still have Yi Cheng, he just confused for a moment,  I go find him, I do not believe both of my sons also don’t want to admit me, I….”

 “Yi Cheng also…”

“You don’t talk rubbish, if you didn’t make Yi Cheng learn bad, how can he do such thing!”

I baffled, sipping my mouth and bowed down, did not said anything, yet tears slowly gathered altogether.

“We family Cheng, less you one, still got one more son, you just go, no need care about my life, no need at here to be a hypocrite.” She again starts to feel her breath running fast, her sound also shaken up. “Family Cheng….there must be one to continue the family…line, should have one….I born two sons, should have one…”

One breath cannot continue up, I immediately go over her, used my energy to force her gas out, fed medicine to her, slowly rubbed on her chest “Mom, you don’t go anxious…Feeling a little better? Is it still feeling stuffy? Mom….Mom….”

Her breathing gradually become stable, stared at me, her eyes suddenly tears “Xiao Chen ah, is it mom very bad ah.”

“…..” I hold my tears while shook my head.

“Mom is not trying to force you both, both of you is I born, how could I want you both to suffer…”She groping around her arms to find something out “Even money, mom also not willing to spent, you see…Already save up so much, one cent also never use it, all save up is for you to build your family…”

I couldn’t speak anything, only keep on shook my head. Can feel my throat is super uncomfortable.

“No matter how is mom, mom still wanted you guys do be good, mom also had no choice…” The old woman who clutched on my hand cried like a little child “Xiao Chen ah, you are big brother, you are more sensible than Yi Cheng, you know mom’s difficulties, you also don’t blame on mom….”


Walk out from hospital, whole energy had been drained out from the body, the feet also cannot stand still. Already said our kind of love is how desert and rebel, still it is no harm to other. However we had clearly hurt her.

Lu Feng had been waiting on me, he got a little bit nervous when he saw me that time, but in the end did not ask anything, just said “Your eyes very swollen.”

Little brother and Qin Lang’s case is all his fault, but I can’t bear to blame on him.

He just sat beside me, pulled my hand over him, wrapped together with his palm, without any word, just silently look at our hand that grip together.

“Lu Feng, my mom condition is very bad.”

“En?” He raised his eyes, not that instantly and stares at me.

“She insisted want a grandson….I and Yi Cheng, cannot both of us also disappointed her, so, I….”

 “What?” His voice is not what I expected to be agitate, instead very calm.

波澜不惊 (bōlán bù jīng)- It is mean something should be make everyone got shock/worried/excitement yet turn out everyone have this calm reaction. So I trans it into very calm.

“Yi Cheng is not that sensible, he and Qin Lang are like a kid….I am thinking, should I….” His calm gave me courage to continue, I swallow “Married first…You give me few years of time, wait till I able to give her some responsibility, and then….”

“This is your plan?” He suddenly asked “You had decided?”

“I am still thinking about it…” I am being honest.

“Do you really think if you do like this will be very superior?” His voice suddenly turn sharp “Cheng Yi Chen, then how are you going to handle me?!”

The End.


By the way, I know most comment will be saying mom is selfish but it is very normal in asian country, I am serious with this and I somehow heart broke to pieces when translate mom's part...T3T...Booo~~~!! So I will ignore those harsh comment to mom or not I will start a fight again....*That how I feel in my insta, not going to repeat same mistake*

Just throw what in wattpad in here:- Yes, I once wrote a harsh sentences like this..Can skip oh~!

Personal thought and if you guys don't want think much, just skip this part, skip this part, skip this part...(Important thing must mentioned three time)

I want to say to those who read my trans...
I don't know how is other translator since I am not really a novel person but I know most other translator is awesome and great, have a nice translate and also a good personality.

I am not a nice person, I do what I like and also have my own weird pattern... I don't really expect any readers to like me, not expectation then I won't feel disappointed too...Simple as that.;O ̄)

Yesterday saw one of wattpad user said this "one bad comment and mood is ruined. Why does she read them? She can skip but she can't right?" <----yesterday a="" at="" because="" can="" comment="" friend="" hold="" how="" human="" i="" kind="" my="" o:p="" of="" rant="" responsibility="" s="" said="" she="" shouldn="" stand="" t="" that="" then="" thing="" this="" wattpad="">

Well, let me say something first, yes rant is not good but is my friend wattpad, for you guys to skip it because the rant is always after the end of the story of that chapter, not between...For us that not to skip it or ignore the comment because we got notify by you guys. Just like whenever I got notification, I will got nervous, thinking what kind of comment I will get this time, it is something that I said I don't want it to be repeated yet human still saying it which is 'thanks'... I ignore and most of the time won't even comment even after the thanks, it will be how human said about the story which I am more appreciate...

There is someone who done a better job in ARTTL novel...Seriously is much better than me. Sometimes I don't understand why I still doing it? Maybe is love for ARTTL, maybe because one wattpad user still willing to read what I trans, maybe?? I really don't know....

Alright, need to mediate myself again...Namonamonamo~~

Repost at 30.11.2016 by ShaoYe
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  2. don't feel bad by reading those comment.I know i'm late to tell that but i wanted to comment it. i think you have done a great job.

  3. Thank you so much for translating and let us read this captivating story.


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